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10 Aug 2024

Blonde hair
Ex-friend / Ex best friend


my dream was so weird okay first one was like i was at school / a theatre in the school i guess and then i didnt know where to sit and i just sat in the back and then my teacher was talking and this blonde guy sat by me he looked annoyed and he talked to me he was like “you new?” and i said yeah and some guys tried talking to me they were a group and then the blonde guy just stood up and took me to thre front row, and then people were performing on the stage and stuff and like singing and then i thought the teacher was picking off of who auditioned because i originally thought she was just doing row by row but she was doing random people then she said my name and i was so shocked and nervous and i stood up walked to her and made up excuses and then she said i was gonna sing HOT TO GO! and i was like that song is inappropriate? and she said for me to edit it a bit so its not and. i just agreed i guess and then i dont know why but i saw there was 4 open seats in the back and i just decided to sit there and the group of guys werent talking to me thankfully and then i saw this girl sitting next to my seat talking to the guy that had me sit with him and i waited til i could and i got up and sat back into that seat and then the girl walked away to do her singing and then she screamed in the mic and then i woke up, and then the second dream was so me and my 3 random friends were at my house for Christmas it showed that and then it went to where everyone was back at home yk and the me my character i walked to my ex friends house and i guess we lived ON the lake? like the water and it snowed on it and then the lake was frozen and we all lived in a cabin and i walked to the ex best friends house and he walked out with coffee or something and then i slid towards him and the ice broke and then he looked at me and i got out of the freezing cold water and i was mad i said “you stole my gift.” and he went “no i didnt?” and i went “yes you did its that package at ur door!” and he looked and then he looked at me, also he was wearing this long yellow rain jacket and he had brown hair and anyways he looked at me “no your not getting it” and i looked at him kinda upset and mad now i looked at the ground and went “look, bea wanted me to give glory her gift. can i please have it? shes gonna be upset.” and he hesitated for a second and sighed and went “fine. ill send it to your house.” and then i went home, and i got the package i then opened it so i could wrap and it and i saw it was a video tape and i was curious so i watched it and so it (THIS IS THE WEIRD PART TW) so it was my friend it was my irl friend named caylee but in this her name was bea so i watched the tape, it was a video of her and her dad talkinf she said “what are u getting me for Christmas?” D is dad D:”What do you want?” B is Bea B:”i dunnoo…” and she giggled saying that D:”hm? whats so funny?” he said smirking sitting on the chair B:”well i have an idea..” she was fidgeting with her fingers D:”and that is?” GUYS!! TWW!!! “backshots..” D:”Really? sure i can give u that” and then she looked shocked and he stood up and a little sister walked in and talked to the dad and then left and then bea was like bending over and then the video tape stopped and i looked shocked and i was just thinking “if bea was giving glory this was it just for her to see? that’s disgusting..” and then i told the ex friend and me and him were both shocked and then i woke up !😃😃




DreamApp: Journal & Dictionary

DreamApp provides an answer for what you saw in your dreams immediately after you wake up.

10 Aug 2024



I was at a big indoor palyground and they had an obstacle course and I thought if I just keep going fast and held on tight I could do it and I got through the first part fine but when I jumped to the next section I almost didn't make it, I just barely caught myself with one hand holding the edge of the platform and I had use a lot of muscle to get my other hand up and pull myself up then I jumped to the next part and it was a blow up part (image a bounce house) but it was shaped like a T and had a question on it from some quiz and I held on really tight but because it was blowup it could shift under weight a small bit and it had shifted so it was leaning my way and I couldn't pull myself up so eventually I fell off and went to play on a different part and some guy came up to me with his phone and it had a quiz questions on it he wanted help with (like one of those mobile games for your brain) and I said I saw another question like that and so his wife came with me to the obstacle course and I showed her and we made it to the next part this time but the next part was the floating platforms designed to look like clipboards and they would fall away if you went on one and I was trying to be fast but I just wasn't quick enough and couldn't jump far enough so I'd grab an edge and try to pull up and so it would start falling as I jumped so I wouldn't make it all the way again, so I did the obstacle again and I thought to myself about needing to think outside the box for a solution and eventually I came up with an idea and I shapeshifted into a cat and ran across the platforms and jumped into the end tunnel and shapeshifted back as I rode the slide down and I had the thought in the slide that I was being tested on my magic abilities and then I got to the bottom of the slide and the lights were half off and Sun from FNAF was there (no other humans were around anymore) and I caught just glimpse of him walking then a glimpse of Moon from FNAF (in FNAF they share a body, Sun is good and like light, Moon is evil and likes it dark) and then Sun came right back as the lights came fully on and he said "just kidding, sorry but I had to turn the other lights back on" and then another portion of lights went out so he left to go turn it on again and I walked around and eventually saw these two smaller star and crater characters (they were like half my size) and I just knew they were trying to get Moon to come out so I ran around to try and find Sun to warn him and not get caught by the other two and I found him by some breakers turning lights back on and I explained the other two that I saw and he looked startled and then my alarm woke me up.

10 Aug 2024



I dream that I was on a Truck and it was Dawn.. The driver was a strange man... I asked him, "where are we going?" He didn't respond and continued driving in a turn.. Which made me feel anxious.. Then we arrive at a gate house.... The gate was probably yellow... I couldn't get a grasp since it's dark... Then, we get inside Inside, was a Man and a Woman I assume Husband and Wife, They're fighting. The Man was abusive and hurt the Woman. And the Woman even choked blood.. The woman ran away and the man followed her. Then he came back but now with many hands and laughing. the Strange guy I'm with couldn't watch still and beat up the Man... Then, after that there's a wolf man and a little man fighting... The little man was helpless.... He's getting beat up. After that for some reason he beat the man... Then, I saw Sheldon, yes Sheldon from a series or so... He was solving a math equation and saw the beat up wolf... But he just grabbed a bottle of wine and poured a glass of it... Then, I saw his family in some kind of fight... Pretty intense yes.. Then, I remember I'm outside... It was snowing.... And almost everything is snowing beside the dark starry night. Then, I saw this white fox... This fox seems to be observing me... And for some reason I felt threatened since I have food with me... Or maybe... I'm the food... Well either way there's a trash bin and so but in the end the Fox didn't attack me.. I'm just wary of the fox

10 Aug 2024



I had a dream that the Teletubbies were over at my house. I was having a fun time with the red one but everyone else seemed off. My mom then pulled me away and said to me that there is something wrong and that the blue teletubby was eerily tired all the time, the purple one was weird and the green one was just straight up weird. The red one was the only nice one. I was the wandering around when I noticed that the green and purple one were staring at me. The green one strangely had lazes coming out of his head vertically and horizontally. It was weird. Then my mom told me that the red one left. I then look back and see that the rest are chasing me. I rushed to the patio and tried to jump the fence, but it failed. So I opened and closed the fence and rushed to the door but I was slightly slowed down. I dont know if they jumped to fence or not but I think they did. I then woke up.

10 Aug 2024



So I was in a room full of people and all these frogs started coming into the room and they were getting closer and closer to us and I knew they wanted to attack us so I started pushing the frogs away but they just kept coming more and more until eventually they were so close I had to make an escape and the room was full of people so I had to push my way through people I was falling over people and finally I made it out the back door without getting a single frog on me and then I was outside and decided to play a game where we had to befriend a spider because the spider wouldn't attack us and it was a three versus each other and one of the other two befriended the spider first and won the game and I didn't want to get bit so I took off again I jumped in this plane and started to fly away but someone had set us on fire so I started to go down into the ocean and it was a pedal plane so I was kicking the pedals and the back tail of the plane was keeping me afloat as I glided into the ocean

10 Aug 2024



This is the second time I’ve had a similar dream. I was at my friend Cory’s house that he had bought because him and his girlfriend were expecting a baby or maybe they had the baby and then it died. Either way, the baby is no longer in his life. The house was huge, like an outdated corporate building that had been turned into a home. There was a secret door that went into an entirely different house within the house that Cory had prepared for the baby. It was a massive nursery filled with so many things. He had his mother’s antiques and everything she had left him when she passed away like collectibles. There was a row of rooms, like hospital rooms over looking the big nursery room and Cory said he had prepared all of them for people to stay in when they came to visit the baby. Because the baby passed away, he never went into this part of the house ever. He stayed away from it. But he took me there to show me it. He had a small blue and white tea set he was holding and it had a red flower on it. He said “I’ll leave the flowers up to Channing.” I’m not sure what that meant but he said “Of all the people I’ve met and things that have happened, no one has ever made me feel like I did the day I met you.” He had a few items with flowers on them that he showed me that reminded him of me. I stayed at Cory’s house that night just as friends and I snuck into the secret room where the giant nursery room was and the hospital-style rooms and started looking through all of the things. He has personal items, baby items stock piled, just thousands and thousands of dollars of things just sitting there brand new, unused. It was really sad.

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