Dream interpretation about Friend, Future, School, Life, Breaking, Children, Class, Sense, Top, Looking, Library, Figure, Order, Ask, Helping
I was at a school campus. I was instructed by a school official that in order to achieve something important related to my success as an attorney, I had to register some specific information. My future career in law depended on this. I don’t remember exactly what anymore, but it made sense in the dream. Although I sought the information from several places, I couldn’t figure it out, and I became frustrated and upset. Someone advised me that my old law school friend, Alaina, knew the answer. In real life, she transferred from the top of my law school class to Georgetown law school because she is that brilliant. But in my dream, she was at the school campus I was at. It didn’t look like my actual law school. I found Alaina very busy among children in the library. I didn’t know how to ask her for the answer at first because she was so preoccupied helping the school. I sat in the library in her vicinity, defeated, and broke down crying. When she saw me, she realized what I needed help with and gave me the answer.
Dream date:
4 Jan 2024
Emotional tone:
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