Dream interpretation about Died, Blood, Fear, Choking, Police, Suffocating, Mad, Stuck, Life, Body, Girl, Man, Middle, Floor, Looking, Part, Sky, Bleed, outside, Throat, Gas Station
First I was mad at someone, I believe a man that I had connection with personally in the dream but not in my real life. I got upset and I was already depressed. I was in a gas station store and then suddenly it switches perspective of this black police officer looking for me. I’m in first person view of the police officer. I’m looking around, then I turn the corner and find myself which is a girl on the floor. I see her bleeding with her wrists cut a lot of times and her throat bleeding, I don’t think slashed but just bleeding. However right as I see her, I quickly switch back into the perspective of the girl. I feel myself suffocating and choking on a razor blade stuck in the middle of my throat. It is not able to go down my throat since the sharp parts are not allowing it to go down. I’m choking on my blood and the blade blocks my airway even more. The blade cut my throat so bad and that’s why it’s bleeding from the outside. I feel myself dying, my body is hot and the fear starts to go away. I look up at the ceiling and sky feeling myself die. I’m dying in my dream but it feels calm. I don’t feel my body as much anymore; in the dream i mean. But even in my dream, I feel like I genuinely can’t breathe and feel slight pain. I don’t taste the blood but it feels too real. Then i wake up quickly.
Dream date:
26 Jan 2024
Emotional tone:
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