Dream interpretation about Cockroach, Holiday, Aunt, Animal, Beach, Cousin, House, Reason, Barefoot, Sand, Watch, Back, Foot, Seven, Thought, Walking, Way, See, Bunch, Ground, My House, Pretty
I was on holiday in Australia with my auntie and cousins. We were on a narrow white beach, and for some reason, I was walking across it barefoot as some kind of challenge to see if I would encounter any strange animals in the sand, and my auntie and cousins were watching me from afar. I was doing pretty well until the way back when I encountered a bunch of black spiders/some kind of bugs in the sand, so I propped myself up on the handles of the wooden jetty which went across the beach horizontally, so as not to touch the ground. Also because the sand was very hot and was becoming unbearable on my feet. Then my auntie and cousins came over to me and were like 'I told you that you wouldn't be to do it' and thought my challenge was foolish. Then we started talking about some random thing with each other, and then I teleported to some random building, and then I teleported back to my house at 7 Bruce Crescent
Dream date:
1 Nov 2023
Emotional tone:
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