Dream interpretation about Sex, My crush, School, Breaking, Teacher, Couple, Cousin, Guy, Attention, Class, Period, Creepy, In Love
I was in school, I was specifically in my 7th period, and I think I had just gotten back from Thanksgiving break, which will be a couple days from me right now. And this one guy in my class, who apparently is technically my cousin, told me that he had a big-ass crush on me, and he wrote an entire song. And he was being really, really creepy, and he was telling me about how he knows that we're cousins, but he's just so in love with me, and he doesn't even care. He wrote an entire song about how he wants to have sex with me, and he wants to fuck me, and he was being really, really creepy. And I was trying to get teachers to help me, and they were being like, oh, just tell me right now, and he literally sat right behind me, and I was like, I can't, I can't tell you right now, I literally need you to pick me out of this class at this moment, so that I can tell you. But they were being like, oh, I'm sorry, I can't.
Dream date:
25 Nov 2023
Emotional tone:
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