Dream interpretation about Injured, Mother, Happy, Pet, Hugging, Mad, Help, Kittens, Arm, Cat, Hand, See, Way, Figure, Ask, Emotions, In Love
I had the same dream again, it was me taking an injured with me, well the white kitty chose me because he saw my good intentions and i pet him, so the small kitty hugged my arm, in a way that I interpret as "take me with you." and i was so happy to have found a kitten, so i take home, and i ask help my mother to treat the injured kitty, and she's was in love with the kitty, so she treats him, but it happens I accidentally made kitty drop by my hands, and the kitty seems so mad, and it doesn't want to be with me again, but what happens that kitty turns into small toy cat, everytime I hurt the kitty, he becomes a smaller and smaller toy cat figure, but with emotions, in the dream i always lose him and forget where I've put him and the cat hates and love me again and again, like a cycle.
Dream date:
8 Nov 2023
Emotional tone:
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