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Dream Interpretation: Kittens ๐Ÿ˜ด - What Does it Mean to Dream About a Kittens? Discover the significance of seeing a Kittens in your dream ๐Ÿ’ค - Get a free dream analysis to find out the interpretation if a Kittens appears in your dream โœ…

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๐Ÿ’กPossible meaning

Kittens in a dream symbolize innocence, playfulness, and curiosity. They may also represent a need for nurturing and care. Alternatively, they can indicate a fear of vulnerability or a desire for independence.

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๐Ÿงญ Direction


Think about your current situation and whether you need to be more playful or curious. Are you feeling vulnerable or in need of nurturing? Alternatively, are you feeling the need for independence? Consider how you can incorporate these qualities into your waking life.

โค๏ธ Feelings

The dream of kittens evokes feelings of warmth, tenderness, and innocence. It symbolizes a sense of nurturing and playfulness, reminding us of our own childlike nature. This dream may also represent a desire for companionship and the need to care for others. The presence of kittens in a dream can bring about feelings of joy, happiness, and a sense of comfort. It signifies a time of growth and new beginnings, as well as a reminder to embrace our softer, more vulnerable side. Overall, the dream of kittens elicits positive emotions and a sense of connection to our nurturing instincts.





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14 Jul 2024



i had a dream i was in my old house with my family from another country and was taking care of stray kittens

1 Jul 2024



I was in my current home but it looked like one of my childhood homes on the inside. I was living with my ex husband but cheating on him with my current husband. My ex husband was cheating on me with the woman he actually cheated on me with. I was sleep in my room and my cat midnight laid on my back so I thought until I got up and realized it was a different cat. It was a bunch of cats in various rooms and a lot were kittens that I believed my cat moon had. It was cats everywhere. Some rooms had boxes in them stacked up. It was a lot of clutter. I argued with my ex husband about helping pay the bills after he revealed he spent over $700 in gifts at a Michael Kors store. I knew the gifts werenโ€™t for me and assumed they were for his girlfriend. I kicked him out of my room telling him to leave. He just grabbed his stuff and went to the next room. Two ladies showed up to talk with my daughter to evaluate her for school and say happy birthday. I grew angrier knowing my ex husband was still in the house and I snuck to the other room to yell at him and keep him completely out of the house. As he was grabbing his things the ladies completed their assessments with my daughter and we went downstairs to a surprise social distance birthday party for my daughter from teachers at her school.

9 Jun 2024

New Job
Being Late


I got a new job at a place I really want to work at. I was incredibly happy to be back to working there. I was also struggling with getting to work on time at my current job and I was thirty minutes late. I tried calling to let them know but I couldnโ€™t get my phone to work. I remember waking up in my dream and it still being dark outside. There were people outside talking although I didnโ€™t know who they were. My dog was laying next to me and she got up to go outside and bark at them. I also remember that I woke up and my two kittens were in my room which was weird because they always sleep in a crate in the living room so they had no business being in there. In my dream I remember bringing them in there the night before and falling asleep so when I woke up they were still there. One of the weirdest parts of the dream was when I woke up, there was this really loud noise coming from outside. I opened the back door and there were stars shooting across the sky so fast it was like someone put the sky on fast forward on the highest setting. After a few seconds it stopped and the sun started coming up.

9 Jun 2024



A ghost in the walls was a man with yellow eyes. Was after me and wouldn't let me sleep. In my closet coming out. Moving my stuff. In the walls when I was in the restroom. Then I was saving these kittens in the basement where the ghost lived at my old house as a child. My mom was like โ€œThere are kittensโ€ and I've had to pick them all up. But they kept coming more. Then a crazy girl broke in/man at some point. He was a guy with a sharp object. In my house, my mom ran outside for help. And I did too. My dad showed up to help but it turned into a girl in her 30โ€™s and she was mentally insane. She was kidnapping us. I asked her about the yellow-eyed man on the wall. Because she also lived in the wall and came from out the wall. My father said, โ€œDon't talk to her you don't want to trigger her, she will kill us.โ€ my father said, โ€œSorry about that.โ€ after that was weird. Later woke up and heard a little boy on my bed or a voice and felt a hand touch me. I had Fear and panic. and fell back to sleep to more of the ghost with yellow eyes. Then woke up to hear the little boy's voice. I said โ€œHello? JJ?โ€ I woke up and my brain was thinking has to be JJ's voice, it's a little kid? But it was not his voice. More a fearful voice and the scary voice of an innocent devil.

21 May 2024

Cat attack


Iโ€™m watching a calico female cat. She keeps getting bitten and attacked by a giant male orange cat. I walk around to the ditch where theyโ€™re fighting. I see a bunch of white kittens with one brown patch laying flat and lifeless all around. The father cat starts attacking the female cat too. She canโ€™t fend off both. I look away

2 May 2024



I have 3 new kittens i had a dream an aligator or crocodile was eating the kittens and you could hear the crunching of bones with each bite

14 Apr 2024

Lucid Dreaming


At my father's house someone left their kittens and I went to pick up a handsome man at the airport that I didn't recognize. Then we went back to my father's house and we knocked on the neighbors door bc we found a dirty cat pawing at her door so she took him in and we followed and she locked me in the shower and there was a lot of people watching me struggle. Then I started lucid dreaming and broke the glass before being pushed into the dream void

10 Apr 2024



Dreamed I was at an airport or something with my brother playing guitar hero. I went off to look around and saw something like a huge sewer/swimming pool system. There were two kittens that needed help because there were some kind of monsters chasing them. I did something to chase them off and my brother came looking for me because he was suspicious. I turned him around and yelled at him to leave me alone. I then went to grab the kittens who were suddenly scared of me. I picked them up and put them near these big intake valves and they swam in them and I saw them briefly before they were gone. I hoped they'd get out safely and turned back toward the airport and a lady found me and said they couldn't find me. That I'd have to wait till night before they could send me on a different airplane. I started walking up the stairs and then woke up.

10 Apr 2024

New Home


I'm unpacking boxes in a new home and the door bell rings. When I answer it the only there I'm a box postmarked Florida. I picked it up and heard the sound of a baby crying from inside. I rushed to open it , my heart in my stomach as dread spreads through my body. When it opens there are 7 kittens mowing at me.

6 Apr 2024



Me and my girlfriend weโ€™re in this abandoned house the floral wallpaper was chipping , my girlfriend walked into a closet bumped into something and hundreds of things started falling from the roof on her and then snakes started falling on JUST HER and we ran so fast and then this kitten was walking up to us and it was being attacked by the snakes, so we took the kitten and ran.

30 Mar 2024



Kittens that were injured as I got closer to inspect them. The grey kittens were in pain. They were cut bleeding and one of the kittens swallowed needles and had needles inside them. I was panicking to get them all off. I could hear the kittens cries.

26 Mar 2024



we had a dog who had a litter of kittens, our mom didnโ€™t allow us to have kittens so i was kinda sad cause there was an orange and a black one. my two fav cats. my mom looked at me and my brother looking really sad and said โ€œokay yall can each have ONE cat.โ€. i immediately started crying of joy and picked up the orange baby kitten, and said โ€œyou and me- are gonna run this world sherbertโ€. i went to the dollar store where i work and got a bunch of cat stuff, and i told my boss that i finally got to have a kitten. i showed pic of the kitten to her and we both just stared in awe.

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