Dream interpretation about Fire, Girlfriend, Leaving, New Job, Friends, Kissing, Alarm, School, Apartment, Girl, Reason, Boy, Dancing, Floor, Top, Going, Watched
I got a job at toy store. I’m working with two friends at toy store on the school campus. A fire alarm went off, causing me and everyone else working in the store to evacuate. I am going to the dance studio room in which my school cheer team was practicing. The cheer team consisting of many girls, and one boy and I watched them practice .the cheer team ended up leaving the room leaving me and another girl alone in there. I was sitting down on the floor when she pulled me backwards, laying me down flat on the floor and she came over top of me and laid a crossed on me. She then leaned in for a kiss and so do I and that the very last moment she leans back, just when I barely felt her lips then told her I was still going to pull back because I had a girlfriend, but I actually wasn’t going to.
Dream date:
13 Mar 2024
Emotional tone:
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