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Dream Interpretation: Witch 😴 - What Does it Mean to Dream About a Witch? Discover the significance of seeing a Witch in your dream 💤 - Get a free dream analysis to find out the interpretation if a Witch appears in your dream ✅

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💡Possible meaning

This symbol signifies feminine power and dominance. It suggests feminine energy inside of you needs to be expressed and allowed to use its ability to leave a mark. Sometimes you rely on others for their opinion; however, it's time to take charge and build your own experience.

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🧭 Direction


Sometimes our dreams act as premonitions or warning signs. Understand how your dreams make you feel. For example, if there is a fight against a witch in your dream, it indicates there is feminine energy inside you that you are not accepting and fighting against.

❤️ Feelings

The dream of a witch may evoke feelings of fear, unease, and uncertainty. It symbolizes the presence of dark forces, manipulation, and the unknown. This dream may leave one feeling vulnerable and powerless, as the witch represents a figure of evil and malevolence. It may also suggest a need to confront and overcome one's fears or to be cautious of deceitful individuals in waking life. The dream of a witch can be a reminder to trust one's instincts and to be aware of hidden agendas.





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Dreams of users containing the word Witch

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16 Jul 2024



witches were coming to get me and i woke up praying to God as i hear knocking on the door

12 Jul 2024



Stuck on a boat in the middle of the ocean in the apocalypse and with my kids and there’s evil witches coming out of the sea who turn into people we know and they’re trying to kill us wll. We either have to stay on the boat or find somewhere on land safer

30 Jun 2024



Basically I went to either a concert or show with my significant other and I couldn’t see exactly what it was but I was sitting next to him and he was stand-offish with me. I put my arm around him and his body language was cold definitely like girl I don’t want you touching me, vibes. Then when the show was over you he just walked away from me, no holding hands, no looking back to see if I’m there and I’m like okay I said to myself (in the dream) let me not overwhelm him with questions. I was starting at him walking away and then I turned in the opposite direction and saw a woman in all black, like a witch or death.

29 Jun 2024



I was kidnapped and made apart of this cult that kills people that have abused them. Torture them. And then when a member of the cult dies they string them up and burn them, dancing around them to send them off. Even insulting them to try to lighten the mood. It was like a big fucked up family. They were monsters but the love and comradey was real. They loved each other in a way I didn’t think was possible. And there was this dark haired man there. Was kinda like a ninja. He was obsessed or well in love with another member and kinda bullied them for attention. But secretly they’d kill anyone who hurt the. They watch them while they slept and studied anything they liked just so they could relate to them more. He was so desperate for this persons attention he was almost driving himself crazy tho everyone in the dream already seemed a bit crazy. There was a mentor lady that everyone loved. She reminded me of Miss Hoffman. She was so smart and wise and the day she died, the ceremony they performed was so very different from there usual. They did this dance were they summoned forth every element including lighting. And when they pushed over her burial- instead of insulting her like what was natural, they all ran forward and cried at the base of her shrine. Praying for her. Wishing her every good thing and to just be able to see her once last time. She was like a hero to these souls. She gathered cruel beings, killers, bad guys. And she’d find redemption in them. She’s give loveless people a family and purpose. They loved her on a way I’m not sure I could comprehend as I don’t ever really feel loved. She was extremely powerful and No one saw her death coming. Like she “gave up” her life for something. I saw a bunch of messy love stories within the dream. The final one being, a great love between a human Witch and a great Titan Prince. He was deathly sick to the point he couldn’t open his eyes or move. His family kept tryna feed him the human. Maybe to give him strength or something but he refused each time. Literally crying. The human was terrified of him cause he was so big. She was like the size of his cheek. But she did her best to relax against his skin because he was normally completely unconscious holding her in his fist. Everytime she’s tense a little his grip on her would tight painfully. She ended up realizing that he was protective of her unconsciously and didn’t realize was was the biggest threat when he squeezed her. If she wasn’t freaking out or his brothers threatening to feed her too him- She and the giant slept like kittens. When they both slept, the Titan didn’t look so scary and monsterious anymore. More like a younger kid holding on to his only life line. And sometimes, quite rarely, she almost seemed to cuddle into his face. To get closer to his warm. 800 or so years later the Titan wakes again and this time the witch girl is the one protecting them. She put a youth spell on herself so she can try to stay with the Titan because he’s like close to immortal and she was only meant to live a human life. But she can’t hold on much longer. The Titan doesn’t say anything as he’s basically just a little kid waking from a long nap. He doesn’t get angry as he can feel how weak her energy is. All he does is try to protect and persevere what little energy she has left. But he too is weak from 800 years of a coma like sleep. Not really eating or moving. Though he’s still extremely powerful. As soon as he awaking tribes start trying to hunt the two (for some reason 🤷‍♀️) as he brings her back to the mortal realm in hopes of giving her soul a lighter existence. He feels this despair, like no matter what he does he can’t save her. And it kills him because if she goes he knows he will not smile again. People are attacking left and right and she’s visually getting weaker and weaker. Her old age catching up to her now that he’s awake and refraining his strength. He knows she will die. Now I didn’t see this next part in the dream but here’s what I think happened. I think he cast some kinda forbidden spell or something to tie there souls together and force her into reincarnation. He would find her again and when he did he’d be a man, not a child. He’d keep her for real. Now to only find and convince her of that as there old situation wasn’t exactly a friendly one and he’s not sure if he even has a likable personality. She only knew him asleep. Also a lot of the monsters in the dreams. When they died, they’d be locked in these night cages and they’d be sad and lonely till random spirits would visit then they’d get all happy and dance around in there cages. Also the Titan had a grimoire of summoning to all his old friends real selves. Kinda like in fate stay night were you could summoning forth a champion but he was strong enough to summon as many as he wanted whenever he wanted. And the human he was facing casually summoned a copy version of stalker guy from earlier in the dream. He got kinda smirky and summoned the real original that easily kicked the humans ass. It was kinda funny to watch. I was the human in the dream that hadn’t died yet. Also the Titan at first looked like this massive scary pig man with tusks and shit. But later in the dream it was like he just turned into a really large young adult guy. Considered a young child amongst his species and hers. He had long, light orange like hair and light sun kissed skin. He looked like he was surrounded by sunlight light later on. Like really pretty

22 Jun 2024

Black Cat


Basically it started off in the train station I saw one of the girls I followed on instagram and approached her saying I like her jewelry cause she sell them online and we was getting along and stuff in the train station, she was showing me all the jewlery they were all like rainbow like how I want it and I'm like 000o these are pretty and then we saw a crystal table with this white women there she had a whole spiritual shop and we was just viewing the crystals the lights were kinda dim not that dim but had purple lights and candles lit up too and she she had a black cat she was white with long grey hair she looked like a beautiful witch I don't remember much but she pulled an empress card she was talking to me about a ritual to save something and she had a ritual candle I think it was purple??? But it kinda looked like my skull candle I can't but like coated in purple stuff and herbs burning it and it was a statue of a women a goddess next to it and she told me something I don't remember. And then my dream switched to land a beautiful place island and I saw all the people I used to work with and we was having fun saying we miss eachother we was playing in the water and seals was mainly there and stuff it was just fun the water was type clear but sandy at the same time and we was just swimming and running around and it was like them straw huts there we would run around and then we went canoeing, and then my pov switched to a small bridge with rocks and clear water sandy like flowing . then my dream switched again to this lady she was spiritual she was a black chubby women head wrapped holding a baby blue quilt and I was in her house with her grand baby I think and her hallway lights was flickering and stuff and she brought it up saying that stupid hallway or some, I was kinda nervous a bit but it really didn't affect me. We was talking about ghost and stuff and she had baby toys so the baby can play with them, and it was a horse one that caught my eye would run around with the baby. Dream switched again to another lady she was tall, black, skinny, with long hair wrapped in like them traditional scarfs she looked like she was in her 50s and elegant I was in a mansion it had old furniture also them African statues and stuff little ones on the shelves and stuff too and we was talking about spirits and how her mom and sister is here spiritually in the house, I was using the bathroom and then I see someone clapping like it was a faint shadow in front of me of a person and they was clapping in joy it was like a women and I told her about seeing a shadow figure clapping and she was like oh that's my mother or sister she's excited you are pretty she's giving you a compliment saying everyone would call you sexy or beautiful and then she smiled and giggles a bit, I'm like oh really thank you, and I was asking her while following her around in home asked her how do you know who's with you like spiritually like for example if my uncle was with me or someone...and she said something I don't remember the name it was something she takes and then she looked back at me smiling but I don't remember In the dream I was like is that mushrooms?? I was making a joke cause it sounded like a drug and she laughed a bit and was like no it's just ##### I'm like ok? and I wanted to continue to follow her we kinda went into a basement, but the dream ended WHICH I THOUGHT so boom I wake up in my bed and i start writing the dream that I just had in my journal but turns out THAT WAS A DREAM TOO.

20 Jun 2024



I was in the streets of Louisiana as a practicing witch/spiritualist, then I recognized Princess Tiana and her restaurant and I figured out that was the target building. So I managed to sneak in as they were on the brink of closing. But Tiana was no where to be seen. A white southern belle girl in a pink dress marched passed leaving a door open. So despite out of place I looked I slipped through. But turns out Princess Tiana had enlisted her “Friends from the other side.” She was the villain in this dream. So I was trying to avoid her through hide and seek, to grab two boxes. I can’t remember the first thing but I know the second was a few packs of opium. A security guard has been noticing movement so I had to dip fast. Then I found the door to jump outside from stories high. There was no stairs, but there was an orange cat mewling. I greeted her, and she acknowledge me, happy to see me ready to come with me. I looked to the right and the security guard started to pull up, and I looked back out of the window and noticed ladder like stairs. So I used those to get down to the orange cat safely. The cat leaped into my arms as we dipped away from Tiana’s restaurant. We jumped onto an armed speedboat, and sped down the river to get to the contact in the bayou. There were several, armed to the teeth, tanker boats who saw me as a illegal target. But before they could fire at me, I swaddled the orange cat close to my chest, to protect her from the loud sounds and debris. Before I fired mortars at each of the enemy tankers. Successfully blowing up several before they tried to corner me in the river bank, and I squeezed through and escaped, blowing up several more in my bayou swamp witch apparel. I made it to the pier, which was a shack with an older wispy haired, seemingly, white man. But he had Afro Centric facial features, along with a gnarly beard and a camo cap on. I dropped off his packages (the opium box and one other thing) from Villain Princess Tiana’s restaurant; and I took the time to get to know him and talk to him. Before I suddenly had to dip again. My orange cat had alerted me to enemies on the prowl, and I went further into the Louisiana bayou in quiet. When I woke up, a stray female calico passed me and headed towards the crates by the homeless shelter.

19 Jun 2024



December 22-December 23 ⁃ Influencer hosting a Live stream ⁃ Girl with long Dark brown hair ⁃ Scenery: Mary Baldwin University College Campus ⁃ Alligator in corner of swamp-like area on campus ⁃ Giant Hollow Tree ⁃ A crowd of people running and seeking safety ⁃ Snowstorm ⁃ A Black Winged Angel trying to escape alive ⁃ the black winged angel Struck by light showing her skull in different expressions ⁃ the Angel Summons a giant bird mount resembling the Pokémon, Honchcrow, that gets hurt ⁃ Angel barely surviving as more of the crowd falls ⁃ A (Undertale weapon from Sans the Skeleton) Gaster blaster (Skull) bursts out from giant hollowed tree to attack the black winged angel (I think this angel is a fallen angel) ⁃ “Ah! Cancer! So you are the source of this poison,” says the Fallen Angel ⁃ She sends a beam of Light down the Skull’s mouth sending it to the ground ⁃ 3 witches drag the giant skull inside of the hollow tree ⁃ “Hahahaha! Don’t worry we will take care of it!” is said by the witches in a stereotypical witch voice fashion.

17 Jun 2024

My crush


I had a dream I Was a witch in the coven American horror stories and I also had sisters that are on a different show I watched and one of the sisters had cancer and my sisters dared me to speak to my crush and seduce him it was originally my crush Andrew but he changed later but I was at this really old school I never been to in real life but my teacher wasn’t there nor was most of my class so I had to sit in someone else’s class room but it was very early like 6 in the morning but by the time got up to go talk to Andrew I got dismissed from class which was at 7 am and still dark I looked at the time and it was 4 pm and it started getting light outside so I go outside and call my uncle to pick me but he said he had to get ready so I just sat by these boys and one of them was apparently my “crush?” He had dark skin and dreads he was Kai cents but his name was something else and I accidentally sat on this abandoned dirty couch but after being told it was abandoned I got up and got on the bus to go to my grandmas neighborhood

13 Jun 2024

Abandoned home


The witch francesca had an area that she created to do her alchemy. There were several demons in her capture. When one of the demons would not comply she relased her magic from that area and moved on. I moved on with her. I asked her about things i wanted to conjur and manifest and she said i needed a specific stone to do so. She indentifed the demon that had it. I then journeyed through a wasteland of where her magic once was and many scavengers had been by to retrive items. I came across the other demons who i was surprised to find them alive and free. They explained that their stones had been deemed usesless without the combination of francescas magic. The demon i was looking for was unique. He could activate some power in the stone but the stone was lost. We were both journeying to the area where francesca had built her magic land as well as her prison for the demons. I reached the abandoned and broken prison before the demon and saw that the stone could be retrieved through building a plug connecting peice to a live wire out of the wall. The other wires had been sealed in makeshift ways. I just wasnt sure how to do it. I asked vance for help. And then i woke up

9 Jun 2024



So me and my girlfriend had a fluffy kid and we had to save the kid at some point and we also had a Cerberus dog and it was so cute and there were witches and demons and skeletons chasing after us and at some point the skeletons got all up in my face and there was this huge staircase that was super high and I went up it cuz I was being chased then all of a sudden I saw my girlfriend holding a chocolate bar so I jumped down and got the chocolate bar and we flew in our flying shopping cart.

31 May 2024



I had a dream I was on this big alien ship. The inside kinda resemble what I assume a large alien mall would look like. Yet very clean. There were plants and stuff growing normally on board too. Anyways this lady with bright red (super) curly hair dropped me off on earth saying I must save god. This was either the beginning or end times of earth. I’m not sure but earth looked like a frozen tundra with visible blue like energy flowing between the snow blanketed trees. It was Ethereal. I’m not gonna lie to you dream notes, I kinda wish I could see it irl. It was so pretty yet kinda spooky cause there weren’t any creatures seeming to inhabit the plant. I felt things there but very few in my witchy perception. In the very center of there earth, I found a white glowing coffin where I assumed god layed. I didn’t actually see his face but I knew instinctively what he looked like. His hair was Snow White and quite long. Not like a girls hair but definitely longer giving him an elf like effect. Very tall and slender I think. A guy. The coffin was locked and I needed to find the key yet I had no idea where to look or if that’s even what I was supposed to do. There was this massive hellhound guarding him though. The beast was kinda scary and growly but as soon as I approached the coffin it layed at my feet all cute like. What a confusing creature. I remember thinking “You should really make up your mind if u wanna eat or cuddle” The silly thing got me a stick and had me throw it for him 💀it was pretty wholesome tho. The massive black creepy dog bounding toward me with a mini stick in its mouth. Its head was like the size of my body. I remember the lady said only I could save him, Only I had the key but I just could not figure out what that was supposed to mean? Earth had looked like a frozen grave yard in the dream.

31 May 2024



I had another dream… or set of dreams I constantly avoid writing about. The zombie apocalypse. Demons controlling hordes of these reanimated bodies. I’ve had so many dreams running away from these horrifying creatures. Jumping across roofs and sneaking around quietly to survive. Watching people get eaten or tortured. Watching friends getting caught yet having to leave them behind. I hate these dreams so terribly much. In this one particular dream, I’m in this massive cathedral like building with angelic gargoyles on the outer walls. Lots of fuckinnwindows. Students kept tryna get higher up in the building while zombies fled the joint, later followed by these demons (I think?) that were probably controlling them? The zombies didn’t attack these demon guys but the demon guys joined in on the fun of slaughtering the runaway students. One had freezing powers. Another threw flames from his fists. One had a gun that held pressurized acid. They wanted to kill everyone there. I remember seeing a real angel there. She was very pretty with long black straight hair. She kinda looked like a doll. She didn’t run. I’m not sure why I saw her, she just sat in an empty room like she wasn’t aware of what was going on. Nothing seemed to sense her. Most of these zombie dreams I’m usually running away, hiding, or kicking ass 🤪💅✨ Anyways one of the Prefects that got to the roof came to me and told me they need the “witch” not sure why he just assumed I’d know what that mean. But the character the played me seemed to understand. The death witch. Apparently only she could turn the tides of the Great War. They said she was lost and sleeping. That I had to go find her. I flew off on a broom and eventually came across a creepy cottage in the middle of no where. The house looked surreal as if it was made out of sticks and clay and grass. Kinda looked like a haunted grocery store but it was small like a hut. The witch inside gave me 3 magick sticks, and a potion. She told me, “Only 3 will survive this. Once I’ve chosen, I’m meant to break the potion on the floor and she’d be summoned to get us. She’s bring us to safety. Don’t let the twigs snap. Or something liked that. She may or may not have mentioned something about passing a torch but I truly can’t remember.

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