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Dream Interpretation: Taxi 😴 - What Does it Mean to Dream About a Taxi? Discover the significance of seeing a Taxi in your dream 💤 - Get a free dream analysis to find out the interpretation if a Taxi appears in your dream ✅

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💡Possible meaning

This symbol shows that a change is coming in the form of a new journey or adventure. You may need the help of others in order to take these steps, or you may be feeling that you are not in direct control of your direction. However, you must take this journey to self-development.

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🧭 Direction


Find meaning and direction in your journey and take steps to be in more direct control of your movement toward your goals. However, feel encouraged and motivated by these upcoming changes and do not allow them to sway you away from your journey.

❤️ Feelings

The dream of being in a taxi can evoke feelings of urgency, independence, and a desire for control. It may symbolize a need for direction or guidance in life, as well as a sense of being on a journey towards a specific destination. The experience of being in a taxi can also bring about feelings of uncertainty, as one is relying on a stranger to navigate the path. Overall, this dream may leave one with a mix of excitement, apprehension, and a longing for adventure.





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30 Jun 2024



I dreamed my younger sister and I were staying at my late great aunt Linda’s house. Her gigantic house and been transformed from a scary cluttered mess to a beautiful place. There were endless lower floors but only two floors down and been completed, and no one would go further because the further you go the scary the home became. Then my grandmother showed up to check on my sister and I after we had been left alone there awhile. The first thing she asked me pointing at a dresser “what is that mess over there?” I looked over and it was a bottle of pink salt. So I said “grandma that’s not a mess it is just salt.” So she looked again and saw she was wrong, instead of apologizing she said “well we don’t buy that kind of salt around here.” Later she took us to the store and my cousin Dawn was at the store. She came out to greet us while my grandmother went inside. My sister Rachel began telling Dawn about my grandmothers peculiar and judgemental behavior. While talking my grandmother came up behind Dawn and handed her change, and in doing so, accidentally over heard what Rachel was saying. It enraged my grandmother and she kicked us both out of her vehicle and made us walk to look for a taxi in a very bad neighborhood. My sister yelled out to her “make sure you get checked out grandma because this is not normal behavior.” We started walking trying to find a safe taxi. As we were walking we walked by a pay phone that began ringing. I was startled but answered the phone, thinking it could be help for us. When I picked up the phone, instead it was an emergency police message warning me not to go 650 feet away because of a dangerous shooting. I hung up afraid and then remembered I didn’t know what direction the message was warning me to avoid. My sister and I decided it was best to keep walking to try and leave the area. Not much further on we approached a group of about 6 young men a 1 little boy. They didn’t seem dangerous at first but as we walked passed them they started walking closer to us and then began beating us. In the end of the dream I had died but my sister lived and she wrote a scaring obituary blaming my grandmother and family for my death. Detailing how they are unfeeling and apathetic, so much so they allowed me to die rather than help me even when I had actually not caused any trouble at all.

19 Jun 2024



How do I even put this one into words? I was definitely trapped in my dream even if it wasn’t in the conventional sense. This dream took me through different scenarios and sequences each one becoming worst than the previous one. For example part of the dream my daughters went missing. Even though the dream did not wake me from my sleep there was a prominent feeling that I either wanted to wake up or at the very least the dram to stop. My dream did trick me into thinking the dream was finally over but it wasn’t the case. This reminded me of what I said in my last log with the train and taxi going everywhere but home.

18 Jun 2024



I was at a market with lots of people and a guy I was dating. I was sorting art at a stall. I couldn't find my boyfriend and went looking for him and found him at the toilet. I asked him if we could leave, so we booked a taxi. It would cost £10 and his friend wanted to come along with us. I spoke to his ex girlfriend who was upset he had a new girlfriend so quickly. I said, don't be upset he is a male slag.

13 Jun 2024



My mums now ex boyfriend was after me he was persistent in his chase. Each time I tried to avoid him or send him on a different path he would just end up finding me. I tested getting away on a train that was going in the opposite direction. He found me, I tried via car. He would find me. The third and final part of this chase would be me running through football fields pushing through debris and hedges but he always finds me. I don’t like him but just so he left me alone I chose to make peace. In the mean time my girlfriend tells me she dosent love me anymore and I end up at a football match. I go out to some bars afterwards but don’t get served because I don’t have my ID. I am a long way from home. I get on a train where you right your stop down on a piece of paper and almost like magic that is the route of the train. I tell the train conductor to take me back to Merthyr Tydfil but it just dosent happen if anything I’m travelling in circles. I get off the train to find a taxi rank. It’s the same concept i have to write down on paper where I want to go so again I tell the driver, Merthyr Tydfil. He writes down everything but Merthyr Tydfil. I offer to write it down for him but as I start to write Merthyr Tydfil with each letter I slowly lose my ability to write.

4 Jun 2024



Dream 1: getting a taxi in the nighttime and riding around a district neighboring mine I try to get off at every turn, making sure the driver is at least following the route I suggested, that he’s not trying to rip me off I get off at a dimly lit green-rich park and flying through the city on a hand glider, going up and down Dream 2: intense sex with my favorite characters; the positions, the body languages and the conversations had shows a power dynamics where I’m being submissive and becoming progressively dominant Dream 3: walking through an airport lounge, looks like a mix of metropolitan areas in Beijing and Singapore; lots of glass buildings and futuristic stuff I talk with people but it’s mostly about the time of boarding andnsuch, despite the fact that I just got off from a plane I grow increasingly nervous and gittery as I walk past all the food courts and such

26 May 2024



I was with one of my sisters, and we were looking for something that was taken out of our grandmother’s house. Somehow ranned into a lady and baby in the house. The lady said I need to be more fit and so on. Then, I guess I left and went back to the place I was staying. Afterwards, my first love showed up on a motorcycle and referred to me as “my love”. I got on the bike and we went on a date to a pristine restaurant that somehow resembled an old art gallery museum from ancient times. Later on, I found myself with a different woman who I was familiar with, and it nighttime were we where. She texting on her phone as I held her close, kissing on her neck, and licking her. We were waiting outside for a taxi cab van to take us to a location; I guess we were going to go out and we were joined by other people in the taxi cab van. It was palm trees, a full moon, and windy night when I was with her.

25 May 2024



It was 12 am my friend me decided to sneak out and fight. Someone called the Roblox God to fight her right so I can Guns N’ Roses we got a taxi and ran away then we actually crashed into a building and We got a gun and we tried to take down Roblox card and we ultimately did and we decided to hide our body in a basement

19 May 2024



I had a boyfriend who didn't want to have sex with me at all. He didn't have the sexual feelings to have sex with anyone. We had an on and off relationship and eventually broke up. I woke up on the streets of Birmingham naked. I got a newspaper to cover myself up. I had no idea how I got there. I went into a charity shop and tried to find some clothing to wear. The woman who ran the shop called a taxi for me. I had a bank card and was hoping I had enough money in my account to pay for the taxi. The taxi came and we were driving through the streets of Birmingham and the houses and flats looked old and dated.

14 May 2024



Dream I had a dream that I was in a taxi on the way to the airport with my wife and we were both sitting in the back we were being driven by a Chinese man who also had another person in the front , I looked out of the window and remember seeing aeroplanes that were at funny angles in the sky, they were not in distress they were just flying that way. We dove into an industrial estate and the driver dropped off the other passenger I was angry that he was dropping another passenger when he should be taking us to the airport. We were parked outside what I believed was the Chinese embassy. There were three Chinese women outside the car and one was wearing a bikini and was very cold, I wanted to offer her a towel but she could not hear me. The taxi driver had gone into the embassy and had not returned. I decided to go in and look for him. Inside the embassy was very posh, on the wall their were two telephones, I picked one up and dialed a number, an English person answered and I panicked, i tried to put the phone back on the hook but could not, I could still hear the voice. I was now alone and I left the building quickly. I was afraid. I went back to the taxi that had been replaced by a gas canister which was being pulled towards a Chinese police car by a large magnet. The two police men got out of the car and I asked one of them for a charger for the gas canister. One of the Chinese policemen was talking in a thick Irish accent and I remember thinking it didn’t make sense. I didn’t arrive at the airport.

6 May 2024

Parking Lot


Had a dream I was trying to get home but I couldn't remember the address as I'd just moved there. I was in a taxi with a man and a woman and they were stalling getting me home for some reason. I was at their home and I said i wanted to go and buy wine. They didnt want any. So, I went into a newsagents, there were lots of magazines and books. The childrens books at the counter were written in German. When I left the store I didn't have a top on and there were men outside taking pictures as there was a royal event happening. I stole a cardigan from a rack and put it on quickly. Then I was in a parking lot with other people the words LA were on the wall, like we were all from there. We were waiting for an announcement.

13 Apr 2024



I was in the mall shopping with my mother and father and little sister, and also my male bestfriend that he confess to me in reality,That person came to mall with me as a date, and I was hugging his arm because he was tall, and I told him I want to buy a bag. And we kept watching the sections, he was buying everything for me. He wasn't caring about the sales. I immediately took it out and take only one bag that I want and left with him to the restaurant. After a minute, he left immediately, but it was surprising to me because he didn't tell me anything. When I went in searching for him, a small homeless boy took my bag,and ran away. I caught him running, and I returned my bag and sat again, after time I went to continue searching for my date but I entred a place for college students only and I left to my seat but a friend I know helped me to return to my seat, and suddenly my date texted me on my phone to tell me that he wasn't feeling alright and he returned and he wanted to go another time. I retuened home in taxi not with my family car.

4 Apr 2024

Being hunted
Famous Person


People were hunting for white head eagles because there were too many in Alberta. I was chatting in a taxi with a famous person and we were close to start cleaning very dirty floors. I needed to change my shoes to start cleaning, but I never start cleaning the floors.

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