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Dream Interpretation: Police ๐Ÿ˜ด - What Does it Mean to Dream About a Police? Discover the significance of seeing a Police in your dream ๐Ÿ’ค - Get a free dream analysis to find out the interpretation if a Police appears in your dream โœ…

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๐Ÿ’กPossible meaning

This symbolize your consciousness and critical nature. It suggests that you tend you analyze the situation before diving into it. A dream like that often indicates that you love living your life by the rules and regulations that give you a sense of safety, even if it costs you your freedom.

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๐Ÿงญ Direction

Daily events

You have the ability to analyse the issues and situations before they become a severe problem; use them to your benefit. Having a sense of security is human nature. However, that does not mean you submit to everything, live your life to the fullest and enjoy every little surprise life has to offer.

โค๏ธ Feelings

The dream about police may evoke feelings of fear, anxiety, or guilt. It could symbolize a sense of being caught or punished for something wrong or illegal. Alternatively, it may represent a need for protection or a desire for authority and control. The presence of police in a dream can also signify a fear of authority figures or a feeling of being watched and judged. Overall, this dream may leave the dreamer with a sense of unease or a need to examine their actions and behaviors.





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Dreams of users containing the word Police

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23 Apr 2024

Haunted house


Last night I had a strange dream. I the passenger in an SUV when we were passing a policeman who was on the side of the road. The policeman faced us and showed his credit card and then shot me. The person in the drivers seat thought that we should pull over and I said, "No way, go home!" So we did. It was a pretty much the definition of a partially-restore, haunted, Victorian style house. I layed down on the couch. While I waited for the driver to come back to my aid. They never back. So l called 9-1-1 and the dispatcher lady said that there were no ambulances available. So I drove myself to the school my mom worked at, it was close by, to explain the situation and try to get help. I walk down the hall only to realize that the teachers and students were going to the buses. So l met my mom, my Aunt Julie, my favorite teacher Mrs. Katzin, and the pastors wife. I asked for help. They just expressed concern and told me that they would pray for me. At this point, I was bleeding a lot. I was left outside on the sidewalk by the bus loading area. I called 9-1-1 again. The same lady answered and said that there was an ambulance available nearby. Before I knew it, the ambulance arrived. The EMT and paramedic were friendly and they got my bleeding under control and got me to the local ER. I got in, but was told that I would have to wait. While I was waiting, I asked for help from the nurse because I felt like I was dying and the nurse dismissed me. They brought a person back that was not nearly as bad as me, and I told them that I needed to go back. They said that the person going back was more critical than me, which I knew wasn't true. He could walk, I couldn't. Finally a nurse took my vitals and saw that I was on the verge of dying and they got me back to a room.

23 Apr 2024



My dad killed someone, and the police were after him, but we didn't want to give him up, so we hid him in a piano bench. The police came charging in and searched our whole house. Actually finding a secret room in my closet full of garbage and a poster of Luke (a friend of mine) they never found dad

23 Apr 2024



I hiked up a mountain with my kids. When we got to the top, there were no trees. It was covered with black rocks and there was a pile of charcoal. I was walking down a sidewalk that was parallel to a road that was higher than the sidewalk but I could see police cars surrounding a small house with a lot of windows. They had their guns drawn and telling someone to come out. I wanted to get closer without being noticed so I got down on the ground and crawled closer. I could see a man inside going crazy and yelling back at the police but he wouldnโ€™t come out. I was in a mansion with my husband. I had really nice clothes and shoes on. An old lady owned the mansion and she had two ugly wild dogs that peed all over the floor around me and started jumping on me getting urine on my clothes and shoes. I kicked the dogs away and told her to control her dogs. I told my husband these people are disgusting and I donโ€™t want to be here. He carried me out so I wouldnโ€™t have to walk through the dog pee.

14 Apr 2024



I had a dream that I was being chased by the police. I ditched my bag and ran past a puddle. I got tired and stopped by the puddle, a man from my past came up out of the puddle. I didn't know he was there, but I wasn't scared. I was relieved to see him. He gave me some tips on how to get away better. The police found my bag and got back on my scent. The man from my past told me to run and go, he took the fall. I keep having dreams of flash backs of being in jail or prison. When the man took the fall, I ran until daylight. I was safe, but only for now. Then I woke up.

13 Apr 2024



I worked as a police officer, I was at my car getting something out with a friend and she saw someone coming towards us. My friend told me to get inside now and when I looked to see who it was, I saw a scary looking woman with long black hair walking towards us in the middle of the street. The ladyโ€™s skin was pale white and her voice was raspy as she asked for help. My car door wouldnโ€™t close right as the lady got closer.

13 Apr 2024



I was at home but staying in a hut when the police knocked at told me I was pregnant but it had been reported so I had to go and ask some questions at the airport. I was adamant that I couldnโ€™t be pregnant but they told me I was sixteen weeks. Then, I was at an airport with my sister but I was telling her I needed to go to this special desk to answer questions but I couldnโ€™t tell her what they were about. My sister and brother in law took my kids up a big escalator to the check in desk and I stayed on the ground floor a long walk to the end to a woman behind a desk. There was also a large play area there and I was thinking my kids would have loved it. I answered the womanโ€™s questions and it took ages so I ended up hurrying upstairs running past lots of people as I was going to miss the flight.

5 Apr 2024



I dreamt I was running for my life. We were eating, but then the police came.

2 Apr 2024



I dreamt that a few of us were playing like a card game, but we all had some kind of super powers. Some people didnโ€™t like that and tried to get us captured. 1 girl went to talk to someone about something but they were tricking her and wanted to capture her and bring her to the police. So they tried to catch her but she got away. She got on a bus back to her school and these people followed her and had the cops after her. It was like I was there watching from someone elseโ€™s eyes and I didnโ€™t want her to get caught. She was able to communicate with the trees and water I believe. Try chased her down and almost caught her but then I woke up

1 Apr 2024



I had a dream that I was, like, fighting Shaitan or Iblis, but he was in human form, he was stronger and faster than everybody, and any time a police officer was called or noticed that he was, like, a criminal, he would, like, kill them or whatever. And it took me, like, three tries or four tries to finally even get him to a point of, like, um, vulnerability, but in the end of the dream he ended up kind of just, like, dominating the situation, but he wasn't able to ultimately go through with, like, killing me or violating me in any way, but yeah, he killed, like, most of the people with me and all of the police, and it was just, basically felt hopeless, but I kept trying.

1 Apr 2024

High School


I was at my old toxic friend's house trying to take a shower and she kept interrupting me and I couldn't get any privacy so I left and tried to stop being friends with her. The next day in high school she kept bothering me so I had the drama teacher move her away from me so I could focus on reading the script for the school play that I was very nervous for. After school I met with a nice and nerdy current friend for a ride in his car but there was a police traffic stop and the car behind us bumped us which was ok but I wanted them to stop being an aggressive driver. We got caught in traffic in front of a diner so we go in and I scolded the lady who was driving aggressively behind us. She was rude back so we left and I wanted to drive but my friend didn't want me driving his car.

1 Apr 2024

Running away


I was driving my car down a street when all of a sudden I got out quickly because I had passed by a hearse and thought something bad was going to happen. I decided to walk to my house. As I approached my house, three guys had been sitting in a car. I decided to give a peace sign with my hand and nod my head to greet them. One man showed a peace sign but then quickly gave me the middle finger. He then cursed at me and then they all got out with guns and chased me. I quickly ran away while terrified and hopped a few fences to get away from them. Eventually after a while I showed up in someoneโ€™s room to hide under the bed and call the cops when all of a sudden a woman comes into the room and begins undressing. I come from under the bed to stop her and told her everything that happened.

31 Mar 2024



My dad told me to drive my brother to school but I donโ€™t have my license yet. I go to drive him anyway. Iโ€™m sitting in the back seat with the steering wheel and heโ€™s in the front. Iโ€™m driving him and once we come up to an intersection I realize I canโ€™t see the traffic lights. I have my brother tell me when they are green. Once the turn green I swerve around until I reach the other side and get really embarrassed because of how bad my driving is. Once we reach my brother school area, it is not there and instead itโ€™s a Burger King. We step out of the car and then the car flips into the Burger King, breaking everything and then flips out into someoneโ€™s house down the road. I freak out because I know my dad is going to be pissed. My cousin is laughing at the situation because he thinks the car flipping around is cool. Iโ€™m thinking about how if I take my dads license plate off the car the cops wont get him in trouble but as soon as I look at the car, itโ€™s already been out on national television.

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