20 Jun 2024
MERIDETH (my best friend) had her driver's license, and she took us for a drive or whatever, but she was a little reckless. We were at this one specific back road. The same one last time I had a dream similar to this, and uh... Well at first, it was at a weird club talking, dressing, etc. Then the drive dream. She pulled over and got out. We were talking in front of this specific person's driveway, and she tells me to drive. And I'm like, "huh?" But I agree. She pulled out a random ass dirt bike "my mom got me it". I was very confused… And then she left for a moment, coming back with Rayland. Who just so happened to also be in the last dream exactly like that. (Rayland is my enemy.) We had food, and I opened google Maps. This felt so real, I was gonna take us to Wings etc. And as soon as I started driving The sky darkens, and we see some lightning. So obviously I'm like nevermind... And I didn't know where I was, so I went to look up the directions back to my address but nothing showed up. Then my grandma woke me before I could figure out what the hell was going on there.