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20 Jun 2024



i was a beach and there was a baby playing with a fish

20 Jun 2024



So it was a really interesting dream. We were traveling overseas. We took a boat. It was a lot of networking, some kind of a networking event with a lot of executives and elite people and celebrities. We took a boat and all of a sudden we shifted from the boat to a helicopter and there were a lot of great people there. And I remember seeing my ex-boyfriend, Ellen, and then we sat down at the table. We sat down in the table and a few people were saying, they kept on saying the sentence like, I have a lot of money, I'm rich, I have a lot of money, something like that. And then like, at the table this guy said it, and then David was there too, my ex-boyfriend, and they were going to run the table and then they came to me and they said, yeah, I have a lot of money, I'm rich. And then David looked at me like, oh really, I didn't know that it's a recording. And then I got transferred to a fashion show and everybody would dress up in silver and it was interesting all the models were blonde and very light skin with blue eyes and they were all dressed up in silver and there was a fashion show and then we're trying to get on the helicopter and then I ran into my ex Ellen and then was trying to kind of talk to me and make me laugh and Julia my dog Julia my dog was trying to get on the stage and I had to run after her to make sure she's not interfering the people on the stage and because of Julia Pete Davis turned around and looked at me and then somebody was trying to get his attention do a selfie with him it was very interesting dream it was a traveling dream a lot of ocean boats helicopters Julia two of my ex-boyfriend were in my dream and it was overall very good interesting adventurous interesting adventurous dreams and I remember party networking events parties boat ocean celebrities millionaires billionaires it was just very good good dream and also I remember France Paris and Monaco




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20 Jun 2024

Sexual Assault


I was hosting a party and people were parring off to go to bed. My husband was there and they were all distracted. My next door neighbor in the dorm pushed me down and was trying to sexually assault me. I froze but kept saying stop. He was trying to penetrate my vagina and got closer every time my stop got louder every time. Finally my husband heard me from the party and ran and grabbed the young man off me. The man ran away. My husband was upset because he thought I had let it happen and betrayed him. I found and RA and reported the guy. We were in college and he was a freshman on the football team. He denied it and I spread the story as far as I could to protect myself. And then I woke up. I was teaching and it was near the end of the year. I taught second grade but my students were high schoolers. My principal was the same as the one I have currently at my real job. I looked into my closet and saw about 20 people silently staring at me. They were naked and looked unclean. I was so freaked out and scared. They begged for water. I threw water bottles at them and closed the door and walked away. Later science teachers looked at them and said something about them looking like the were turtles consumed by babies but they were people. This part didn’t make any sense. I forgot about the people. Later in the day class was ending and I remembered the people. I moved students out of my room and called the principal immediately. They weren’t sending people to my room so I went into the hallway and grabbed assusntant principals and hall monitors from my real job. I was so afraid I left the room without my phone or any belongings. I ask to see the cameras. We see a crew in the middle of the night cleaning and doing things illegally and grabbing fake gloves and nearly getting electrocuted and holding electricity in their hands with the gloves. The video confirms that I did not put the people in my closet. I found my favorite assistant principal from my actual job and told her to go look in my room and bring back my stuff. She was astounded when I saw her in the hallway. The next thing I know I’m in a classroom in the school. There are dressed in a princess style with layers. I’m with my mother and Jennifer Coolidge and a random man. They women decide to put on the dresses to feel beautiful. This is very unlike my mother and more characteristic of something I would do. I didn’t participate. The man encouraged them. I believe I was tired so I laid on the bed. Next thing I know the three of them are having a threesome. There is some unidentified dark liquid that the women drink. Some of it gets on me. I begin to masterbate. The women are laying motionless on the bed and the man isn’t making any noise. I am covered with a sheet with my jeans unbuttoned. Suddenly I see two students at the glass window on the wooden door peering inside. The see me and say “I hope you didn’t participate Mrs. Shortes”. I recognize one of the students as a student in my real classes. I try to secretly button my pants as they look away. I get up and exit the room as they try to close the door. The students look disappointed in me. A security guard rushes in and tells me that the women and man are dead. I am surprised and thought they were asleep. Suddenly they start gathering evidence from the room and there is a bag with my vibrator in it. I am explain that I am innocent and beg the security guard to test the dna and bodies while on my knees and crying exclaiming that I am innocent and if they just check the dna they will know. I am notified that there was a loaf of bread on the bed and my dna and the man’s dna is on it. The bread was explained to me to be sacrilegious as I had an orgasm touching it which went against Christianity. I explained that I didn’t know and I would never do something satanic and sacrilegious because my husband was a pastor. (He is a youth pastor professionally in real life). The substance is identified as chamoy a Mexican treat. I do not eat chamoy in my real life and didn’t in the dream either. I explain that I never touched the chamoy and they should check the finger prints on it. I mentally assume that there must have been poison in the chamoy and that I was either supposed to die with them or was being framed to lose my job. They let me go and I walk to the front of the school. Suddenly I am in the hallway leading to the lunch room near the front office and there are choir risers out front and a bookshelf next to it covered with donations. The donations are chips and bottles of chamoy. Parents and families suddenly rush through as if it’s a school event like open house. The shelf is filled with more supplies. I look at the self and notice a paper in the middle saving the donations are in honor of two male students that might be dead? I recognized the boys as students that last year (aka in a recent dream from the past month or two ) were eating at my desk that I asked to exit more room and eat their lunch elsewhere. They got extremely upset with me at the time. Suddenly I fall the the floor and am sitting against the wall. A man helps me up and someone passing by next to him hands him a bottle of chamoy as if to hand to me. The man then tries to hand me the bottle as he helps Me stand up and I say no to the bottle. Then I look around and see that about a quarter of the crowd is holding that same bottle. They clear out as I run to the assistant principal I saw before. I try to explain to her my theory that this is all connected and linked to the boys on the poster on the donation self but as we look the shelf and donations are gone. She doesn’t believe me. I climb on top of a cafeteria table screaming and begging for someone to listen to me and help me. They move the children away from me. I walk outside and there are police waiting for me. They tell me to stop, put my hands over my head, and back up towards them slowly. I comply. They cuff me and place me in a bus with 6-8 rows of 10 people across mostly officers. I start to explain everything I have seen and tell them that it’s all connected. They heckle me the entire time and do not believe my claims until a radio comes through on one of their walkie talkies. The radio says that the events my all be connected as an organization trying to frame me. The police finally listen to my theory and I explain more. I worry that if I tell them too much it will seem like I did it and this was my mastermind plan. In real life I have autism and adhd so I tend to see patterns before others and can occasionally get myself in trouble or just am generally disbelieved because people don’t see the connections like I do. The pattern starts to come together and I wake up.

20 Jun 2024



I can’t remember how my dream started, but I do remember it had something to do with a maze. I think dream me signed up for some maze runner competition or something like that. Anyway, let’s get to the part that I do remember. I remember walking through the maze, trying to find the exit. For some reason, most of the rooms were very small and had either toilets or shower heads inside. Sometimes the room would have both! Anyways, I go through a door and find a crawl space on the other end of it. I crawl through it and find a giant room with a bunch of boxes and other junk. There was a square hole near the ceiling of the room that I was supposed to go through, but I decided to explore first. While exploring, I found a weird looking toilet underneath the square hole. The base of the toilet was fine, but the water tank section was all messed up. It was really high up and was connected to the toilet by a single pipe. There was also a rope connected to the handle so that the toilet could flush. Now, this part of my dream is a bit fuzzy, but I remember complaining about the design of the toilet and water filling up the room. I can’t remember how the water got there, but I do remember someone else appearing with the water. I think they had something to do with it, but I’m not completely sure. Before I could ask the guy what happened, the water started draining through a giant hole in the floor and took us with it. The two of us went through the drain and rode down the water like it was a waterslide. Then, we crash land on some wooden structure. I’m not entirely sure what it was supposed to be, but it looked like it was still being built at the time so that’s probably why. Anyway, after crashing on the structure, the guy and I were met by the owner of the structure. She got mad at us and said that we were trespassing on her property. We tried to explain ourselves, but she threw us into metal cages before we could. While in the cage, I noticed these little heart-shaped charms by the base of the cage. They were also near the lock of the cage. I ask the lady about them and if I could keep one, but she said no. Then I mumbled something about how much I wanted one and the lady went berserk. She started yelling at me before moving my cage into direct sunlight and putting a guard in front of my cage. I sat in my cage for a while until I noticed that my family was nearby. I knew that they could help me, but I also knew that the guard wouldn’t let them get close to me. So, I sang a sad song to distract the guard and make him cry. Then, he left so he could properly handle his emotions. After that, my family walked over to me and asked if I was okay. I told them that I was fine and they opened the cage door for me. After that, we home and my dream ended.

20 Jun 2024



So there was like theses little groups colonie thing with 2-6 people in them and some were just animals there’s also a blizzard me my dad and sister were protecting spiders and there was a crow in a tree by us and little sparrows a little farther we were on a littler playground thing there was a bridge that the ginger group tried to get across and sabotage us we didint like the gingers because I screwed them over and now we are enemy’s so I yell at them to get away and start walking towards them then they scurry off so later in the dream for some reason we go to the rich group for dinner and we are all sitting there and it’s quiet bc there’s no blizzard then I’m really bored so the queen and my colony decide to merge so I’m like that’s stupid and say “if it’s that easy to just make groups and and matty (my little brother) are making one to!!” So we walk of and later matty confesses to me that he killed sombody so I’m like who!? He says he killed his friend William so we don’t tell any one then later he gets crowned king and his mother the queen makes him say and oth and she says if he lies he will go to the gallows so he panics and she says don’t worry they are updated and it’s a picture of a spa then the dream ended

20 Jun 2024

Broken Door
High School


March 21st-22nd, 2024 Not in any particular order- ⁃ Fighting… ⁃ Was in a fantasy like battle with similar game mechanics as Kirby video games? ⁃ My abusive mother was there—someone else…a bf? Maybe Garyikayi ⁃ Was beating both of them as they went after me ⁃ Toilet was broken ⁃ Poop on a paper towel? I don’t know ⁃ Abusive Mother and Boyfriend Garikayi tried to punish me but I did win ⁃ Clones? Armies? Vision started getting blurry ⁃ False Woke up (in dream) in a strange version of the room I’m sleeping in currently. ⁃ Paternal Grandma Neal, Paternal Uncle (Dad’s brother) Arsinneal—David…Abusive Mother was all there. Something initiated a fight cuz I was fighting all 4 of them and decided I’d move into Tai’s early with my partner, Rammy— ⁃ Couldn’t find my glasses so everything was still blurry- ⁃ I’ve won the 4v1 more than once- ⁃ Suicide and murder is mentioned at least once or twice. ⁃ I end up in a carnivalesque setting? In line for tickets? a clown ride? ⁃ High School acquaintance, Reed, was working as employee there- ⁃ I remember going to the ticket booth and feeling my partner, Rammy, stand behind me and protectively wrap their arm around my shoulders. ⁃ Warmly, comforting. ⁃ I couldn’t see them…but I know he was there. ⁃ Rammy was wearing all black…with a black and white grunge t-shirt, Leather jacket, and converse. ⁃ I felt safe. Woke up to my phone ringing. I didn’t answer it.

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