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6 Jul 2024



I had a dream I took a trip to the moon where they were doing experiments on dreams and dream like states. I took part and in my dreams I saw things that could have been, such as meeting a great grandparent, having my dream job, getting married and having children. However, there seemed to be a realisation in my mind that I was happy with what I have in my waking life but I couldn't get out of this simulation. So I attempted to kill myself several times in this simulation before it would let me go. I did eventually wake up, and so did others who took part in the simulation.




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6 Jul 2024



I had a really weird dream. I had a dream that I had been out with some friends and we were going to this place to relax and we went in this place and we went downstairs to like where the cellar was and it was all kind of relaxed there and there was a guy and he said what you've got to do is come in, sit down, relax. So everybody went and put their bags and stuff on benches around the side, took their shoes off and everybody sat down relaxing, it was almost like meditation or something and we're all doing that and then they said oh we've got some people coming in today, they're now going to come and sit with you. So we sat there and various people came in and sat with people and these people had learning disabilities and they were sat there chatting and it was nice and it was relaxed and then the guy that was sat with me started putting his hands on me and I kept trying to move away and he kept doing it and I was like I don't want you to do that and he kept doing it so then I shouted, shouted that I didn't want him to do it and I shouted to leave me alone and I screamed and I ran out and he started chasing me and I ran outside and I was screaming and screaming and the police came and they said what's happened and I told them and we all went back in the building and the people that worked there were saying well it's not his fault, it's not his fault he's got learning disabilities and I said but I said no and they said but he doesn't understand and I said well I wasn't expecting him to come and do this, we came here to relax and we basically talked through everything that happened and they were saying how it never happened before and they weren't expecting it and they brought the guy back in and as soon as the guy walked in he made a beeline for me and I started screaming and I said I don't want this and they said oh we don't know why this has happened, it's not happened before and I said I don't care I just don't want this to happen and they started saying oh it's not happened before we tell people when they come in to be relaxed and not go out the night before and don't drink alcohol or anything and I said I didn't do any of those things and they said well we're not really sure because it doesn't usually happen so we don't know why it's happened this time but I was really scared and I was just like I don't care why it's happened but I don't want to be in the same room as him now so get him to leave.

6 Jul 2024



I dreamt I was walking down a crowded street and suddenly I see a baby lying there, her eyes are open and she just looks at me. She’s so tiny and wrapped up like a russian doll so she can’t move her arms. I look around for her parents but can’t see anybody and people are just passing by ignoring the baby. I go to pick her up when she kind of does a slow sit up so she’s sitting up and then she falls over and bangs the side of her head. I scream, but feel so worried about her, that she hurt her head. No one stops an I go to pick her up again but somehow my husband is there and he says “don’t do that, she’s evil, just look at her and she’s probably full of germs”. I hesitate and look at her but all I see is her glazed over eyes, her fighting to ger up but also knowing it’s useless. I pick her up and take her in my arms and suddenly her parents are there. I ask them what they feed their baby and I can’t remember the answer but I remember thinking “that’s not ok, that’s not good for a baby, she must be starving!” I start to bring her home with me but my husband forbids it and I try to find a hospital where I can get her some help and they take her from my arms and I feel sad and empty because I know I have to go back and my husband will be mad at me

6 Jul 2024

Love Interest
Many People


I had a dream that I had to go to work in a different city and I really didn’t want to go so first when I got there I opened up I I was having nice interactions with the customers and things then my grandma called me and told me that they was there too and I wanted to see them before I left but I was at work so I chose to leave and I got to them with no problem and then when I remembered that I was like to work alll my times say x so I’m ridding with my cousin but I can’t figure out how to get back there then some how I got there but when I got there the time said 8:45 it was so many different people there and I felt horrible bc I just left my whole shift yeah so the people was being mean to me but I was not having it I met somebody named chris( I think I met Christ as a love interest in a lot of my dreams) then my boss was outside and he was really really mad at me so we had it out and my other boss was texting me trying to ask me what was wrong if I had been suppressing my grievances but i was ignoring him and my baby brother popped up out of no where and now I have to keep him safe as well but I kept forgetting that he was with me and as I was trying to leave and I could not remember how to get back to my family when I remember that Landon was with me I saw I black jeep out side and when I looked I saw Landon sitting in there but I forgot again and I ordered an Uber anyways while I’m in the Uber I realized that I ordered the Uber back to work and on the way back I remember that Landon was with me but I seen him in a black jeep before and the black jeep was still there I was looking and I was still arguing with my boss and when I get in the car I see my baby sister too there is a man driving and a woman telling me how much she wants to help and that she could take me to my family I asked for her phone but I was still distracted with my boss that I didn’t even think about the jeep moving then remember thinking we are not safe and I’m trying to take Rylee out the seat and bring her closer to me and I see the lady in the passenger seer trying to stab me with a needle but she was going soo slow so I just threw it out the window but then she looked at my brother and he was talking about how unwanted sexual pleasure felt so good then I woke up I did not wanna stay in that dream

6 Jul 2024



I had been driving along a lonely road in a desolate place; it was dusk suddenly I found myself outside of the vehicle in the road. There were about 3 vehicles stopped in road, making a sort of blockade. I noticed one vehicle to be a very old Saab model. I felt nervous and fearful about someone or something approaching in the opposite direction. Indeed in the distance a vehicle was approaching and we scrambled into our vehicles to move them and make the road passable. I recall my brother being one of the people being there and voices yelling out that the cars had to be moved. Later in the dream I am in one-half of a duplex. I am in a bathroom of sorts, fumbling in what looks like a small, horizontal cabinet hung on the wall at eye level. Upon opening the hinged door upward, I see three compartments each stuffed with papers, letters and other indistinguishable items. I felt flustered by it all and had a looming feeling of fear of someone in the distance I needed desperately to get away from. On the other side of the shared wall of the duplex I heard banging and male voices. It startled me and I was rushing to get out of there, fear taking over me. It was the thing I needed to get and stay away from.

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