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26 Jun 2024

Hit by car


I was at my apartment building and was hanging out with my sister and this stranger in a road. There was cars flying by but the strangers like fine will stop them ourselves stood in front of the stop sign and a car went flying hitting her I was in shock seen her on the ground said gabby go get mom and call 911 now hurry. I went down. Checked on the stranger made sure they were breathing and was like alright keep on talking to me now

26 Jun 2024

Lucid Dream


Walked across Me and my dad we're walking under a building, my dad has a different face, like the face of my favorite comedian, we we're scrolling until we found a girl wearing orange sweater sitting on the corner, my father talked with her, and she became my step sister. After that we went home and get ready to go to grandma's house, I met my cousine and introduced Lilia (Orange shirt girl) to my cousine, we played fair, but then me and my family need to go back home, because im going to have an online exam, after we reach home in 9 pm, I slept for 3 seconds and its 5 am I met my friend daffan, He asked of we can do a 5 am morning stroll, I said "yes, However I have exam 7.30 am", and then we went 7 km of trip in 2 hour, it is exhausting, I and daffan we're also earning money from cleaning the roads and do cheap labour in the road, I didnt realize it was already 7.45 am, so I ran back home 7 km just in 3-4 seconds, after reaching home I had a discussion with my parents, and then woke up, I was actually lucid in that dream, but i decided to follow the dream's line, I don't know why..




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26 Jun 2024



I am a lone vampire wandering about in Japan, mainly the mountainous regions, the lakes and the oceansides(around nature sites) There were a few people both in my head and irl(of the dream) that would police me about where I can go, for how long I may be out and such and when I must come back to the inn their travel group have booked for the day and such I would comply with them while I was in Hakone, but then when they would start to go around the mountainous areas in the Izu regions and the Mt. Fuji area I would start to ignore their instructions and go on my own I would take mountain railways that ran amidst the foggy slopes in their summer hydrangea season, take buses around the Mt. Fuji regions singce there’s not much convenience in the train systems, and wander about once I get off at whatever stop that seems to be in the middle of whatever idyllic scapes I fancy First I saw some scattered buildings but it would soon give way to the increasing altitude and the lack of flat areas and plains, the roads surrounded by trees. It’s a bit foggy now, and the leaves are brown. I would soon fall asleep in this dream, and when I wake up I’m walking around a lake Rusted signs, a turnpike in the distance, a Michi-no-eki(a rest stop that serves as a souvenir shop of the local merchandises) with scarcely a car or a bike because of the cloudy weather I would start to walk around when a man’s voice calls to me from a car that just seemed to have arrived, accompanied by several other younger people’s noises hastily trying to get off and take a break after a long driver The man seems to be in his fifties or so, looks youthful. His stature imposing but graceful, his hair long, fluffy, rich and silver, a portion of it tied up at the top of his head with a red silky ribbon; he’s got an air of youthful virility, grace and the old wisdom about him, a balance I’d like to be able to embody, if not just something I admire I recognize his face; it’s Jing Yuan, one of my favorite characters from my favorite game, Honkai: Star Rail He asks me if I’m out alone(I looked like a young boy with blond, fluffy long hair, a frilly cravat and an overall Victorian, vampire-like get-up) I ask him where he is going to and such He states a destination(which I couldn’t hear) and I would say that I’m going to the same direction(I think he said he’d pass through the Fuji city or something and I said Fuji-Atami) He smiles and says something like ‘ah, a (something along the line of what would be the equivalent of a 同道) then. Care to join us for a lunch break?’ I oblige and we eat warm udons and sobas in the road rest building, looking over the lake and the mountains while the kids(all of them are young adult/adolescent characters from the same game Jing Yuan is from) play around and explore We would converse about many topics, mostly of our trips and what we have seen, how this trip is the first time in Japan for them while for me wandering is a part of my routine When we would start talking about the interesting things and the local legends and the cultural myths and such we heard of around the landmarks and such we visited(separately) there is one that came up in particular that somehow sounds relevant to my own self It’s that of a clocktower, and a boy that lived in it The monument itself is a mere 5-meter modern abstract art piece the man(Jing Yuan) saw in a city he visited; the story is from the local landmark that had been barred tourist entry due to how decrepit they became over the years It prompts me to share my desire to go and visit the Alps and the surrounding regions, how I feel that something there must have to do with my origins He seems curious and asks what I mean by my origins(he doesn’t know that I am a vampire, it appears he takes me for a strange kid in a dated fashion and an antique tone of speech) I try to speak but I zone out from a vision I get caught up in, slightly dissociating He worries slightly before telling me that I don’t have to talk about it if it taxes me so I shake my head and tell him a little bit about my life: that I have wandered for as long as I remembered, how know where I grew up in and the family, but they are but specters in my mind that occasionally haunts me with this urge to go and search for my true home, how it my intuition seems to point toward the lakes in a steep mountains of Europe He is intrigued and asks why that could be,commenting on how it explains my exotic get-up and such

26 Jun 2024

Waking up


Starts off with the goal of trying to sneakily escape my abusive ex who has passed on -felt like I revisiting certain sketchy places/ and what seemed like familiar faces, one sketchy heavy set man specifically who made me uncomfortable (idk who, but I’ve seen that belly in 2 other really fucked up nightmares) -while visiting places I find an old camera flip phone and got excited, also feeling surprised to have found it - after finding phone I felt like I wasn’t supposed to be able to have it, like it wasn’t possible because I was in a different reality -called my mom not expecting for the phone to work, she answered in shock that I’m on the phone with her -all of a sudden my mom and I are next to each other and I’m telling her everything that’s happened so far -showing her pics from the phone I found, while I’m not feeling real at all then we come across a photo of a dead body wrapped in bloody white wraps laying in a grave that’s just been dug in lots of loose dirt -looking at the picture and at the chest specifically I knew somehow and felt deep inside that the body was mine and that I wasn’t alive , trying to solve my own murder . - I tried hiding it from my mom to spare her but she already processed it. - Then I’m in a waiting room all of a sudden with someone else who s familiar but they’re stuck trying to figure their own death over n over. - Woke up. Feeling uneasy as fuck

26 Jun 2024



I had a dream that I was in a situation and I needed help so there was a boy wearing a black clothes and he helped so when I came out to tell him that everything worked well I did unexpectedly I opened my arms wide for a hug I hugged him from side and I felt my hands hugging him tightly he was a cold boy and like didn't care but he didn't refuse or moved away and i was like happy by his scent and the hug i was moving a side away from him then again hugging him and i said thank u and I left him and said you are beautiful not because he was a Korean boy but because he helped me and was by my side so I left the ace I was happy and then I was holding plastic bags from the supermarket and then he called my name out I looked at him he wasn't like smiling or anything but he looked at me the thing is we where in like semi desert and I dont know whether i dreamed this because i was thinking about this before sleeping but nit exactly this scene but of like have a boyfriend idk really

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