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12 May 2024

Old Man


my dream was from the POV of a tiktok as somebody is recording beast boy as he sits on the outside of titan tower in the form of a bengal cat. He falls off the side. starfire gasps, and camera POV shakes at the ground before looking iver the side of the tower to see beastboy as a bird flying away. Presumable time skip. We are in another titan tower. despite still being real life graphics, i know its the teen titans go tower. i think, here we go again, this is gonna be stupid. it is from the POV of a tiktok, and this time there is a drone outside. beastboy is sitting on the outside of titans tower in the form of a bengal cat. (he is not green for some reason.) somebody is laughing, and raven walks up and knocks on the glass, beastboy is scared and jumps off the side of the building. cut to POV of the drone. its in slow motion. i had a long minute of bengal cat shots, beastboy never turns into a bird as he falls to the ground. the drone starts to circle him, his friends at the top think theyve killed him, and hes not going to save himself out of spite. beastboy just makes dumb faces in my face as he falls. it was kinda amusing. beastboy reaches a line of many flagpoles like the ones you see outside government diplomacy buildings. he sinks his claws into the german flag and shreds the hell out of it. when hes done with that one, he leaps, (at terminal velocity somehow. dream logic,) onto the turkish flag. it explodes under his claws and he leaps onto another one, this one was entirely blue, and he finally slows to a stop at the end of this one. the cat leans down and sees an old man, pesumably a groundskeeper, looking up at him horrified. beastboy lets go of the flag and leaps into his arms. thr drone flies back to the top of titan tower. i have never seen an episode of the original teen titans, and i dont remember a thing about teen titans go. all i remember is that i hated teen titans go because it was the reason steven universe was never on. steven universe sucks.

12 May 2024



The dream starts off with my bombs starting to be dropped in the U.S. So I go inside the house, but these bombs are affecting the animals, so they're turning into vicious and Furel. And eating people, then this group of dire wolves came up and was ready to eat me, but I tame them with words. They allowed me to rub under their chin and scratch their back, and I fed them, and I told them that they didn't have to be vicious as long as they protected me. And they did. Me and my family set out to try and find shelter and safety from the bombs. And I believe it was Russia and China's doing bombing of the U.S. with the plague and other biochemical and biological weapons that affect people. So we took shelter in a really big house, but we knew we couldn't stay there for long. So we split up without wanting to, because I said everyone should stay together, but my best friend wanted to split up. We ended up going our separate ways. I ended up walking away from the area that was heavily infected with my daughters and my son. It was just me and my kids at this point. We ended up separating from my best friend, and I ended up finding this place where I thought was abandoned, but it wasn't. There there was a girl in there, and she had like all these keys. So I told her what was going on in the world, and she ended up giving the keys to get a car. We ended up getting in the car, driving around for a second, and then I ran into Shaquille O'Neal getting off a jail bus with another guy, a white guy. I'm not necessarily sure who he was, but someone I was with knew who he was, and I was basically telling him what was going on in the USA. My son ran over to Shaquille O'Neal to see if he wanted to continue on with us as a group because we planned on getting out of the country. It was raining down flyers that said, if we went to live we needed to get to a certain area so that we could escape the country, that we could go to a different country and be housed by the peoples of those countries. These are what the flyers were raining out of the sky said. But the police were saying, ignore the flyers, don't pay attention. The American police were saying, ignore the flyers, don't pay attention to them. But I wasn't doing that. I was planning on escaping with my kids. I woke up the moment my son got Shaq to come with us, and I recruited the other guy. I assumed he was either a driver. I'm not sure why they were on the jail bus, but I broke them free and told them what was going on, and I woke up.




DreamApp: Journal & Dictionary

DreamApp provides an answer for what you saw in your dreams immediately after you wake up.

12 May 2024

Old Man


I dreamed that I was with many old friends in my dream. It seems I was with all my friends and they were waiting for their train, plane, ride, etc. One of them paid for my dinner that we had together and left. Another one stayed at my place for a night or two with another friend. They brought a small black baby cow and walked away to the airport. There was a third person who wasn't really my friend but a character from a show. I watched him drive to the mountain and he paused to pick up a skunk with his feet and they walked together to the top, to his next ride. The skunk did not spray with him and I did not know why they all have those animals. I also dream of a school. We were all waiting for something. I think we were waiting for graduation. I saw a old man. He was graduating, but he was fat, drunk, his eyes looked like he didn't have sleep in a long time as he kept drinking. For a moment, I saw the world through his eyes and felt glad I stopped drinking long ago. There was a game in the gym. Then we went outside. I saw that fat man walking really slowly and felt sorry for him.

12 May 2024



tonight's dream was about me and my friends in my school gym and my hair I believe so it was straight and I don't really have my curls naturally again so I wet my hair and I had my curls everybody was complimenting them right but my friends helped me wet it and get my curls back and so then my friends wanted to go back wanted to go to wanted to be in the basketball team while in a volleyball team I thought my friends right so they went to the bench I didn't go because they never invited me even though I didn't want to and one of my friends came out I was like it wasn't for me and I started crying before that and my friends started crying and I sat on the bench and I was talking to my friends and my other friend, like my whole friend group left to LA and I started breaking down and I was upset

12 May 2024

Childhood home


I was traveling with my husband to go on holiday every time we go to the airport and when at the airport we realize we forget the passport and I'm like oh let's take a um a train back to the house to get the passport and when we take the train to come back to the house we end up in my old house where I grew up from where I grew up from yeah so and then I'm like ah but we're not we're not in our house like this is my old home like where I grew up as a child I'm like okay fine let's go back then we'll walk like going to the same bus stop that I went to and then go back to the airport in Birmingham and I'm like hold on we've forgotten our suitcase again at home let's go back and then we'll go back to the house but again I'll end up from from my old house to my old house again and I'm like again this is not this is not our house but we'll get our suitcase when we go this thing happened like four times the same dream kept happening four times like I'll go to the airport by the time I got to the airport I realized oh we forgot this so we have to go back to the house but every time I go to the house it's not our house but it's my childhood home

12 May 2024

Family Members


This dream was layered. I was leaving work in soho new york and that got me real proximity to my friends and family. I first meet up with my cousins. My cousin on my father’s side are my favorite people. They are family and friends. So im extatic to see them in a new setting. Its a house, and i do know if it is someones new house, or a house just for us to meet up and enjoy eachothers company. Some how we start discussing cars. Danny, a childhood family friend on my mothers side asks me if my step father can fix his car for cheap. I say sure but i find it strange because his father can fix his car. I tell my mom this and she says β€œgo back and tell danny that joe can do it, but his father can do it better and faster. He is fixing my entire car for $1,000” i go back and tell danny and now im at a private event space in a bar. I find danny and i tell him. He doesn’t care and says he doesnt want to ask his dad. Thats the end of that. Im left in the bar with some of my best friends from college, and people i havent seen in years. There is a projector on the wall and it is displaying my text messages. I dont care too much as nothing coming up is salacious. There is one person there is is admiring me very strongly. He looks like a boy i went to middle school with who is grown and handsome now but has lost his vision. He doesn’t wear glasses. He displays his white cloudy eyes. His eyes move around the room as if he can still see but we know he can not. I mingle around the room, hugging my friend Trisha, in so happy to see her. We talk about how me being in soho will make it so we can do more stuff like this. A text messages comes up on the screen and its from my friend Phillip. He says he misses me and wishes he could come. The meeting up at this bar now feels like its my birthday. People start bringing me gifts. Beautiful gifts. When the blind guy gives me his gifts you can tell it was the most heartfelt gifts. It was in a tin box divided into sections. It had used airpods, pictures of him at the age I remembered him. And little smaller items you can tell he made himself. Someone asks β€œwhat did he get you” i quickly say β€œAIR PODS!” And shut the box. I dont want him to be embarrassed or teased for only bringing things he already had. I get the suspicion he can’t afford it but made and effort to come out and see me. Then the display of my text messages get juicy. They are from Rudy! An old friend who couldnt make it in person. But hes saying things that dont makensense. The messages read β€œhey its rudy. I miss you. I get the feeling you dont want to be friends any longer and that hurt me. β€œ im annoyed and embarrassed for him. Most people in the room know him, are seeing these messages and know the truth as to why we are longer close. At first i was embarrassed and wanted to disconnect the display of my messages. But then i decided i didnt care, left them up, and continued to flirt with the poor blind guy from my childhood

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