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11 Jul 2024

Panic Attack


I was at a train station, it was very busy in a local that looked like a city, I just remember being on my way to leave the train station but it felt like forever and at one point I start panicking that I hadn’t tapped out my travel card correctly when leaving the station




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11 Jul 2024



So I just had another dream that was a continuation dream off the last one. My sister was in the process of moving into my apartment with me and had a few things already moved in. She had her dog locked up in her bedroom in the new house and I asked my friend , when was the last time she let her dog out. I was upset because that dog had not been taken care of or cared for in many hours while we were all trying to put the apartment together. So my friend goes up to the room and grabs the dog, which must’ve been a boy dog because it had a belly band on. She brings the dog down into the kitchen area and right as she is about to go out the door she takes the belly band off the dog and the dog projectile pees all over the kitchen And me. I am pissed. It seems to me that I am feeling that my little sister is not being very mature or taking care of her responsibilities. so I am cleaning up all the dogs pee all over the kitchen and myself and my sister comes bopping into the house, moving more of her stuff in and I let her know what happened. She starts laughing like it’s hysterical and I can tell that she’s been drinking and it makes me even more angry. I violently go up to her in front of a house full of people and slam her up against the wall and tell her That it will be a cold day in hell before I would ever let her ever let her move in with me and that she can get the rest of her shit and get the hell out of the house and that I will be keeping and taking care of her dog. my mother is visibly upset and of course thinks I’m overreacting and as she pulls me aside away from all the people. She is trying to tell me that I need Melody’s financial support to live in the apartment and I tell my mom I don’t give a shit I’ll figure it out some other way. The reason this dream startles me and has me a little upset is because it’s very out of character for Melody. Melody is a lover of all animals and would never not care for her own animal and she is not a drinker and she’s probably one of the most responsible people I know. I don’t understand why this dream was so contradictory to the way she is in real life.

11 Jul 2024



I was in this post-apocalyptic setting with friends and familiar co-workers. At some point in the dream, we were instructed on how to twist our hair with this product. We were suggested to do flat twists, but I did individual twists on my hair. One of the guy's twists out was well-defined with the flat twists, so I decided to redo my hair from the individual twists to the flat twists. At another point in the dream, I was dating this guy who seemed similar to one of my co-workers in the IT department. Anywho, my boyfriend seemed to be constantly planning dates with one of my close friends, Lynda, who was also dating someone and reminding us that this was a couples outing, etc. At some point, I questioned why we always plan double-date or partnered events. As someone who’s recently been single, I wanted us to be more inclusive, planning more social gatherings with our friends who aren’t coupled as well, as they’re as much fun, if not more, than our partnered friend. I remember my close friend Lynda agreed with me.

11 Jul 2024



Wandering about in the foggy Hakone regions, mostly near Lake Ashinoko Having sex with my father, being chased around the plain filled with pampas grass and patches of grassy autumn fields Scene switches and now I’m on a highway bus, on my way to the observatory/museum/community centers on some high altitude areas around Mt. Fuji I’m with my best friend Maka, whom I had bonded over our shared (bad) experiences wtih our bossy and bullying classmates back in middle school We arrive, go through some sort of an attraction/projection-mapping show in a mini-theater, with the 3D glassrs, swinging chairs and water spraying and stuff to make the whole thing immersive It was about some planes or the people who had built the first electricity line on Mt.Fuji or smth like that Pioneers either way Once we’re done and get out, we’re free to roam and wander for the day We decide to go to the nearby aquaduct/dam/marsh/park, either way close to the waters and the untouched nature Me and my besfriend walk through narrow paths in nature, have a little picnic by the plains, gaze in awe at the marshlands, its autumnal-wintery-summer vegetations somehow coexisting in the same area On our way to the ancient aquaduct we see rainbow in the sky, and the sunny rain The whole classmates who are there rejoice, as they’re a rare and lucky phenomenon, a sign of auspiciousness

11 Jul 2024



I'm only going to say what I remember but anyways here we go so there was this boy we were in school (in my dream ofc) anyways then we were standing in line in the halls and then he said mmm mmm mmm as if he liked me then I laughed and fastforward he came over to my house my dad was getting ready to take me and my little sister to school and I told him about him and my dad said you sure thats your friend or boyfriend as in a joking way and I said no he's not and my dad laughed then took me my little sister and the boy to school after I got ready then when got to school me and the boy were about to go to class then we decided to skip class then we were chilling in the library skipping and as he was about to tell me his name bc idk why he didn't tell me when we met my dream got cut short then I woke up and I really want to have a part two tonight bc I was loving that dream so much and wanna know how to have a part two of it.

11 Jul 2024

Baby girl
Old Home


I was getting ready in the morning and took a pregnany test and it came out positive. I was freaked out, but also a little happy and excited. I went to the store and bought a white onesie and put it in a plastic gift bag with tissue paper around to to hid it a bit. My boyfriend came home and I left the bag on the counter he asked what it is and I told him it’s something for him. He looks in the bag and states confused, he pulled out the onesie and aks “are you serious” and smiles, I say and and we hug each other. It then changes to us being in the hospital getting ready to have the baby and everything went perfect. My mom and sister came to help and my boyfriend was absolutely amazing the whole time and helped the entire time. I felt safe, calm, happy, and excited. I had a baby girl and I held her and melted like a Carmel due to how In love I was with her. Then it jumped to later on and I couldn’t find her I didn’t know where I placed her and I was in my grandparents old house that I grew up going to all the time. My steal dad and sister then pulls up, my sister is in the passenger seat, but now I’m at my old house I lived at when I was a teenager and she tells me to calm down and that she has my baby. She then passes me my baby through the car window and I wake up from the dream

11 Jul 2024

Abandoned home


I was hiking on this steep high snowy mountain with friends when it started to get dark and none of us had equipment that was working properly. We didn’t have any sleeping bags or tents so it was crucial to find some type of shelter because it was going to get below 0° that night. We finally hike up far enough and find an abandoned ski lift and ski house. The sun and at its finally peak of light slowly going down behind the mountain when I say “we need to hurry up NOW” as it starts getting dark. We try to reach the ski house but hear screams and all of a sudden something is chasing and hunting us. We all scatter and I run and run and hide. I’m cold and scared and need to find a way out, I make it to the ski house and find a friend we try to home up in there as long as we can being as quiet as we can and look for our other friends. It gets later and there hasn’t been noises for what seems like a good while now. We tell each other someone needs to look to see if there anything visable out there. We’re both terrified to do so. Just as we are both about to lift our heads up to see out the window the creature/murderer is right behind us And chases us until we all die

11 Jul 2024

Light (Not Dark)


It was night time, I was at my hometown and it had just poured so everything was shiny from lights refectling off the wet surface. I was in an older car kind of like a Cadillac. It was still drizzling so the wipers were turned on. We went under a traffic light that was green, and then ended up about 10 minutes down the road in the next town. We turned left at another light down to a local grocery store called ShopRite, but the place wasn’t as it usually is, it was in a quarry type place and all of a sudden its day time and now we’re in a rush to get back to where we came from and as we leave we pop back to the first traffic light and it’s dark again and this just repeats. I feel that I am looking for someone and in a rush, but don’t know why. I feel anxious and overwhelmed the entire time. I think my step dad is the driver but it could also be me too.

11 Jul 2024



A man who I trusted was babysitting a very large cat. It looked like a lynx and the lynx was very aggressive but he wouldn't put it on a leash so it was allowed to just go around and up to people and it kept coming up to me and trying to attack me and I kept turning to the man and shouting, why aren't you helping me? This keeps happening and there were a ton of other people in the room too who I knew and I trusted. They were all people that I felt close to and the lynx was really only coming up to me and I felt like I was sort of on my own to like guard myself from him and at a certain point the lynx turned into a human, like a girl who looked like a cat and then back into the lynx and nothing happened, it didn't hurt me. I was able to like protect myself from it but it just didn't go away.

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