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25 Jun 2024



I had a dream that i was bringing my spiritual guide, Karly 1 of many pink scarfs to select to baptize for my spirit guide Ezili Freda. When i showed her all the scafs i had she accepted the large plain pink one. She hung it up and it began to be enchanted by ezili fredas spirit in approval of the scarf. A brezzy spirit carried the scarf into the house to be blessed for me




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25 Jun 2024



I had a dream last night that we knew a meteor was going to hit the planet and extinguish life. There was a long period of more random things happening in response to this beforehand, but the most poignant bit was right before I woke up this morning and it had come down to it – impact was very close at hand and I was in a classroom like setting with about 20 to 30 other people and my boys. Many of the people there were Sikh and Hindu and Muslim and everyone was calmly hugging each other and wishing each other a good journey. I laid on the ground and held my boys and either arm and explained to them that it is going to be OK, we are going to see each other again very soon. This is the way it works. . I am your mother and we love each other so much. We will always love each other. Maybe last time you were my father maybe one time I was your friend. No matter what, we will see each other again, though we might look different. The boys seem to understand this without trouble or difficulty or upset. They smiled nodded and hugged me and we held each other as we felt the impact of the asteroid on the planet. Then we knew we had roughly 20 minutes for some reason and we just talked and prepared calmly, as did the rest of the people in the room. As I knew the shockwave was imminent , we hugged and cuddled and I woke up. Just as I was coming out of sleep, but still in a half-sleep state I heard in my head “dying is exactly thus- like what just happened. Dying is exactly like waking up from a dream.”

25 Jun 2024



I was in a dream where futuristic military people were rushing all around me, and someone saw me and there was a person next to them that looked like me, and they were talking about how she wanted to switch lives with me, and after they were finished talking, the person that wasn’t me had a balloon in her hand, and start slowly approaching me, making eye contact the whole time and I got scared, and because I got scared she said, “then you know what I am!” And she started chasing after me and I had to run across water on steppingstones and jump over obstacles that weren’t visible, but I knew were there and jump over a hole in the ground that was pure fire and I tried to climb onto a building, and as I was reaching the top, the girl caught up to me and bit my hand, and I could kind of feel pain, but hardly and she said that because I couldn’t feel pain that I was from the future and the version of me she was talking to, before chasing me, was the past me, and that nothing can be changed, and that we wouldn’t switch lives. And then I woke up.

25 Jun 2024



i had a dream about we were in school and i guess it was the last day of school but there was this guy i liked from when i went to the mental hospital and he kept on calling me pretty n he was like “anytime i call her pretty she gets all shy n blushes ,, n he like making fun of me but in a nice kinda flirty way . n we were watching this movie but he kept trying to sit next to me n stuff . then we left and went to somewhere where the fnaf characters were and we were put in this place with them and we had to try not to die . me and him were walking around trying to escape so we didnt have to go in . but i got caught and so they were like “cmon up lilly ,, and so i was walking over there and he stood up n was like “ME TOO,, and everyone was so confused to why he would volunteer n a lot of girls liked him so they were jealous and mad at me lol . but we went in there and when it started we made a plan to just run out . so we did and then everyone teleported back to school lol . but i had gotten a big peice of my arm bit off when we were trying escape so he took me to the nurse and she gave me a cast with a paper towel in it . and he walked me to this car and help my boxes off stuff i had and was like “u are pretty alright so dont let anyone tell u otherwise ,, he looked like he was about to kiss me but my friends walked over so he just gave me a hug . then opened the door to the car and helped me in . and then i got home and unloaded my stuff and my mom was like “what happened to ur arm ??,, n i was about to say something but then woke up

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