7 Jun 2024
I dont remember this dream much, but i was playing elden ring from the perspective of my character. Elden ring is a hard soulslike game. But when i was playing it in my dream it was a lot easier than i remembered. I remember respecing my characters points. I think i switched from a melee build to a magic build.
Later in the dream I remember trying to get the the northern most part of the map. The map of the game was symmetrical, with a circular region that came to a point in the middle and on each side of the main region there were two smaller circular regions that also came to a point, but pointing north and outward.
On May way to the northern center point on the map I remember seeing a tunnel that was a shortcut to the left region of the map. The outside was a clear sunny field, and the tunnel was a dark blue. I noticed a spiderweb covering the entrance with a large spider crawling on it and decided to pass it up and come back later.
When I reached my destination to the north there was this large wall I had to climb over. And there was an enemy to fight in this crater in the middle of the field. It was humaniod, but not human. He was hunched over, like it was feral. Its skin looked like it was made of solid raw gold, it had no eyes or eye sockets, large jagged teeth and fangs, and a red jewel in its forehead. When I got close and it started running towards me I realized he was invulnerable and couldn't be damaged so I turned and ran to get back over the wall I had climbed over while he seemed to be right behind me. The dream ended when I got over the wall.