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28 Jun 2024
I dreamt of my ex and I hooking up and he ejaculated into me and I asked him about checking in on me on birthdays but he said no. We drove to a Walmart so I could get a plan b so we went to the pharmacy and I got it for half the price and then it turned into a bank where I could exchange some coins for cash. I remember giving them some money and it turned into a lot of $50 bills in front of me and I was able to get my plan b for half the price. I was very happy. As I walked out something told me to steal something for a moment just to see what would happen. I grabbed a stuffed animal and walked out the door without paying but then dropped it on the ground as soon as I got out and I ran to my car to see what would happen. I drove around a lot and didn’t see any cop cars so I circled back around and grabbed my ex and told him to get in. I woke up and then had another dream about cleaning everything, feeling in awe by how beautiful my family members space was and I cleaned the floors until I saw a snake and got scared. My cousin picked it up and chased me around with it and I got scared. She told me to pet it but I refused because of the fear of it biting me.
I had a dream I was back in college but the difference was I had already been and I was doing much better I was going to networking events like clubs and I was it was the beginning of the semester and my mom was driving me around in real light I had to leave my mom my car for a while while in college. I went to a film club and then started to feel good about how I was participating more, but the anxiety set in when I realized I was actually going to have to do Work for 2 or 4 years!
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In my dream I had gone to my ex coworkers house. She had a big window above the sink in her kitchen that showed a small hill in her backyard with a canopy on top. We were talking about her new dog and I went to put dishes in the sink wgen something caught my eye outside. There were 3 infants cryong on the hill under the canopy and it was raining. We both shrieked and ran outside and she claimed to have no idea whose babies they were. I grabbed two and she grabbed one and we ran inside out if the rain. It was obvious they were triplets and it was two girls and a boy. I made them bottles and changed them and they started growing over time. When they were toddlers I took that to a park with bumper cars and when they were in middle school I watched their school plays. Throughout the dream they became my children.
I was in a parking lot and I walked over to a building and discovered the place where I used to get my haircut. I kept walking around the place and looking inside. I was afraid that someone was going to notice me, but no one did. Then somehow I got into the salon and I was in a chair to get my haircut but no one noticed me.
I was walking through my ancestral mansion that was passed down to me. I admiring the artifacts neatly hung on the walls and talking about how this mansion has always been owned by people of color. I then went to the basement and saw how clean and almost empty it was. I thought about how it would be a great idea to turn the basement into a museum dedicated to my ancestors. Especially since the basement lead to a glass back door that was guarded from trespassers on the inside.
The dream felt really real. I could actually feel. The devil and god asked me to choose a side for war. I chose the devil's side cause I thought it would be cool he grabbed my hand and it started to bleed the hand turned into a red evil looking hand qith black claws, I had this overpowering feeling of dred even though he would give me everything I wanted. The world started to burn and turn red. I felt my soul dying and I had this overpowering feeling of evilness. I screamed to god for help and I changes my kind I repented. Then god took my hand and pulled me up. I then had this feeling of calm and peace. His hand was shiny and calming. He pulled me through the roof and into the clouds and felt at peace
I confronted my parents about there abusive behavior toward me and my mom tried to kill me. Chasing me around the house with a gun. But before this I met a shape shifter that spoke Latin. He was staying downstairs in my brothers room as a spy in the form of a frog. He was secretly my cousin Tyler. He tried to save me, teaching me how to shape shift so we could run away together. My mom shot holes through the roof at us as we tried to escape. But got to this hotel but Tyler got to tired flying so he had to stop for the night. He turned into a Snow White cat that looked just like fluffy. I tried to help him hide and stay awake as lookout
I had a dream that i was living in a 2bedroom apartment with my ex. While the situation was awkward i knew we were not together. I invited a friend over, who i find very attractive. He is cery muscular and we have a flirtatious situation where im hugging him and caressing his chest and back. He can’t stay over and i say its ok, i explain my living situation and he says he will be back later, he just has to make arrangements for his daughter. While he is gone i walk down the street in the neighborhood and i find that robert downy Jr is throwing a house party. We meet eachother on the street and we are talking in his door way. I think this is so cool that when the guy lets me know hes back at my place i avoid going back. I also meet mat damon on RDJ porch. Mat. Damon and i are really connecting. Robert says “lets take this inside” and now im at roberts house party bbq. I keep hanging out with mat damon
I was arrested by the police and got away 3 different times. I was also charged with federal charges for throwing a gun I had while I was running. The last time I got caught I wa just so sure I was going to jail. But the last opportunity came for me to escape and I did. I ended up hoping on a train that went over a river that too me to a safe haven. While I was on the train it broke down and fell into the water. Everyone was able to make out safe and transfer to another train. We then ended up making it to the safe haven. I remember being very paranoid as bout someone on the train reporting me to the authorities. When I ended up getting to the safe haven my cousins started to appear in my dream, and a few moments later my Uncle showed up. When my uncle showed up he started getting a little obnoxious and loud about what I had just did with the police. This led to me threatening to leave if he kept being loud about it. This led to me being even more paranoid about the supervisor of the safe haven reporting me to authorities. Then the dream ended.
I lived in a time where women had no rights and we served men. I lived in a man’s house as his servant- I don’t think he was my husband. He wasn’t nice and I didn’t have much privacy but there were times when I was alone which was peaceful to me. I was in a room with a few other women. It seemed like a dinner party or a holiday. I was holding a glass I had decorated and an older lady made it a point to tell me that it was important to teach crafts to younger people and carry on tradition. I told her that my kids were all adults and gone out of my home. A couple of men including my owner was watching tv and one of the women who I know in real life changed the channel on accident. I was fearful thinking something terrible would happen, but no one got in trouble. She laughed easily at her mistake. Then someone secretly brought me a bag of food with treats that I liked. The woman who brought it to me was telling me that the guy who brought it really liked me. I was confused because I was unsure of what that meant. And I tried hard to remember if I had my own refrigerator in my room where I could hide the food. Then the guy appeared talking to another man laughing and taking. The guy reminded me of my real life husband. I was smitten. He was putting on a yellow jacket similar to the man he was talking to. It made me wonder if he was a servant too or working class. I was worried my owner would see me but I was just sitting near and observing the guy laughing and talking. Then was outside the residence and it was dusk.
I had a dream that my cat was acting weird, running back and forth from one side of the room to the other side of the room, and then I hear a voice call my name, Ashley, and I look down and my cat is like having a seizure and like foaming at the mouth.
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