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15 May 2024



Living and Being by the ocean

15 May 2024



There was a forest I walked through and a guy who was trying to take some one away then wrapped her up in a blanket and stuffed her in the back of a truck and it exploded. Then I saved the girl who was burnt because the fire burned her. We crawled under something to escape. But I got arrested for something that I didnโ€™t do after being hurt in the explosion. So was in hospital there was a flower as time passed many people were outside the window of the hospital room watching. Then there was a trial. I wasnโ€™t guilty but the guy said he lost faith in the judge and the prosecutor because they werenโ€™t there to get the actual person who did the crime then a fight broke out, I told someone to go home instead of join the fighting. Then I took a circle thing from my mom and I was trying to go through this door to find something. I took the circular scanner to be able to scan the environment down there. Everyone kept talking trying to tell me what to do and I told them to shut up and went to the door of the cave. The door locked behind me so none of them could follow. My dad had left earlier but when I crawled through the cave I found him swimming near a bridge and he came back to tell me about a shark over there he was battling but I didnโ€™t want him to get bitten and told him to get out the water and go back to land. Then I went to the bridge and over it. There was a part where I crossed the bridge then was transported into the past and danced with a girl who was the same girl I was dating in the future. We had sex in the tent at a type of festival event. Before I realized if we had made it through tough times but then still were together in the future. Then I was crossing another bridge but this time there was a man behind me trying to get me and the girl who was helping me but she was scared to cross at first to solve the puzzle. Then when I went across there was a puppy leading me so when the girl joined me she went ahead and walked across the plank of wood the connected us to the other side. The man behind us tried to reach us and I wasnโ€™t sure if it was to hurt us or not but I stopped the bridge puzzle from letting him get us and let my girl go ahead to safety. When I did that the mechanism sent the plank of wood into the water so he couldnโ€™t cross without the plank of wood. I tried to catch it with another mechanism but it got stuck so I jumped in the water to fix it. Only then I saw two boys and jumped because they were making a raft surf board thing and tried to jump on it but it solidified from powder to squishy stuff. I told them it was hard and then was helping them make the board when they asked me about my girl I was telling them that she is my soul mate and I told them that she was like a princess but also someone who is special to me. When suddenly she came in the room but I was focused on helping the boys but I smiled at her. I forgot what question I was asked before I woke up




DreamApp: Journal & Dictionary

DreamApp provides an answer for what you saw in your dreams immediately after you wake up.

15 May 2024



Was with my old friend Jamie and some other friend. We went mountain biking and I put my bike down in one of the trails for some reason. And we talked about something and then picked bike up and rode back home. Back home which was different from where we were before we left, someone was making a big ice cream desert thing and Jamie was devouring it like he was obsessed with sweets. We were supposed to go back out riding and I was like, there's no way were gonna go biking after he eats all that but he was convinced we still would. His dad Rick was there and maybe his mom and another friend I think. We were all having fun and happy. Then I was in a big building all of a sudden and there were giant animals like regular animals that were godzilla sized looking for us and chasing us. I scaled the wall down a few floors to get away from one which I think was like a 50 foot tall crow or something. When jumping 2 or 3 stories down onto a ledge I noticed we were extremely high in the sky, like hundreds of stories high. I think it may have been the burg khalifa or something and look like a big city on a bright sunny day, maybe Dubai. After jumping down the gian monster crow still saw me and was trying to get me as I ran into the building. I don't remember feeling scared, I think I was enjoying the chase like it was a game or something. I then found myself in a giant public bathroom that had very tall ceilings and it was nasty but I had diarrhea and needed to go to bathroom. All I remember during that moment was hoping the other even bigger monsters didn't rip off the ceiling of the bathroom which was very high up. Like 30 foot ceilings in the bathroom. And I was hoping they wouldn't rip off the ceiling and catch me while pooping. My friends had to leave me earlier and I knew they were regretful but I knew I'd be okay and see them again. The bathroom was on ground level and I finished up and outside was a big lake or bay and I needed to make my way back into the city to meet back up with friends. I somehow did and everyone was happy. The environment was no longer sunny, it was darker and overcast at the end but we were all safe.

15 May 2024



I was in this training building, it was very similar to a school. The classes were like a labrynth. This building also had dorms where the residents could stay. Each dorm had 3-4 people staying in it. The atmosphere was stale and slightly humid. When I looked around the room i saw no familiar faces but they all said they knew me. After I stepped outside, there was a saltwater lake with a huge grotto surrounded by many trees. This man I used to know, named Cameron was there he jumped into the water and waved to me. He said I should jump in but I shook my head. I was so afraid to jump in; how would I know I could swim like him or anyone else in there, how would I know something wouldnโ€™t try to eat me. The next day the teacher set out an assignment, my heart began to race; the assignment was to go in to the water and allow these fish that she added to bite away all your fat and make you more trim. Soon a building floated over the top of the lake and added the fish. They didnโ€™t look too scary but they only reside in shallows. So they added a 20 ft eel; he looked like a giant water dragon. My heart sank when they told us to swim from one side to the other. I swam as fast as I could and was so tired I eventually didnโ€™t care those small fish where biting me. The next day I helped Cameron move to a new dorm with his class mates, explaining why he needed all of his posters on the walls. He thanked me and I smiled. Looking outside I saw the lake and beyond its surrounding trees there was a field of bright green grass, and a mountain range. We were all called out side for a test examination jumping into the saltwater and staying under the water for 5 mins. Needless to say I was terrified. This faceless person grabbed me and jumped into the water we began spinning under the water. My body felt lifeless I was so scared of being attacked I began to float - giving up, but due to us spinning no fish followed our movements. I reached down to the bottom and touched the sand, it was very soft and fine. After the timer went off we swam to the edge. - Thatโ€™s when I woke up.

15 May 2024



Interacting with my ex Justin and making in a bed but it doesnโ€™t goes past making out. Then scene changing to getting dressed into a flirty outfit meeting up with justin and conversing about making plans after school before entering a high school setting and arriving late that I had to sign in. Then when arriving to the first class. It ends up being a complete weird I get spirits Acari me. To the point where I run out the class room and I run to a small bar then walk outside the bar I see a stranger thatโ€™s about to walk up to a hole which I warn him about. He then ask me if I know where the director of my time because he would like to thank them for the support I go back into the bar to the 3rd floor and find all these counselors office and I get told that the director will arrive soon I then see him after waiting for him for like 15 min or so it feels like a while and then I wake up

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