7 Jun 2024
My ex-husband and his new ex-wife And our daughter and one of her friends were at a store shopping. They drove and I was in the back seat, barely able to fit into the car. We were all going to the toy store for some reason. My daughter was a child then, in my dream, even though she's in her 30s now. And I've never been with my ex-husband and any of his new partners anywhere. We all get to the toy store and the ex-husband and his new wife were looking for gorilla costumes. I was making sure the other girls were able to shop and for some reason I just knew to also hurry them up because I didn't want them getting left because I knew that my ex-husband would have left them. For some reason, we were walking a long way back to the car, and I watched my ex-husband and his wife pretty much leave us, and I went back to go get my daughter. When I got there, I noticed the one girl was coming up to me looking like she was very worried and I couldn't find my child. Come to find out, she was being held in the toy store by security for inappropriate talk to one of the toys. According to her friend, she was making sexual language to one of the toys. The security guard heard it, and they were now holding her at the toy store. So I had to go back and get my child. And then I woke up.