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29 Jun 2024

Old Home


I was at my aunts old house and I couldn’t wait to leave. When I left I went back to the house I used to live in




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29 Jun 2024



My papa Milling Kevin, one of my dad's friends that we used to go to his house together, um, I ended up visiting him. And he took me to this very, very large field. Half of the field was for people and animals that have died, and it was their graves. There were graves for thousands and thousands of people, and then there were also graves for hundreds and thousands of animals, including cattle, horses, livestock, goats, chickens, dogs, cats, etc. And then, on the other side of this very, very large green grass field, looks like it might be in fucking Kansas, it's a grave for the living. And Kevin, or my grandfather who's passed away now, steps down and he's like, oh yeah, this is my grave, and it's the grave for the living. And the grave for the living have gravestones for pets and also, um, people. Flash forward, I end up at this barn with horses, where they're riding these horses. And I see this woman on a horse I used to ride, named Duchess, and I noticed she she looks happier than the last time I saw her. I ask them how Duchess is, and Duchess looks like she remembers me and misses me. And I ask the lady, can I ride her? And she says no. And I say okay then i wake up

29 Jun 2024



I was at some sort of training base, my boyfriend was there this time and since there was apparently no jobs to be done I went into the medic room with him and another person. I wanted to cuddle him but he would just turn the other way or say something like “hold on” then I would try again and eventually I would get upset so I would just turn the other way and the moment I got upset was the moment he would cuddle me back or hold my hand. There was also a guy trying to convince me to sneak into a room with him and the other medics to have sex but I was scared we would get caught. The base was in a desert but our barracks were really nice for some reason, they looked more like a house than barracks but the medic room I was at with my boyfriend on the other hand looked a bit rough, not rough enough to be dangerous but definitely not as comfortable as the barracks were

29 Jun 2024



I was kidnapped and made apart of this cult that kills people that have abused them. Torture them. And then when a member of the cult dies they string them up and burn them, dancing around them to send them off. Even insulting them to try to lighten the mood. It was like a big fucked up family. They were monsters but the love and comradey was real. They loved each other in a way I didn’t think was possible. And there was this dark haired man there. Was kinda like a ninja. He was obsessed or well in love with another member and kinda bullied them for attention. But secretly they’d kill anyone who hurt the. They watch them while they slept and studied anything they liked just so they could relate to them more. He was so desperate for this persons attention he was almost driving himself crazy tho everyone in the dream already seemed a bit crazy. There was a mentor lady that everyone loved. She reminded me of Miss Hoffman. She was so smart and wise and the day she died, the ceremony they performed was so very different from there usual. They did this dance were they summoned forth every element including lighting. And when they pushed over her burial- instead of insulting her like what was natural, they all ran forward and cried at the base of her shrine. Praying for her. Wishing her every good thing and to just be able to see her once last time. She was like a hero to these souls. She gathered cruel beings, killers, bad guys. And she’d find redemption in them. She’s give loveless people a family and purpose. They loved her on a way I’m not sure I could comprehend as I don’t ever really feel loved. She was extremely powerful and No one saw her death coming. Like she “gave up” her life for something. I saw a bunch of messy love stories within the dream. The final one being, a great love between a human Witch and a great Titan Prince. He was deathly sick to the point he couldn’t open his eyes or move. His family kept tryna feed him the human. Maybe to give him strength or something but he refused each time. Literally crying. The human was terrified of him cause he was so big. She was like the size of his cheek. But she did her best to relax against his skin because he was normally completely unconscious holding her in his fist. Everytime she’s tense a little his grip on her would tight painfully. She ended up realizing that he was protective of her unconsciously and didn’t realize was was the biggest threat when he squeezed her. If she wasn’t freaking out or his brothers threatening to feed her too him- She and the giant slept like kittens. When they both slept, the Titan didn’t look so scary and monsterious anymore. More like a younger kid holding on to his only life line. And sometimes, quite rarely, she almost seemed to cuddle into his face. To get closer to his warm. 800 or so years later the Titan wakes again and this time the witch girl is the one protecting them. She put a youth spell on herself so she can try to stay with the Titan because he’s like close to immortal and she was only meant to live a human life. But she can’t hold on much longer. The Titan doesn’t say anything as he’s basically just a little kid waking from a long nap. He doesn’t get angry as he can feel how weak her energy is. All he does is try to protect and persevere what little energy she has left. But he too is weak from 800 years of a coma like sleep. Not really eating or moving. Though he’s still extremely powerful. As soon as he awaking tribes start trying to hunt the two (for some reason 🤷‍♀️) as he brings her back to the mortal realm in hopes of giving her soul a lighter existence. He feels this despair, like no matter what he does he can’t save her. And it kills him because if she goes he knows he will not smile again. People are attacking left and right and she’s visually getting weaker and weaker. Her old age catching up to her now that he’s awake and refraining his strength. He knows she will die. Now I didn’t see this next part in the dream but here’s what I think happened. I think he cast some kinda forbidden spell or something to tie there souls together and force her into reincarnation. He would find her again and when he did he’d be a man, not a child. He’d keep her for real. Now to only find and convince her of that as there old situation wasn’t exactly a friendly one and he’s not sure if he even has a likable personality. She only knew him asleep. Also a lot of the monsters in the dreams. When they died, they’d be locked in these night cages and they’d be sad and lonely till random spirits would visit then they’d get all happy and dance around in there cages. Also the Titan had a grimoire of summoning to all his old friends real selves. Kinda like in fate stay night were you could summoning forth a champion but he was strong enough to summon as many as he wanted whenever he wanted. And the human he was facing casually summoned a copy version of stalker guy from earlier in the dream. He got kinda smirky and summoned the real original that easily kicked the humans ass. It was kinda funny to watch. I was the human in the dream that hadn’t died yet. Also the Titan at first looked like this massive scary pig man with tusks and shit. But later in the dream it was like he just turned into a really large young adult guy. Considered a young child amongst his species and hers. He had long, light orange like hair and light sun kissed skin. He looked like he was surrounded by sunlight light later on. Like really pretty

29 Jun 2024

Childhood home


I don’t remember much from this dream. I do remember my mother’s job was celebrating her before she went on maternity leave. In the dream she was pregnant and her belly was not quite big yet. (she is not pregnant in waking life). The dream skipped to my childhood home and my mom was in the kitchen. My brother came inside and I called my mom name so she can turn around for my brother to see my mom’s belly. She turned around and her belly was poking out a bit. I kissed her pregnant belly and talked to the baby. My dream then skipped to me talking to some old school friends. We were at a restaurant and I invited them to a girls trip. My other friend mentioned that we should go to SC for a trip and I told them I already travel to SC for work and I would rather vacation somewhere else. That’s all I can remember.

29 Jun 2024



I don’t remember as much of my dream. But I remember I was staying in this attic like place with my abusive ex. I went to a hospital-like place I was seemingly working there. I was looking for another job which I think would be my third job. I was wearing an outfit that I think was nice. And my co-worker and friend who I don’t recognize in real life but seemingly was my friend in the dream told me you look good girl and told me I needed to take a picture. He snapped a few photos of me and I remember I started to feel really good about myself. I realized I didn’t want to go home cause that’s where my ex is at. And he probably was doing nothing at home. Maybe playing video games and being depressed which he typically did. When we were together in real life he played a lot of video games and he suffered with severe depression and suicidal ideation. I often felt obligated to him. Anywho my friend encouraged me that I should leave him because I’m taking care of him and me even willing to take a 3rd job while he did nothing. Which is true IRL except I only had 2 jobs. I went back to the attic-like place we were living in ready to let him know I was unhappy being and living with him and he needs to leave. The next dream I remembered was logging into my full-time job on a weekend for a meeting. I was in this warehouse type place. A lot of executive folks were in the meeting. And I joined the virtual meeting but I was completely naked. I spent most of the meeting thinking the other people in the meeting didn’t realize I was naked because I didn’t look at the screen of myself at some point of the meeting I looked at the screen and I was completely naked. I rushed to turn off my camera and put a robe on. I didn’t think anyone noticed because no one said anything in the meeting. Then at some point towards the end of the meeting one of the executive leaders said they were going to speak to me and felt I was going to get in trouble. Then the next thing I remembered was me being in a room with this US white female military officer who I knew somehow. She was working closely with this commanding officer at another country’s there was an operation that went badly and she sensed the US was covering up what happened that day and blamed the other country so she started working with the foreign commanding officer to get to the bottom of it. At some point this commanding officer became a Black woman and I was speaking to her and I told her you need to let this go because you and your family is in jeopardy if you keep snooping around on US operations that they want to keep secret. Also working with a foreign commanding officer is also putting her in jeopardy. I also asked her what if the US isn’t lying and you find out they were telling the truth and the foreign officer is lying. I think you would’ve invested time on something that would’ve disappointed you. She told me she would be fine her son who I think is a teenager just started dating someone and he’s happy. And she wouldn’t let anything drive her away from where she lives today. We both got really emotional about her son dating someone and the fact that he’s growing up. Then I connected with this other guy who is in his her team who told me he was nervous of all the time she’s spending with the foreign officer to uncover this truth. Because he has a deep crush on her and now he’s worried he lost his chance because of all the time she’s investing with this foreign officer maybe now they’re falling for each other. I think I told him I will find out for him. At some point we all went outside and we were living in this very cold city. Very city-like, like where I was born and raised in Boston and cold and snowy. We decided to go for a quick walk and one of the team members I was also friends with was going really slow and the other ones went faster than her. They all smoked cigarettes but she’s the one that smoked the less but was the slowest. When we got back I told her you need to do more exercise; she needs to walk at least 2 miles a day rain or shine to get her momentum up. All the other team members agreed. We sat down at this outside coffee shop and decided to order food. It was really cold and I think it was snowing but we still decided to eat outside. I had very little money in my spending account for the week until I get paid again and I think I already had lunch so wasn’t that hungry so I decided to only get a hot drink. One of my friends there sat with us and then told us she’s gonna go in to work, so she worked there. She rattled off the specials and told us she will be back to take our orders. I re-arranged where I was sitting. I noticed the red lobster near us was closed down. My last dream was me being walking to the city bus station. I was again in this very city-like place unlike where I live now and looked more like my hometown of Boston. I walked past this building I thought was beautiful and where I wanted to live next. I get to the Bus station and a lot of the buses that came were taking a break. I remembered it was really late like past mid-night but the station is still pretty crowded. Several of us went through this bus to get to the other side. I was behind someone and the bus driver put this sign on the door after some people went through the bus to get to the other side and close the door before the person in front of me was able to cross through. I decided to go around and eventually I noticed the bus driver reopened the door and let the person in front of me cross through and he was leaving the door the open so I can do the same. I can’t remember if I went back to cross through or if I kept on going around but I did make it to the other side. And I was waiting for the next bus.

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