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16 May 2024



I dreamed about being high in snow covered mountains that were very steep and pointy. I was trying to get into small building through winow I could not reach. I converted with people who smoked me up with Marijuana.

16 May 2024



Another super weird dream. Was planning to go on an adventure with my partner and son. We are in a house, think it was my childhood home again. In the lounge. I wake early and go downstairs. Outside, the neighbour (our current real life neighbour) has started a fire. I start filming it. It’s right next to our wooden fence, the flames ripping up it, but it doesn’t seem to be burning it. Then as I’m filming still, I see my neighbour out back. She’s climbing the fence, then she does a flip backward off it. I’m super impressed and film her. She runs around a makeshift assault course, running, jumping, diving to the ground, sliding on her belly across a wet slide. It was amazing. I try to send the video so my partner who’s still sleeping. But I want to edit the last part out because she looks really good and I don’t want him to fancy her. I go to my neighbour to speak to her. She invites me around. I walk through her front door and to her back garden where her assault course is. I ask her about it. She said she does it for fun, not training for anything, and her partner isn’t doing it. I try to show her the video and ask I hope she doesn’t mind I took it. My phone has changed. It’s like there’s a virus. I know I need to log out and back in again to remove it. I try to do that but can’t find the icons to press them. My neighbour tries for me. The phone crashes. She realises my phone’s power button is broken and uses the screen’s touch assist button instead to turn it off. I’m surprised she knew it. When I turn it back on I say nevermind. She says I need to leave as she needs to take a call. I ask should I jump the fence or go through front door. She says to use the front door. I walk through. Her hallway is messy and a little dark. Lots of coats hung up and shoes everywhere. There’s multiple doors to close on my way out. I manage it. I go back home and try to make a brew. The kettle has changed. It’s tiny. Like a mini travel kettle, white. I knock it off its stand and try to click it back on. There doesn’t seem to be much water in. I see the old kettle’s stand is still there, so I try to use that. It works. Dan then comes down. I tell him about the fire and assault course. He said oh yeah I know she does it. I ask how he knew, surprised. He said he saw her the other day. I asked why didn’t he tell me about it. Told him I’d filmed it and was going to send it to him. We look at the fire, it’s now starting to char the wooden fence beam. Someone knocks on the door. I answer. A woman asks if we need life insurance. I tell her no. She then hands me lots of medical bags. Big green paramedic bags. I ask her what they’re for. She says they’re for free, we can have them. I try to refuse. She walks off shouting at me saying oh yeah, no thanks I see. I’m taken aback by the abruptness. She seems a bit crazy. I carry the bags to the living room and one falls, spilling its contents. Needles of all shapes and sizes fall out. I lean down to pick them up. My son comes downstairs and I tell him to be careful where he stands. I’m careful to pick the needles up, wondering if they’d been used or dipped in anything poisonous. Lots of them stab into my arm. My son leans on my back. I tell him to get off it hurts. He doesn’t listen. I let him more firmly, get off my back now. He gets up saying sheesh you’re mad. I tell him I have really bad back ache. I pull the needles out of my arm. There’s about 20 stuck in. Some are wide drill bits. I collect all the items from the floor. There’s lots of needles, pencils, and glue sticks. I put them all back in the bag. Then I see my arm is bleeding lots. I’m glad I have the medical kit to clean it up. I’m worried if the wounds have been poisoned. I think I shouldn’t have took the bags and just closed the door on her, and we could have just survived the apocalypse with disinfectant. Didn’t need all the paramedic items. I woke up.




DreamApp: Journal & Dictionary

DreamApp provides an answer for what you saw in your dreams immediately after you wake up.

16 May 2024

Old Man


I’m a spy/assassin/something along that line operating in what seems like a fusion of Imperial Russia and space opera-esque foreign planet with green, pink and purple sunset/sunrise The sky constantly remains that color except for when the conditions are right and it shows a clear, almost aquamarine/topaz-like blue through the picturesque gray-and-white dappled clouds I coincided with a fellow merc with same objective He’s a white-haired old, bearded man, battle-wary and a bit sarcastic and stuff And I’m basically a blond fair-haired princely twink with muscles We’re currently sneaking around in an alabastor court Two more assassins trying to figure out how to kill us to prevent us from achieving our objective We sneak around, parcour and stuff to get away from them, evading their bullets and paralyzing them back and stuff Once we’re out of the building with our target we’re going into this refugee-looking camp for our disguises We buy some stone-made accessories and overall dress like hippies to make people think we’re not suspicious We go into this underground mall with a faded colored staircase leading down there And continue with our hiding and moving arounds We come back up and run away from the mercs after us as fast as we can, having a little fun with it saying it’s a thrilling adventure

16 May 2024

Phone call


Super weird. Kept waking up all night between dreams. First recalled dreaming about yoga, something online and bought something off someone and they were beautiful photos, with naked bodies painted in different colours so their bodies were covered. I woke talking in my sleep. Then I dreamt of being back in childhood bedroom, I was with my current partner sleeping. I woke early in the bed, kept getting woke up in my dream just like in real current life. Some kids were knocking on my door really early in the morning and I thought they were calling for my son, I didn’t know them. I saw that the computer had been left on, and realised my partner had been on it. It was a brand new Apple Desktop. The fan was humming really loud and needed to cool. There was a video playing but I don’t know what. Someone was talking and I could hear them ask me something and I answered back in real life. I got up to turn it off, but the desk fell apart and the mouse and headphones fell on the floor. When I moved everything, I saw the back desk had melted against the wall. Dan woke up and asked what was happening. I asked him if he had used it and stated that he would have gone mad if I’d have gone on his laptop without asking first. We looked at the melted desk. The kids were still outside knocking on. We looked out, there were about 5 of them, some on bikes. They saw us looking, I thought it was around 3am but I looked at the clock, which was the same clock in my current bedroom in real life, and the time said 30:80, like time was backward. It was so strange. The kids started shouting obsenities at us and throwing rocks at the cars. In the bedroom, there were camping gear all over the floor ready for the weekend. We were going to an island to adventure. I was excited. I started tidying under the desk, there were so many old notes ripped up. I panicked and put them back in the bin. Dan then got a phone call, it was on a piece of paper instead of a phone. He passed it to me to answer. I tried pressing everywhere on the shredded paper, but it was wet in my hands and I couldn’t answer. Then I figured out how and listened. It was my mum. She’d been minding my son while we came here. She was trying to ask me something about what we were doing and when I was picking my son up. I told her we were camping. She was fine with that. Then the kids outside got worse. I opened the window and shouted at them, swearing, telling them to stop throwing rocks at the car. It was my mums old Mini Cooper on the drive. I was bothered that they were going to damage it. Then someone opened the boot. I saw it was my uncle who I don’t really ever see. He reached in the boot and said hi up at me. I was surprised, said hi back and apologised for my shouting as I thought it was the kids. He laughed saying it’s fine. The kids continued, they mentioned my brother who I don’t like. I told them this house no longer has anything to do with him. They asked why. I told them he’d moved long ago. They didn’t believe me and asked where. I said a few streets away, then corrected myself and said no actually it’s near Darwen now. I couldn’t remember. My uncle laughed again, taking everything easy, asking if I don’t know where he is. I said no he used to live around here, and I could imagine the streets, but then he moved. I kept feeling like the house was my own old personal house since moving out. I remembered I was still on a call to my mum. I woke up.

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