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30 Jun 2024



I was hungry so I got up to go to a convenience store. I saw a girl and she was a female as well. She kept on looking at me and smiling. So when I walked out the store I did NOT she her behind me when I walked out and she but a cloth on my face and the I passed out. When I woke up.. ummm well I was gone from the shop and I could sense that I was not safe at all. She was staring at me and she was the just a all black figure. She was touching me and…more..but that was it.




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29 Jun 2024



אני עוברת למקום חדש שלא ברור מה זה בדיוק וההרגשה הייתה שעברתי עם כל המשפחה אבל בחלום עצמו רק אימא ואחותי היו. אז אנחנו עוברות למין פנימייה כזאת וזיהיתי את רוב הפרצופים שם , אני יושבת במרפסת עם חברים שאני מכירה ואז פתאום מלמעלה מהגג נופל נחש לידנו ואז כל מי שישב איתי בספה קפץ על הספה ואני קפצתי לספה השנייה על חברים שלי , לא יודעת איך הגיע יום אחר יום של פרום סוף שנה אימא שלי אני ואחותי באוטו רוצות לצאת ואז חברות של אחותי מגיעות ורוצות להיכנס שניקח אותם ואני פחות אוהבת אותן אז עשיתי פרצוף , הן נכנסות ואימא שלי מבקשת שאני אכנס לחדר כביסה להביא לה את הנעליים של אחד החברים שלי אני הולכת ורואה שיש איזה ארבע ילדים שזורקים אחד על השני נעליים אני מתעלמת ונכנסת לחדר כביסה לקחת את הנעליים מצאתי כפכף אחד והשני היה בחוץ אני הולכת לקחת את הכפכף והם נועלים אותי , לא זוכרת מי אבל מישהו פתח לי את הדלת אני כועסת עליהם ויוצאת לאוטו . אנחנו מגיעות הכל יפה וזה אני יוצאת החוצה לאוטו ואני ילדה מהקבוצת של הכדוריד שלי אנחנו מדברות על זה שהמאמן שלנו לא יכול להמשיך לאמן אותנו שנה הבאה ואז אני עוברת לאוטו שלנו אני רואה שאימא שלי לא באוטו אני שואלת את האחות של החברה הכי טובה שלי שהייתה באוטו איפה אימא שלי והיא הצביעה ואמרה לי שהוא שם בגבעה איפה שכל המכוניות מדברת עם המאמן שלי ואז אני רואה אותם רבים ברמות צעקות ובאיזה שהוא שלב זה הרגיש לי שהוא הולך להרים עלייה יד אז הלכתי אליהם ושאני מתקדמת אני רואה אותה הולכת אחורה והוא מאיים עלייה ואז בשנייה שהוא בא להרביץ לה החלום נגמר

29 Jun 2024

Childhood home


I was in my childhood home and my mom was asleep in bed, but she was rousing so I sat beside the bed and began talking to her. She was waking up but not speaking much directly to me, then my dad walked in. He sat down near me and began talking to my mom. I don't remember the exact conversation, but my mom remained turned away from us while my dad was speaking. They began having a conversation that highlighted all their most negative qualities. Ultimately the reasons they got divorced, but this dream was before that. My mom was cold and unloving like normal and my dad was emotionally stunted and unwilling to fight or care about anything. He is very loving as a person, it's almost as if nothing matters enough for him to stand up for what he wants so he never fought to save his relationship with my mom. Eventually, he stands up and leaves the room. I begin to cry quietly to myself as not to disturb my mom who is trying to go back to sleep. The conversation they had was a perfect representation as to why they are now divorced. The dream then skips to the future and I am driving through my home town. I am married to the girl of my dreams and life is what I've always wanted it to be, but the conversation my parents had comes back into my mind and I begin getting angry, but the sad kind of anger. I begin to lose hope that my relationship with my wife in the dream will work out and that she'll eventually feel like my mom and I'll eventually feel like my dad and there's no point to trying to love someone. This crushes my soul completely and I think the only thing a person can really have is themselves, but not around other people and that I should be alone the rest of my life because everything is pointless without love. So I break up with my wife and move away to the most secluded place I could find on the outskirts of a small town in Alaska. I'm secluded and not happy with life. But I feel like I did myself a favor by started my suffering earlier by moving out there and breaking my own heart before it could be broken by someone else later. As I am in my home I am attacked by a bear. I am almost always killed by bears in my dreams. It was a black bear. It catches me outside and I can't get back inside or call for help because I am isolated. The bear leaves but I still can't make it to any kind of help because I am alone. I just lie there waiting to die and regretting my decision to be alone and I miss my wife. Then the best comes back and finally kills me and I wake up.

29 Jun 2024



Once again, I had a dream It was about me Having some kind of disorder. It was like I was schizophrenic I was sadist Sociopath, psychopath, you name it It was night and I was walking down the street. I saw a lot of people and my only talk I had was to kill them. I couldn't stop myself. It felt like something was guiding me to them I heard lots of voices in my head Telling me that they hurt me, they will hurt me, they warn me, the voices I came to these people, there were like 20 of them All of them had blurred faces, you couldn't even tell if they were women or men I took out my knife and killed one by one of them There was blood everywhere, I had a crazy smile on my face, it was like I couldn't control myself, something was controlling me Once I killed all the people who were there, I started to laugh like a maniac I fell down to the bodies and started to cry as I realized what a mistake I made Within a second I started to laugh again Taking all the blood I drained from them, I started to choke myself with it I covered my whole body in the blood When I was all messy I took the bodies one by one and started cutting the parts of it Then I took a gun and started shooting at them Once the bodies were all messed up I called someone but I couldn't see, it was a male voice In the next few minutes a black van pulled up in there And some person, probably a man, he was really tall, like two and a half meters He was all covered in black and had a mask on his face He helped me to put all the bodies of the 20 people in the van He told me that I am crazy and that I should go take my meds Then he drove the car back to some abandoned house Where we got to the basement and unlocked it and put all the remaining parts of the bodies in there Then I took out the gas and started spraying it in the basement Next I asked him if he could give me a cigar Which I lighted up, I didn't know, I couldn't think that the whole place would light up The whole place would light up as I sprayed gas there before The whole place light up and the bodies started to burn Me and the man ran out of the house and watched the house being burned In the next seconds there was an ambulance and firefighters who were trying to get rid of the fire And the ambulance was searching us if we are injured Since I was all covered in blood they asked me what did I do I had to lie that I got very badly burned They took me to the hospital. In the hospital, they told me that I have a really bad illness and I would die in a few days The man I told before showed up there and he said that karma is real and he knew that all the bad things I did will come back to me But he said one thing that absolutely broke me in a second. He said that even though I'm crazy, I'm dangerous and whatever, that he loves me. And then he took off his mask, but I couldn't see his face, it was all blurred. I couldn't even see what the color of his hair or eyes were. He started saying how much he is even crazy to me, he would do everything to help me. And for the past day of my life, he visited me every day. And then one night I could see that I died, but my soul was sitting in the window and watched everything happened. The man who sent, who loved me, he used my body for his own uses, the doctors and medics never find it out. They buried me in some kind of grave. I never got the stone, you get your name right on it now, they just burned me, and the dust they let fall into the river, but the river was weird, it was all bloody red, and it looked very toxic. And then I woke up from the dream.

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