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15 Jul 2024



I was standing in total darkness even though I couldn't see a floor it looked like a total black abyss. Everywhere i look just darkness. I see a man approaching me he's dressed in a white robe with a sash. The man had shoulder length brown hair and not a hair on his head was misplaced it was so perfect. He had brown eyes and they looked so kind and full of grace. The way he looked at me was like he had always known me. He looked so familiar almost like we could be related. Like I knew him from somewhere even though we've never met in real life. He had on a white robe with a sash around his waste. He held out his hand and in his right hand there was a key. And he said, "I hold the key to life and death." And he walked away. And then I woke up.

15 Jul 2024

Family Members


Me and My dad moved in with my narcissistic mom and it started off nice I was working then going to school and my life was great until a rumor started that I lost my virginity and that I wasn't pure anymore because I had a sexually transmitted disease and it was bad. I got calls. I got interviews with the news. It felt weird. My dad pushed it with std rumors saying I had it for publicity view but my little sister knew the truth and I couldn't be happier but we saw each other behind our parent’s backs. About a week later my mom came into the picture asking if I could transfer it to her so she swapped a mark and gave it to herself and paid me 10 thousand dollars and went to give my stepfather a sexually transmitted disease she never had instead of divorcing him. We didn't see or hear from my mom until about a week later requesting I give her money back with seething rage and swapping our marks back. I watched the half-black and glowing white moon on my arm go back to normal and she said we had a week to give her money back and stormed into her car and I watched her drive away and stepped outside as it began to rain as I smiled happily dancing feeling freedom as the dream faded to black I could see a big smile on my face.




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15 Jul 2024



Me and My dad moved in with my narcissistic mom and it started off nice I was working then going to school and my life was great until a rumor started that I lost my virginity and that I wasn't pure anymore because I had STDs and it was bad. I got calls. I got interviews with the news. It felt weird. My dad pushed it with std rumors saying I had it for publicity view but my little sister knew the truth and I couldn't be happier but we saw each other behind our parent’s backs. About a week later my mom came into the picture asking if I could transfer it to her so she swapped a mark and gave it to herself and paid me 10 thousand dollars and went to give my stepfather the STDs she never had. we didn't see or hear from my mom until about a week later requesting I give her money back with anger and swapping our marks back. I watched the half-black and glowing white moon on my arm go back to normal and she said we had a week to give her money back and stormed into her car and I watched her drive away and stepped outside as it began to rain as I smile happily dancing feeling freedom as the dream faded to black I could see a big small on my face.

15 Jul 2024



Me and My dad moved in with my narcissistic mom and it started off nice I was working then going to school and my life was great until a rumor started that I lost my virginity and that I wasn't pure anymore because I had STDs and it was bad. I got calls. I got interviews with the news. It felt weird. My dad pushed it with std rumors saying I had it for publicity view but my little sister knew the truth and I couldn't be more happier but we saw each other behind our parent’s backs. About a week later my mom came into the picture asking if I could transfer it to her so she swapped a mark and gave it to herself and paid me 10 thousand dollars and went to do whatever we didn't see or hear from my mom until about a week later requesting I give her money back with anger and swapping our marks back. I watched the waning crescent moon on my arm go back to normal and she said we had a week to give her money back.

15 Jul 2024

Baby boy


I dreamed that I had a one year old baby boy. I currently have no kids. I was at my dads finishing a project for school - I’m not in school but thinking of going back and attempting law school. When I finished my assignment I went to pickup my baby boy. But this is where it got weird. He was at childcare held at a casino and it was around 9pm. It took awhile to find the correct room. I’m pretty sure I had a friend with me. I went up to the lady working to check out my son from daycare. I also had to use the restroom so I asked where it was. She told me so I started to head that way. It was down a hall and the hall got increasingly dark with lights flickering. I looked into the men’s since my son would potentially use this restroom one day and there was a statue of a large clay human sitting on the counter next to the sink for decor. The statue had blobs over its eyes and it was baby blue. It frightened me immensely. Then I went to look at the ladies restroom. The same figure was in the ladies room on the counter except its eyes were missing and it had pink outlining the empty black eyes. It was so uneasy feeling that I decided not to use the restroom and never to bring my child back to this place. I debated to ask the lady what the statues are but didn’t feel it was necessary and I woke up from the dream shortly after that. My son was mixed. I’m currently dating a black guy, he’s Haitian and I’m white American/Finnish.

15 Jul 2024

High School


So this nightmare seem to take place when I was in high school. It seemed I was with a boyfriend that I obviously didn’t know very well or didn’t feel very safe with and we stopped at his friend’s house and we all went inside. him and his friends went into a bedroom And I noticed what I’m assuming is his friends little sister was getting ready to leave. She asked her mom for some money and the keys to the car and I thought that was going to be my way out of there. as she’s getting into the car, she has a couple friends with her, and I just jump into the backseat, I say please take me home. I will give you $10 and she says OK no problem. We start to drive away and we’re in the car for a little while and I noticed that we’re not heading towards my house. she asks me for my wallet and I just tried to give her the $10 and she starts laughing at me, she grabs my wallet out of my hands and takes all the money out of it and throws the wallet back at me and it lands on the floor. I just grab it and put it back into my purse. I’m trying to tell them the directions to my house, but they’re not listening, they are young. They’re out to have a good time and it seems like they’re out to mess with me. They end up going to some kind of drive-through amusement park. I don’t know how to explain it. but as we drive up, they pay the lady in the booth with the money from my wallet for us to drive through this Amusement park. I’m getting nervous because they are drinking and they are doing drugs and I know that I somehow someway have to get out of this car. I’m making the decision that as we are exiting the amusement park I’ll jump out at the ticket booth and just ask that lady to use the phone to call my parents to come and get me, And that’s exactly what I do. I jump out of the car and the kids just keep on driving and laughing as they go. I asked the lady to use her phone and she lets me into the ticket booth, but the phone is like nothing I’ve ever used before and she’s trying to explain it to me, how to dial the rotary phone but there’s no actual numbers on it and I’m begging her to please just put in the number please. I just wanna call my parents to come get me and she starts laughing very sinisterly and I know once again that I’m in trouble. That she also does not want to see me get home safely. so there is another car pulling up to this amusement park to go through it and she looks at me and she says. oh my God, it’s my boss and he’s not a good man we’ve got to run so I start running with her into some kind of fielded wooded area and I am following pretty close by her but then she gets a lead on me. I can see her circle back towards the ticket booth and in front of me I see that there is a camp of homeless men Around a fire and I feel like that might be even more trouble because it’s in a scary wooded area where there’s no other people. so I circle around and follow the girl back to the ticket booth area, which is at least on the street, even though it’s in the bad side of town. However, instead of following her to the ticket booth, I start running towards the downtown area. The car that had pulled up to the ticket booth prior, before we had started running from It, had two men in it. There was one guy talking to the girl at the ticket booth, and the other guy had his eyes on me, the guy at the ticket booth yells to his friend no she ain’t worth it, Leave her alone and let her go. when I get to the downtown area. It is dead. All the businesses are closed and I am scared. I have no idea how I’m gonna get home and then I’ll wake up.

15 Jul 2024



I was like five different vampires who had been like not from the same breed or something i didn’t really understand what the difference was. But we had been getting killed because we had been different, the way we had been getting killed was kind of brutal…. It was only like flash scenes when i was having myself getting tortured… one was having my organs taken out- like my ribs being beaten as well just completely destroyed…. Was laying down while it happened and bound with ropes. Then i remember this was getting closer to the end, i was then another vampire and rebellious a bit, because i overheard one of us being an exception. They had been apart of our deaths and torture too… one of us betraying us and partaking in our deaths… she was accepted because apparently her bloodline was also mixed with the ones she is killing with. she wore red. It was like the only color that stood out for me. Then i got horrible death. Then i switched to another vampire…. This scene particularly interested me tho…. This character was interesting… he kind of reminded me of Oh Sangwoo but like smaller and more vampiric… he had red eyes, he was wearing a grey hoodie. And he was coaxing me… saying that he loved me. And he asked me “remember what I love about you the most?” Then he shoved one of his fingers gently into my mouth and showed me, i have this sharp fang, its different from all my teeth is what he was getting at, he told me to bite… and i did.. because he kept pressing his finger tightly on that fang… and his finger suddenly started to pour his blood inside my mouth…. I could taste it… could taste the iron inside, then i started feeling dizzy and disoriented, i have no idea if it was poisonous blood to actually kill me because theyre trying to kill our breed or if he was giving me his powers and pretended he was killing me… i dont know… but it felt odd and intense and i woke up feeling dizzy and a headache. The color red was the only thing that stood out to me other than black. Girl in red dress, the ribs and organs ripped out of me red, his eyes red and his blood red.

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