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14 Jun 2024



Hello. I was at an airport with my son and husband, we got on the plane and fell asleep, my son was in the middle of us. When we woke up we had arrived at my home town on a bus, but it was an airplane, my son was wedged in between us, when I tried to pull him up he had tinsel in his mouth that was stuck round his tonsils, he was ok, I just had to pull it out quickly without trying to hurt him. We then got off the plane which was a bus. I was then in my mums house where I grew up with my two old school friends who I still see now, we was downstairs Messing around and talking, there was a scratching at the door from the stairs to the living room and it was my old dog from when I was around 15 pip, my other dog peg who I also had at the same time was with me in the living room. I let them both in the garden, where I see Barrells of hay for my rabbits that I used to have when I was around 15 too that had been eaten, but now on fire in the garden, I ran inside telling my friend to get the hose and I was filling up buckets of water screaming to my mum who was upstairs to get out of the house. - in my dream, I had already had visions of a fire, so when it happened it was like I new it was going to happen. My friend hadn’t plugged in the hose, so the water wasn’t coming out, I was shouting at her to plug it in, as I was putting out fires with the buckets of water. We managed to get all the fires out in my garden, but there was one we couldn’t get too in another garden close by, I can’t remember if that one did go out or not. My ex boyfriend was in my garden too asking my friend what was going on? She told him and he was just watching with Her. I was then in a new job where I had met a girl who was my height 6ft, maybe taller who was black and very friendly, she felt like she was going to be a new friend. She introduced me to people she new and then came to my house , which was my nans old house to go out for a walk, she had bought a friend with her too, a small mixed race guy who was gay I think, we was all laughing. I then went upstairs to go to my room, and it was a hospital with a family there that I new, in my waking life I don’t know them, but in the dream they felt very familiar. Thier little baby was really unwell, to the point they didn’t know if it was going to make it, the mother was telling me that she had booked the funeral for the little baby as she was sure it was going to happen, but the baby was still alive, they were staying in my bedroom when I wasn’t there, it was like an agreement we had, they could stay if I wasn’t there. So they all left the room as I got ready…




DreamApp: Journal & Dictionary

DreamApp provides an answer for what you saw in your dreams immediately after you wake up.

14 Jun 2024



We were somewhere in Europe where it was heavenly snowing me, my mom & sister were on the bus and wanted to go to the mountains, but when we were there the wind was so strong that it moving the bus we also forgot our gloves so we didn't climb. I do have seen the mountains before The we were in London my mom and I and we took the bus but like this typical red ones, we thought we were in the palace of the Queen but we were in a big mall, very beautiful and a lot of people everything was on the same floor, we went to a woman and I saw my face & 2 ex friends in real life on a chip bag, the picture apparently became famous on the chip bag. Then we went to our hotel room, but the door was full of mold and was broken in some places, so I said to my mom that we had to go somewhere else, the we heard some music in the hall under us, so we went back outside. Later I was 'working' I think in a food restaurant I think it was, but I was painting nails, everything was glitter but the color would shine the whole room, there were a lot of people walking outside at both side of the street, and the I saw Princess Ingrid of Norway, she wanted to do her nails, the rest I don't remember. Later I was running trough a car tunnel and came out on a skater field, they were all sitting on the grass, I was very scared of them, it were just teenagers, but my mom was still in the tunnel so I waited above with those skater, then we run to our house because we had to be there at an special hour or we would lose our house and there was a traintrails just in front of it and I ran for my life and make it through the sound of the train, but my mom didn't and I was late, so I fell on the ground and cried and then I woke up.

14 Jun 2024



Old dream I had that reoccurred a lot. It would start out with an open grassy field that was a giant circle, with a forrest as the boundary. The whole thing was a mound with a picnic set up at top. I would approach and when I got there, there would be a hot air ballon for me to get into. When I did we would fly up and shrink way down in size and make our desent back down past the picnic basket and down the field. I would see a castle that only you could see at our small size. When I am getting close I have to fight someone. Usually starts as a goblin but by end if fight was someone I knew. I would get off balloon and enter the castle afterwards and when I enter, the inside is a mix between my aunts house, my own, and a dungeon style castle area. I would turn down the way of my house amd the rest of the house would lock down. I would see a tour going on in the room. The guide was show casing a real vampire cssket with a real vampire in it, waiting for its time to rise. In this room is also a bar cage jail cell with a tiger inside and the tiger is terrified. The guide then decides to open the vampires casket and a vampire starts murdering people. Everyone runs to 1 room while I went to my room where I would always find a friend of mine. The 2 of us would stay on top my bed while we listened to everyone else get slaughtered. I would here my mom from under the door telling me to stay. Then she would die and bleed through the door. Dream usually ended there. One time the vampire was my dad. But I love my dad and have never had problems. I certainly don’t see him as dangerous. Again, this dream happened when I was younger, but it was a reoccurring one.

14 Jun 2024



I was running again this time I was running away from a big fat lady who wants to catch me and get rid of me I started started running on my own but later on baddass friends went in the run with me During the dream Once she pinned me down but idk how but I fought her and reversed it, tried to hurt her cause there was spikes on the ground but she took over again so I got help one of the guys My crew successfully had her pinned down, constantly crushing her so she can’t get back up and follow me while I run away But I went back to the house and found out that the housekeeper was going to warn her so while I was running I called my crew and told them They gathered their stuff and ran One of them A baddass women took out her humans flamed our settlement to the ground while running on her horse They had horses later on, but I was still on foot bc this dream representing my struggle. We got enough distance between us and big lady so we stopped and got a new settlement. With small little village houses in front, I thought maybe we could blend in but I also know shes gonna follow me forever and find me and I’m gonna have to run again.

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