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29 Jul 2024
I was in a house that I was moving out of. I’ve never seen or lived in this house in real life. My former best friend & roommate, Emily, was there. At one point I went to use the bathroom on the lower floor like I always did, but the door was locked & Emily was showering. I felt annoyed but I went upstairs, which I never did, & went to use that bathroom. It was absolutely spotless. It had two tubs, one normal & one that was a jacuzzi. There were also two sinks. I made a bubble bath & then I woke up.
So the dream was really really scary. So the dream starts in my neighborhood. For some reason I was in front of a park there and I couldn't see anyone in the neighborhood. It was like it was completely empty and abandoned. Whatever suddenly an old scary woman was in a car which was like a kid car or something but what I knew in the dream was that someone killed her husband and she also had a kid and she raged a lot about it. So she just she was just using the car going around. She started chasing me and I was completely terrified. I was running in the whole neighborhood and I tried to escape from her but she just came closer to me. So I just opened the door of my house and hoped that she wouldn't be able to get in. I closed the door really really quickly and there I saw my mom who was about to go out. I warned her to not go since there is that old scary woman who wants to kill. At least she wanted to kill me. I don't know if she wanted to kill everyone. And when I saw out of the door because I didn't close it properly I could see that the old woman was still outside my door but she was transformed as a cat. It was really really creepy. And that is a whole dream but then the door opened and she just disappeared. She didn't came inside.
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I was at work and had accidentally sent something personal to the work printer that I had already successfully printed on it days before. It's not wanting to irritate my employer.Or waste paper.I felt bad and wanted to get to the print room where rosie , who heads reprographics and matt , who also works in the same room on tax processing sit. When I went through the door I saw that the furniture had been rearranged in such a way that made it very difficult to get into the room. There was only one entry. Everything else was blocked by furniture. I did, however, manage to get past into the space but noticed by both people who work there. I tried to discreetly grab my paperwork and throw it away. Just as met was coming back into the room , I was putting some other things on top of the print job that I was throwing away to conceal the evidence before leaving the room.
חלמתי שהמפקד שלי ניקה את החדר שלי ואז אמר לי ללכת ממנו ואני התעצבנתי מאוד ואחרי זה חברה שלי דיברה עם חברה אחרת שלי שהיא בכלל לא מכירה והן קבעו תוכניות וגם על זה התעצבנתי
I was in Salem, MA with friends. We were going through costume shops. I had slipped off from my parents to go to a shop on my own. I found a bizarre-for me-costume I liked. I ignored it in favor of looking at a sailor dress. I met up with my friends having purchased neither outfit. Janice began discussing what kind of outfit I should wear. I focused on the sailor outfits, figuring they were “safe.” She asked me what was the craziest outfit I had seen I liked. I pointed out the first, a medieval type dress with a halter neck. Impulsively, I grabbed both the sailor dress and medieval dress and went to the register
I had a dream I was walking around this neighborhood and I guess I had lost something? I’m not entirely sure what the premise was but I ended up having to go into somebody else’s house. I knew it wasn’t my house and that I had to find whatever I was looking for and get out. But instead of looking for the thing I noticed how nice the house was and started roaming. Thinking about it now it vaguely resembles a house I did an energetic clearing for about 3 or 4 months ago. Anyway. There was an orange cat who was leading the way up the stairs and when we got to the top he angled to the left as if pointing. That was when I noticed the small golden/brass cone attached to his collar that had the wide side facing the direction he had angled. For some reason I knew not to get in front of that as I understood it to be a camera and I could not be seen. So I want behind the cat to go around. It skips to me back downstairs the cats gone but I can tell he’s somewhere around the house. I essentially give myself a tour of the house. As I’m getting ready to leave I hear the keys in the door. When the door opens I’m just standing there like oh hello 😅 it’s an older lady with grey hair and I just give this huge smile as her face drops for a second but she recovers as I open the door fully and say “your house is lovely by the way!” She just looks pleasantly surprised and doesn’t get a word out. I leave and walk towards the woods. The hills undulating as I walk and the. I wake up. I was wearing an outfit that I’m very familiar with as well. As if it was me from a few years ago when I had cut my hair into a fade and it started to grow back circa April 2021 or 2022. My favorite leggings that I still have but are actually on its last days. They probably should have been thrown out by now but I have a hard time letting things go. My light blue cherry crop top. Also a favorite but doesn’t fit anymore. I got rid of that 2 weeks ago. And my cropped half sleeve denim jacket also a favorite but I haven’t worn it in a while. I also had a small black backpack and I miss those backpacks! I haven’t had one in a while because I just use the big one these days.
I dreamt about going to cooking classes and this time it was Italian good so i made some of mine Pen dishes and it was like a really soft dough filled with juicy beef and it was round and i also made garlic bread and lager on made a really pretty pinkish Tea out of flowers
Last night I dreamt of horrible, unsafe public transport. They were massive rusty cages that swung around and people had to hang on. It felt scary but then I saw my dad and felt better.
I had a dream a year ago about my family dying one by one, first was my mother who died on her death bed at a hospital due to unknown cancer or disease, then was my little brother who died from unknown reason and I don't actually have a little brother, next my little sister died from unknown reason and I don't actually have a little sister, last was my big brother who died from getting run over by a train and I actuallydo have a big brother, and the last thing I remember was being in a school that I don't know of and I was afraid that I might br the next one. Me and my family cried everyone time someone died.
I dreamed of a late friend of mine who I actually had beef with and never got to reconcile with and in the dream we were back in a bedroom where we normally hung out as kids and young adults and he was telling me how he had three days to come back and see loved ones then he had some kind of trial or something before he would be gone we talked about a gorlfriend he had while we were still cool and how hereby loved her and she would walk in and out the room as if she was doing something but it was like he was just showing me memory’s of her or something we talked about a boat briefly but then we said are goodbyes I wished him luck then I woke up almost feeling like I had really gotten to reconcile with him
I was at school but there was an outdoor swimming pool for some reason and this guy with racks of clothing was speaking to us but we were all the pool, there were canoes,kayaks etc and we were having fun and then it ended, it was a very sunny day and the pool was small plus everybody in my old school year was there, the guy with the clothing racks was standing in front of the pool speaking
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