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29 Jul 2024
I watched a news report that a Hispanic guy was talking to the interviewer, and then it showed my loved one pregnant lying in bed also talking. I realized that the guy was her boyfriend. I was shocked and sad.
I was telling Mom I might be pregnant and my belly was slightly big but she was saying it's not okay to check and that I shouldn't do a pregnancy test cause if I brought that thing from the store then everyone would think me wrong cause right now I am only 15 Also another dream that I was a teacher for a day and I was needed to wear a saree but the students were very naughty and a male teacher was caring for me in class when students were being mean but suddenly we were in my room and he was touching me and started licking my neck but I brushed him out and the dream ended
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I was walking with a friend, there was car parking obliquely, i took photo of it, we were walking into a grocery shop when we saw there is a robber holding gun on a cashier. So me and the friend ran to the next shop. But they were linked to each other. Before i ran into this shop my friend said that they are linked but i did not listen to her. I hid behing clothing rack, that was good spot but then i went to find a different spot. Me and some worker from the shop ran upstairs. I hid behind small plant. There was person that was hiding with me, but when the thief came into the room the person with me uncovered himself and became a thief too. They both hold gun on me and i just waited for my death. But when they pulled the trigger, just juice came from the gun.
There was some sort of big party/celebration and I was supposed to be with Salvador somehow. A wedding? Just a party? His dad was there along with a lot of other people and I was so happy. There was some sort of draft and Erick had to look up his name to see if he was being drafted. I asked him if I could record his reaction so it could be used on the news. I kinda worked at a TV news station again and Akemi was the producer and would make sure everything made sense. There may have been a B17 airplane flying around and I asked someone if she was able to go in the bottom clear gunner pod.
Went to a part at the Avocent lady’s house in the SIerra Nevada. There were so many people there I didn’t know and I talked to her only for a second. People were barbecuing, and I’d picked up some fish down a road with badly broken pavement in Las Conchas to get some packaged frozen fish. I handed it to her dad who was closer to my age but he said he had enough fish on the grill and I saw huge hunks of salmon. I got along better with her dad than her and owndered if he was single. Lots of really young people at the party. Tom and I were trying on clothes in a fitting room - weird dresses and stuff that didn’t fit - someoentold us they were closing adn we’d have to put everything away on our own.
Hanging out with Salvador and his father. The father had a new box spring on the ground that was very fancy and he was going to try lying on it and we’d poke the bottom to see if he felt it. Rachel may have also been there. Talking to Craig about my Pinterest account and how I’d been messing up the software system by changing the boards around. I had to do it within their system.
I don't remember the starting but i remember from the middle. I was sitting on a bench and it was by the road and the surrounding were somewhat forest but still there was a road and as I was sitting on it. There was a girl beside me but i can tell that she did not like me and after sometime she got up and went away. Suddenly a boy from behind who was sitting with his friend told me that "excuse me, it going to rain soon so, please sit on this side where rain can not reach" but i don't know why i got angry on him and said " i can take care of myself" and he was kinda offended but still smile and sit back and suddenly the rain drops was falling on me and I had no choice but to sit down the another side as the boy. And when i looked up the a coconut tree but it's leaves were like a peacock feathers. I liked the weather so i started to play some songs in my phone, it started to play Krishna (god) about Radhakrishna love and I was wearing a saree, it was a light green colour and as I was enjoying the rain i went and hold the hand of the boy who I was rude but i felt safe and happy with him and he also didn't say anything and hold my hand as if it was normal. The sad part was i don't remember his face.
I was in a loft-style apartment topless and I think my mom was in bed with a younger guy. He got out of bed and I made some sort of joke to them both that good thing I wasn’t out in public or at work cause I just like being naked. The guy got up and was making food int he kitchen, which had a huge long counter with dishes on it. Mexican restaurant eating tacos and couldn’t figure out what to order. I was asking the guy about train track tacos with this special dark tortilla, but he said the tortilla was chalky and wouldnt’ recommend it. I was wondering why this restaurant was getting tacos from the railroad tacos guy and not making it there. I was working in an office building and passed Deb Monroe on the staircase. A vision from another life, and we said hello. I was working at a computer in an office sitting next to another guy and I had a million shopping tabs open. Someone was being trained and given a tour and i felt guilty I wasn’t working and was just looking at clothes and stuff.
I was at a train station trying to figure out how to get to Paris. I was trying to speak french. The woman spoke french, english and spanish and I talked to her a bit in Spanish. It was hard and stressful trying to figure out how to get to Paris. I had to get a refund on my previous ticket before I could buy another ticket and I wasn’t sure if I’d get the train on time. People were with me but I don’t who they were. Sam or Sandra and a man? In some two story house and Salvador came upstairs and sat on a chair. I wasn’t sure if I was allowed to talk to him a lot so I asked. He said it was okay so we talked for a bit and I felt better. I might have been making sourdough bread in the house. There was also something happening with bike rides.
Tom and I eating dinner at a table with a white tablecloth with two other men. Sam was the chef and she served us some sort of ground beef pie. Tom called her over and said she shuld have cooked the meat more as it was pink in the middle. He was sort of harsh. The two other men said it was perfect and I told them we are usually vegeterian and not used to meat. Steve getting pissed off and stalking out of the house. Something to do with tango and one of the tango women hurting his feelings. I was pooping in one of the small bathrooms and a woman was trying to get in and yanked the door open but then closed it when she saw me. The bathroom went in a long ways and I went into the shower area to spray the poop out of my butt. Another woman was showering and she said something about windsurfing gear. Her butt was very strong. Outside on the lawn and there were long tables full of peole. Singing happy birthday to Lacey and another person. Sitting outside on a lawn singing Happy Birthday to ..ALAN. Emphasizing the Alan part but I think it was actually my moms birthday. Aiden driving by me in a store parkign lot and seeing me. It was the second time I’d seen him in a parking lot. I was afraid Tom would see him hug me.
I had a dream I owned I beautiful vintage silver hand mirror and a silver vintage hairbrush that went along with it. I admired it. I remembered that I saw a video of a girl who also had a silver hand mirror and brush and I thought “why did I want these two things when I saw that video when I already have them? Weird”
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