7 Jul 2024
I had a dream in about a girl that I’m slowly talking more and more to. The location was in a city I’ve never seen before, it was almost like a little bit of a Hollywood town. It was tiny too. There was a square in the middle with a huge sandlot and sometigng else next to it, which I can’t remember. Like a children’s playground. Around this square there were one floor houses surrounding it.
Anyway the girl had apparently had someone break into their house. And I happened to visit at the very same time that the police were there. I had my dog with me and it seemed we just needed shelter for a little bit. So while the police was there, my dog and I was in her parents bedroom. In their bed. My dog and I was snuggling and then her mom came in and said she wasn’t too happy about the dog being in the bed. So my dog and I went to the bathroom instead and I put him in a tub so he wouldn’t run away. Somehow I brought the covers from the bed into the bathroom and laid on the floor with my dog, cuddling up again. The girls brother eventually came and took the covers because my dog couldn’t touch it. The police was investigating the small house and swiped all the surfaces for dna. Even the surfaces I touched which didn’t make sense. They eventually came to the conclusion that it was a huge spider that I done all the things they thought a burglar could do. It had opened a window and so on. the girls mom was not surprised, she said she knew it. The spider was then right behind me in the corner of a room.
My dog and I headed out and I went to a neighbor to ask if they knew what had been going on. My dog was right next to me and started peeing all over their floor in their house while i talked and told them it wasn’t a thief but a huge spider. It was very embarrassing. I had to tie him outside to a trashcan and head back inside their house to clean up the mess. When I came back to my dog, there was a huge spider on the trashcan it was tied to so I slapped it away and eventually my dog was gone. Idk how but it seemed as if he was untied and stolen maybe. Then suddenly the spider took over the city and somehow turned into a bear. I tried to fight this bear and get it locked up and I think I did it, I’m not sure. But I was cheered on by the town. I felt not so welcome earlier but now people seemed to love me after I saved their town. But my dog was gone. I sat down and cried so much until someone came to help me. We then saw him in the back of a minibus, driving past us. I’m not sure if we ever rescued him but I think we did.