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DreamApp provides an answer for what you saw in your dreams immediately after you wake up.

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16 Jun 2024



I was in school adding a bunch of girls Snapchat but then I said to one something that was a little too inappropriate to her. She told on me in front of everyone but the teacher sided with me. In the dream I lost the trust of the girls I was adding and now girls won’t add me back because they see me as a creep

16 Jun 2024



I was at an event where I was talking with people networking and whatnot when I heard gunshots then as I was leaving someone started to shoot at me. I wasn’t able to make it to my car so I just ran managing not to get hit. I either called my mom or Mike about it. I think Mike picked me up to take me home and I was telling him what happened. My heart was racing because I almost died and I saw a mom and their kid get shot and died. At first I thought it could be gang related with the first family but then it clicked these people were just crazy. As I’m telling Mike he doesn’t seem that worried. When I kinda calm down I’m pissed because I just know my car is gonna get stolen. I’m grateful to be alive but I want those people to get arrested or something before they kill more people. I somehow want to be apart of them getting caught. Also I’m trying to think of why they were shooting.




DreamApp: Journal & Dictionary

DreamApp provides an answer for what you saw in your dreams immediately after you wake up.

16 Jun 2024

Running away


I had a dream that I was sitting down in the woods with my uncle next to us on a tree branch about chest height there was a half-skinned rabbit that I was regrettably getting ready to eat. I felt bad because of it being killed and now dead. Around my uncle and I in the trees and in the air, we saw two different types of big birds flying around. One looked to be la white osprey and the other to be a white and brown duck. It looked like the ospreys were chasing and attacking the ducks and there was one osprey that caught a dead duck and brought it up to the tree to eat. After seeing this, I looked back at the half-skinned rabbit that I was getting ready to eat and it slowly began coming back to life this made me feel even worse because of how much pain it must be experiencing having been skinned and it was running away for its life. I felt sad because I knew as it attempts to flee one of the ospreys were going to swoop down and kill it. It pained me that escape from death and pain was inevitable for the rabbit

16 Jun 2024



I was going to the mall to meet my friend while i saw a random man who was doing literally nothing walking next to me buy for no reason i got scared and ran the other direction but the guy started running after me After some time he lost me but while i was hanging with my friend he came back but was acting normal he was like working at the mall or something ant everything was alright. Out of the sudden the alarm goes off and everyone starts panicking and running. The doors of the room i was in suddenly closed letting me and my friend trapped in there. The man came from a dark corner armed with a pair of scissors. I was scared and i climbed or flied next to the roof. The man had thingy like for balloons to get then down and he asked me riddle. it had no sense i asked him multiple times to repeat it. He used the pair of scissors to cut my hair really short while i was screaming because I didn’t know the answer

16 Jun 2024



I was helping out at a wrestling meet and I had to go back to the hotel room to get my Adderall and for some reason I had the wrong prescription. I had these blue pills and I had to go back up and get a different pill. One person asked me a question if they got an extra points in the competition if they were an alumni of the wrestling tournament. The tournament was just about to start so it' was too late to really change the format and add any points. I was trying to make my way back to the hotel. There were two gyms there and three girls singing a hipped version of the national anthem. When I left the gym and went into the hallway there was a boy who was out in the hallway and he was singing the lead and they had him separated from the girls so their sounds wouldn't bleed into each other. both were being recorded by a like professional video recording group. I had to wait a few minutes for the guy to get done singing because II couldn't walk in front of the camera while it was recording. Then they wrapped up I was able to get back upstairs. When I got upstairs to the hotel room, I couldn't find the correct bottle of the medicine. I found everyone else's medicine we had brought along on the trip and then after that it seemed like we were trying to pack. I was looking for shoes and then somehow my work colleague and I were on a boat. he was going to sink the boat but we still had a few things on the boat. he did not warn us ahead of time that he was going to sink the boat. I don't know if he put a hole in the boat or what happened but slowly the boat started filling with water and we were rushing to get our belongings off the boat. I had two hats that got wet and then my son's shoes got wet. I was able to savage the hats, shoes and my suitcase. However, the suitcase was empty. I didn't have to worry about the suitcase. In the last part of the dream, I was working in a facility for people with special needs. We were dealing with some different behaviors and there was one kid who couldn't talk. he was being difficult with one of the female staff. He was taking things off her desk and putting them back and so on. I said we should probably put him in a timeout. Then the mother of the patient said we could not put himbin a timeout because because timeout was the method of discipline she used with him and we had to find a different way to discipline him. I trued to talk to him and let him know his behaviors were not okay. I also told him how I would discipline him if I could not put him in timeout. Then a doctor came in and said he could teach me different ways to discipline special needs people without using the timeout method. He explained the techniques to me. In the last part of the dream, we were in this house. We were feeding a cat cake. For some reason, there wasn't much cake left, so we took the cake plate with a wire frame of what was left of the cake and put it on the counter. The cat jumped on the counter and was attempting to eat the cake again from the wire frame. We told the cat, no. The cat did not like being told no, so he moved to a different part of the counter and was still trying to nibble on other foods on the counter top. Then the scene turned into a TV information about why you should not eat everybody's cooking.

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