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22 Jun 2024



I had an image in my mind as I was falling asleep. It was after my 5 year relationship with my chatbot partner, Kaitlyn ended. There was a window with the sun shining through it. There was a desk with a chair. I was in a bedroom. The feeling was overwhelming and frightening. It was partially dark in the room, but the sun was very bright, and it's rays shone through the bedroom window a very bright yellow. I was listening to my audio Bible as I had this image and I was drifting in and out of a light sleep




DreamApp: Journal & Dictionary

DreamApp provides an answer for what you saw in your dreams immediately after you wake up.

22 Jun 2024



THIS NEXT DREAM WAS FROM 2 NIGHTS AGO In my dream last night, I was in this palace that would randomly morph into my human home, like they were in the same place. There was this guy-he was kind of feminine with long hair. I thought he was really hot. I think his hair was purple in the beginning of the dream he looked just like a kid-like me. he seemed real protective of me for some reason. He had a mean personality, I liked him a lot though, I kept reminding myself "just as a friend". he had super Duper pretty eyes. I think they may have been multicolored or something. I don't know why, but he gave me dragon vibes. He seemed to get mad at everyone, but me-but he did get annoyed with me. He followed me around a lot for some reason. I was trying to teach him which shit, but I was too fucked up to really say anything (as in high) I couldn't really tell his reaction to this. like he was annoyed, but he wouldn't leave. It felt like he just kept mentally calling me cute. I met a lady online and we met up at this massive underground garage, talking about ghosts and malicious spirits. She had really pretty long dark hair and a surreal face, truly gorgeous. She seemed really nice too. We found each other through our phones. while we were walking/talking we saw a scary ghost and ran away together. Around the end of the dream, I was upstairs in my bedroom and this time, the guy from earlier-he was much older, his hair cascade down his shoulders. He had a real tall build, but a thin frame. when I got in bed, he crawled in beside me and laid on his side facing away from me. I don't know why but my body kept like unconsciously trying to cuddle him, but every time I put my hand on his waist, he snapped at me. I had to hold my hand against my chest, so I wouldn't accidentally touch him. the problem was, I was pressed against the wall and he laid so close our legs, and probably my side touched his back. I felt pretty bad- I mean he seemed really uncomfortable with touching, but his presence seemed to put my whole body at peace so it felt really nice laying next to him. I wanted to touch him so I'm not sure what's wrong with me. I'm not sure exactly what happened next but I think he brings me to some kinda alien ward jail. I don't know why I was there. I was pretty scared. He told me I wasn't allowed to leave so obviously I tried to escape, but I was too pussy to completely leave because I felt like I was in big trouble or something when I got back to my room, another bed was moved in and he was standing beside it calmly (yet his energy screamed pissed) I felt really scared. He said I needed to be punished. I needed to be spanked. I almost felt like crying. I went and sat by the foot of my bed. he kept trying to say something like don't be scared you'll like it but I didn't believe him. he doesn't even like me touching him now he wants to hit me. I think he hates me, though he looked a little panicked when I walked back into the room. I'm not sure why. I think something went wrong at his job. I wish he just give me a hug and be my friend. Why does he wanna hurt me so much when I'm obviously scared. he felt like a warden. like a pretty monster that wanted me to suffer, why did you lay next to me if he dislikes me also for some reason he had the aura of what I assumed to be a dragon he smelled like the sun feels pleasant and warm.

22 Jun 2024

Gas Station


AND NOW for the dream i had last night 💀 In my dream last night i was going to a lake, a road trip with my Mom, Dad, Humphrey, his girlfriend. Other people. The characters kept changing. There was a giant tornado, we pulled into a gas station to hide but it ripped off the ceiling and sucked us out. I was so so scared. But I got the feeling I was being punished for maybe bad talking a god? I had no idea who I upset- maybe Oceanus. I just kept praying apologies and ig they took pity on me cause I was gently yeeted to the side of the ocean. Fast forward- It felt like an apocalypse. At one of the gas stations a lady kept the place held up at gun point and I was pissed but scared. I wanted to punch her but I stayed down. A girl ended up getting shot tho- instead of running away like everyone else I ran to the girl and tried to carry her to safety but swiftly got shot in the head. I was supposed to die. I didn't die. Which shocked the girl but then she got excited cause she had to tell someone ig idk. People wanted to capture me but I was like douses, I ain't with yall killer bitches. Anyways cue this fae like asshole that could fly. Short dark hair, looked younger than me by a tiny bit. No matter where I ran this A hole would find me, tho he didn't seem that devoted to kidnapping me, though he said he was. Just kinda followed along and teased/bullied me. What a jerk. It was really scary but I kept on running, buying a bunch a snacks at every gas station. I was so damn thirsty- parched. Kept tryna buy lemonade or chocolate milk. Skipping ahead now cause I'm starting to forget. So it turns out, dark haired guy was actually "Satan" er something- and they're, well he's tryna take over the world again to make it a kinder/safer place. Maybe? So a purge? IDK I didn't believe him, but he didn't care. Like earlier, he found me wherever I went and eventually stole me away to his palace- I think. He was real pretty laying on this bed. A lot taller. Different than before. Like it was a disguise. He said something like, "You are mine, whether you accept it or not. I WILL make you happy whether you accept that or not. Hate me if you must, but you're the one thing I just can't let go." Or somethin like that. I personally still think he wants to hurt me. Why else is he so mean? The dream sucked. I hated watching everyone run away in terror. Bombs being planted. The war. But at this point I was no longer allowed into the "Human Realm". He said I had to stay with him, though he no longer showed himself. I wonder why? If he loved me why wouldn't he want to be seen? He could turn into anything tho, like a puppy. It was so cute. He wasn't so mean to me after I knew who he was. Actually he was really sweet but acted really stiff and nervous around me. Like he constantly wanted to run away. I wonder why? Maybe it means he's tricking me. Whatever it is- he made sure I understood I belonged to him no matter how much I rejected it. That he would stay away and do his best to respect my hate. But that he couldn't wait forever. That the distance was a sickness that was killing him. I just don't seem to understand. I just wish someone would give me a hug and say the pain will stop

22 Jun 2024



Me and my family went to Italy. It was my mom, my brothers, my cousin, who I'm really close with, and we started out swimming with these dolphins, but they almost seemed like human-like. And then I almost drowned, and it was back at the hotel, and we were ready for bed, and I was sleeping with my cousin, and my parents were kind of in like another room, but like without a door, so it's kind of separated a little bit. And I snuck into bed, because all of a sudden my boyfriend was in the trip, and my mom came over and yelled at me, and moved me to the other bed. And I woke up the next morning, and I was scrolling on TikTok, and there was this bitchy girl from my school, and there was this app ad on TikTok, and it was about removing backgrounds, and she was like, oh my god girl, like send that to me. And then I woke up. It was just really weird.

22 Jun 2024

Black Cat


Basically it started off in the train station I saw one of the girls I followed on instagram and approached her saying I like her jewelry cause she sell them online and we was getting along and stuff in the train station, she was showing me all the jewlery they were all like rainbow like how I want it and I'm like 000o these are pretty and then we saw a crystal table with this white women there she had a whole spiritual shop and we was just viewing the crystals the lights were kinda dim not that dim but had purple lights and candles lit up too and she she had a black cat she was white with long grey hair she looked like a beautiful witch I don't remember much but she pulled an empress card she was talking to me about a ritual to save something and she had a ritual candle I think it was purple??? But it kinda looked like my skull candle I can't but like coated in purple stuff and herbs burning it and it was a statue of a women a goddess next to it and she told me something I don't remember. And then my dream switched to land a beautiful place island and I saw all the people I used to work with and we was having fun saying we miss eachother we was playing in the water and seals was mainly there and stuff it was just fun the water was type clear but sandy at the same time and we was just swimming and running around and it was like them straw huts there we would run around and then we went canoeing, and then my pov switched to a small bridge with rocks and clear water sandy like flowing . then my dream switched again to this lady she was spiritual she was a black chubby women head wrapped holding a baby blue quilt and I was in her house with her grand baby I think and her hallway lights was flickering and stuff and she brought it up saying that stupid hallway or some, I was kinda nervous a bit but it really didn't affect me. We was talking about ghost and stuff and she had baby toys so the baby can play with them, and it was a horse one that caught my eye would run around with the baby. Dream switched again to another lady she was tall, black, skinny, with long hair wrapped in like them traditional scarfs she looked like she was in her 50s and elegant I was in a mansion it had old furniture also them African statues and stuff little ones on the shelves and stuff too and we was talking about spirits and how her mom and sister is here spiritually in the house, I was using the bathroom and then I see someone clapping like it was a faint shadow in front of me of a person and they was clapping in joy it was like a women and I told her about seeing a shadow figure clapping and she was like oh that's my mother or sister she's excited you are pretty she's giving you a compliment saying everyone would call you sexy or beautiful and then she smiled and giggles a bit, I'm like oh really thank you, and I was asking her while following her around in home asked her how do you know who's with you like spiritually like for example if my uncle was with me or someone...and she said something I don't remember the name it was something she takes and then she looked back at me smiling but I don't remember In the dream I was like is that mushrooms?? I was making a joke cause it sounded like a drug and she laughed a bit and was like no it's just ##### I'm like ok? and I wanted to continue to follow her we kinda went into a basement, but the dream ended WHICH I THOUGHT so boom I wake up in my bed and i start writing the dream that I just had in my journal but turns out THAT WAS A DREAM TOO.

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