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6 Aug 2024



I dreamed that my son was sick and had to be taken to the ER. I had to stay behind while my husband drove him to the hospital. The doctors were trying to figure out what was wrong with him and did X-Rays of his chest. They found that he had bacterial pneumonia. My son was seriously ill but my husband and I were fighting because my husband told me it “wasn’t a big deal.” I reminded him that pneumonia can be a deadly illness. He didn’t care. Later I was on a computer when messages from one of my husbands’ old friends popped up. They had sent him images of my best friend who died in 2016. She was naked and the photos were inappropriate. I again asked my husband why there would be images like that of my old friend sent to him. It started yet another screaming match in which I was sobbing my eyes out. My son eventually died and my husband and I were still fighting. His mother showed up, but she Just say there and listened. I didn’t know why she was there- but I was heart broken from the loss of my son and nothing could console me




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6 Aug 2024

Mountain lion


At Nicholas and Kristin's house, a mountain lion kept coming into the house. They seemed to not be too worried but were watching for signs that the mountain lion might attack their son Enzo. I was watching too and finally it did lunge at Enzo out of nowhere. The mountain lion bit Enzo in the face, but a police officer jumped at the mountain lion and was killed, saving Enzo for the time being. I shook myself out of my panic state and reached for the mountain lion, closing it's muzzle shut with my hands. I held onto it for so long that the mountain lion died. Enzo was okay. Moments later, another mountain lion was trying to get into the house. I ran and locked the door and leaned against it while the mountain lion scratched and tried to push it open, then it went to the windows and I made sure those were locked too. Eventually the lion seemed to lose some interest, but my mom was there and said how she had captured that mountain lion earlier in the month and tied it onto a long leash staked into the ground on her ranch help with her rodent problem. She had been giving the lion treats and training it to help. I somehow knew that this was the reason the mountain lion was being so bold and wanting to enter the house, but it was not quite tamed. So the mountain lion was walking the line between wild and domestic. I knew it could never really be domesticized. We all went outside and were still worried about the mountain lion but not worried enough to stay inside. Then my mom told me she had a phone call with her new lover. I said she should take it in the garage so she could stay safe from the lion but she said oh don't worry about it, I know what I'm doing. She went into a fenced in area with the lion and tried to make her call while also teaching the mountain lion tricks and giving it treats. It was too much to do both so she hung up the phone. While I was walking with my mom, she handed me a plastic grocery bag of her stuff to hold, and in it I saw a receipt for whippets from Evergreen Smoke Shop. I didn't know if it was one of me and ET's old bags/receipts or if my mom actually did whippets too. In another part of the dream, I was going to the same restaurant again and again but with different friends. It was not too fancy but not casual either. The last time I went with Kariz (neighbor), and I saw e.t. walking out. He said he was their with Amelia and her boyfriend. But then I realized if we were both there then where was Daphne? He hadn't told me he was leaving the house so I thought he was still there.. A separate part of the dream was that I had a girl's night type party at my house and I had hidden gifts all over the house for a treasure hunt. They were all small gifts and all wrapped. I actually hid some and I think I had someone else hide some so I could play too. For some reason, this dream felt stressful and almost too competitive. It was friends from the coven (Yovana, Allie, Jena, Jody, Emma, Maya).

6 Aug 2024

My crush
High School


Dreamed I went on a school trip to Canada. Went with my whole class from high school. Had a really fun time. Got to the airport and it was sprawling. They had a large fluffy cat in the woman's bathroom. I pet her and loved on her. I picked her up and asked if anyone owned the cat and if I could take it home. They said "No one owns this cat, but it gives comfort to those who visit so you can't just take her." I said okay and began wandering. I then found a cat a friend of mine who was in the trip owns. I picked the cat up and started frantically looking around for my group but I couldn't seem to find them anywhere. I circled all around the airport until I got in the front and there was a LOT of people. The airport was being swarmed and as I'm holding onto this cat for dear life through a crowd of people, being pushed around too, I finally find a stewardess and tell her "hey, I am here with a high school group and I'm lost. could you please help me?" and she goes "oh its you! we've been looking all over to find you! she leafs me to where everyone else is and my friend sees her cat. a group if girls tries to pull me up to the vehicle (which isn't a plane) its more of a huge flatbed truck. I refuse and hand over the cat first, and my friend thanks me. The only open seat left is next to a guy who used to pick on me but in the dream he's asleep. I have my bra I've taken off in a baggy and one of the other guys asks me why I've taken it off. I say because its uncomfortable and that's none of your business. I get led to an area with games and a teacher who I have a crush on helps me pick something to watch. I ask if he wants to watch anything too and he says " No, makes me think of my family and I miss them." I feel awkward and pick something to watch myself. lastly, were driving along the highway and there's a turn. I watch as the driver expertly drives us and I want to talk to him but I know he's busy so I leave him alone and instead pick a seat next to him to watch the road. I think about how I have a friend on Discord from Canada and that shed probably love to hear about my trip, and I wonder if I was close to where she lives. I wake up.

6 Aug 2024



I had a dream where I was like a siren i guess? And I met this guy who was also one? And I guess we got together. He bought me like this tomb thing idk what it was, and I saw him flirting with another girl, getting her things, etc. and when I confronted him about it, he told me he just like was with me for our friendship or whatever. And a fictional character (Tony Becker) was in this dream, along with some woman I don’t really know. There was this house I guess it was underwater or whatever. I don’t know if I got with Tony but I think we were either friends or I liked him. So the guy that y’know basically ‘cheated’ on me even though I don’t think we ever got together, we started fighting and practically trying to kill eachother. And the most recent one was he tricked me into going in the water and wasting my time, and told me “you better run. Remember that Tony kid you also bought that tomb for?” (And i think the tombs were little gifts) “Well, you might wanna make sure he’s ok.” I don’t know exactly what he said but it was something along those lines. So I went through the clothes in the rack, out the small hole in the back which led to the water, swam around for a bit, and then I saw this car.. I walked over to it and it was pretty dark, but I was able to see some blood and I guess choking sounds? Problem was, even though it seemed like this was Tony, and I couldn’t see the face of pretty much anything, they had thin medium hair like a woman would. So I tried to open the car door to look, and it was locked for some reason. They had the hair of that woman the guy was with. I’m not too sure who that was because last time I checked, that woman was just fine. So I go back to them, confused and also worried, and I literally grabbed a remote and chucked it at the guys head, I didn’t grab it the first time and had to like reach back to grab it again cuz I missed. And then threw it at him again. Then he grabbed my wrist and I ran to the door, shutting it. Then the girl opens the door and throw it at me. I don’t know if it hit or I caught it but I don’t remember it hitting me. So I grabbed it and chucked it at her head. I don’t remember how the rest of that went down and there was most definitely a lot of other times we tried killing eachother besides the remote. But then, I think he mentioned Tony again and I woke up somewhere around there.

6 Aug 2024

Teeth falling out


I was at a school. A teacher that in real life didn’t like much, greeted me quite euphoric but I ignored her because I know how double face she is. I greeted another teacher and I gave her compliments about how long her hair was and how shiny it looks. I told this teacher that I was doing good doing hairs during the summer. There was time to get my class in, some students listen, some not. The ones that listen got into the school the others stay out, but I was not to worried about them. Then, I was trying to clean my teeth with my tongue since I felt little bit of food on them and my veneers started to fall. It was so hard to put them in cause they were broken into 3 pieces. I could see my original teeth and they were very bad. The from teeth had screws on it. One canine just fall. It was yellow with cavities. My natural teeth didn’t look that good, I was like were is my smile. I tried to put my veneers back but felt that I will swallow them. Some how I accommodate them but I tried not to talk too much or move much my mouth cause the veneers were fragile and couldn’t fit my real teeth. Some how my mother appeared in my dream I think she was arguing about why I put veneers and in the argument she cover my mouth with her hands so I will shut up but I stood and took her hands away from my mouth and I didn’t follow what she said. I know she wanted to hit me for responding back and because I disobey what she said but it felt that I was force to do what she wanted and I didn’t want to.

6 Aug 2024



I had a dream me and my ex-bestfriend was staying in a house In a different town, when we went to town he went shopping and I acted like I had been there before because I have seen this clothing shop in my dreams before so I had some conscious and remembered I told my sister where to finding the nicest things in the shop . I bought a handbag and a hat. Afterwards everyone had a huge party, at the party a lot of my friends and family was there aswell as lots of strangers. There was something happening outside where people from this town had knifes and wanted to fight the people at our party. So all the men got ready to fight. My ex-bestfriend started holding a lit with fire price of paper under the fire alarm and then was going to throw it in the floor, I panicked and wanted to get all my stuff out of the house before hand otherwise I would have nothing. When the house set of fire Everyone ran out the exits and was either fighting or escaping. I ran upstairs to get some of my belongings and then ran back down I saw my auntie and she helped me get out.

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