Dream Meanings – page 183

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12 Oct 2024



My sister and me, drove far one night to her friends house. Even though we drove there, we had to go up this steep hill and fly the car like an airplane into this other city that e could only get to by flying over this weird bridge. I have seen this bridge that lead to another Time in space in many other dreams. Most times, it's a passenger airplane. Only this time, we took the drive then flight in a car. We arrived. Kevin Harts mother lived in the same apartment building, we went over Kevin's moms apartment and turned out, it was a blind date to meet Kevin. We hit it off well. He liked me a lot, and I liked him too. His mom and sisters appeared to like me as well, we hung out in the family living room. Kevin Hart wanted me to sit very close to him in the sofa. We had a drink and he Passed me a joint of some good weed. We smoked a together right in front of his family. They acted like it was not a big deal. I was introduced to all 3 of his young children. They loved me. I loved them. They were really good kids. We ended up smooching a bit right there in front of the family they were busy enjoying the private party they were having. Since I was enjoying myself my sister Wanda went back upstairs to visit her friend while I stayed at Kevin's moms house for a while before we had to drive back home. Before we had to leave to get back home, Kevin and I had established that we were going to be a couple and our future together looked very bright. I was super happy because he was such a gentleman and funny and he was a good dresser. When it was about time to go, I kept thinking about how my sister and I were going to have to fly over that bridge again to get back home. I remember telling Kevin that it was more windy where I was from.

12 Oct 2024

Being chased with a knife


last night I dreamed that I was in a university slash living underground commune type situation like I wasn't always underground but it seemed like most of the city slash like hospitals train stations it was very much like congested like that We went and we lived in a townhome but we also lived above our landlady and I don't know there was some type of tension I don't know what it was but continuing the dream I remember I had to report to like some type of schooling area and there are multiple grades But they were all mixed together from like, I want to say 8th to 9th grade all the way up to college level and it was a huge campus. Then there was the release of somebody who was dangerous and the school went on lockdown. And I remember I wasn't going out and about to save anybody. I was trying to find in my own way how to get to a safer place, but I remember going downstairs and the multiple levels of the campus were kind of locked off, but there were still the rebellious people hanging around and they made me nervous. And when they noticed me, they turned to me and asked me, like, let them through or, you know, unlock the gates or something. And something told me not to do it. And then I went the other way, but they kept yelling at me, and it just felt like they had malicious intent. And then I was woken up.

12 Oct 2024

Abandoned home


I had a dream about a small house, it’s dark outside, nothing but trees around us. We’re at a small house, that seems to be in the middle of the woods. There’s people I don’t know that’s here. People are fainting out of nowhere, at least that’s what it looks like. My friend rayanna fainted, I saved her from falling to the ground. There’s people with guns, and things that are killing people, I don’t know what or how though. There’s a car with people in it parked right beside the house. I’m outside as well, tryna figure out what’s going on. Then I see a blue light coming towards me, and everybody else to around me. The blueness took my vision. I know that when it gets close to you, it gets quiet and you faint or die faster than it takes you to fall asleep. All around me it was blue dimmed, i felt like I was losing consciousness because of that blue dimmed light. It was like it was living. I felt my body fade away. Then suddenly I woke up in the car, it was a jeep, the same as the one by the house, I suppose. I saw a man in the front seat who has dirty blonde hair with facial hair, but bot much.

12 Oct 2024

Being Lost


So just before I slept. I was lost. I wanted to cry but couldn’t. And it was because my day was foggy and I had a brain fog (where I’m just in my head or on my phone most of the time) because I was missing some parts of my pasts while remembering some bad stuff that happened too. And I wanted to cry I wanted to feel something because I had my parents loss their affection on me. And my little siblings were the only ones in my life have they been giving me hugs and kisses. And I wanted to feel something, to feel loved to feel pain to feel like I’m loved. So I tried to cry to feel something. Since my parents didn’t gave me the affection I needed anymore, I kinda lost the need to cry or to feel this love in my chest. So it was hard to cry whenever I wanted to. I did cry but only a little. Till…I had this dream. I think I had a dream before this dream, but I forgot about it already and it’s not important anymore. But this dream was. As I had a horrible time with myself, I had a dream where I was in this place as a kid. And there were other kids. And it seemed like there were these adults who were watching us? It kinda felt like an expiriment on the kids. So me and not a lot of kids just a couple were like in this HUGE circle room where the walls were high and was made of glass. I think there were adults at the glass watching us but I didn’t pay attention. And there were very few adults in this glass room with us. It seemed like there were only 4 maybe?? There might be more but I wasn’t also paying attention to that. That’s when I think something happened to the place and I think I was trapped?? But I managed to escape and I’m not sure where the other kids were. I’m pretty sure there were somewhere but I didn’t pay attention to them because I saw this- kid. They were trapped under a table with something small with them. I think it was an infant or a little dog? I do think it was a baby dog because of something that happened later on my dream. So I saw them, and I went to try and help them get out. I think there was an Earthquake because I remember seeing stuff falling from the ceiling and the ground shaking kinda. So I tried to helped them out but I think I was struggling a lot. I also think I remember having an adult come up behind me and started to say how I was so weak because of how much I was struggling and while giving me answers on how to free them but in a tone as if they saying “oh my gosh you don’t even know what your doing let me just tell you the answer if your that dumb” And I finally got the person trapped out. But I also think the adult that was talking to me was in my head maybe and not came behind me?? I dunno. But the person who was trapped was thankful that I freed them and didn’t react about the adult who talked to me so maybe it was in my head? I believe we escaped the place with the little dog and I believe something happened after that- and I may had forgot but there was a next scene and it seemed like I was in a house. I think I was now a teenager now like I am in real life. Dunno if in my dream I was a bit older. But the person I saved? We apparently build this house I’m in and now we’re living together. And now there’s this big fluffy dog with us. Seemed like it was the baby dog earlier on. And we were just living in our house together in peace. We were happy together and had a close friendship. But maybe our friendship was more or maybe it was just me in my dream. I remember there this moment where we were both sitting together doing something (I forgot what it was) and I think I managed to lucid dream here or just be able to control myself in this dream in this part only. And I may had found out I loved her and that if I did, I should make sure she knows. And at this moment I managed to control myself in my dream and moved my head to see her face. I remember her having short hair that seemed that she had cut it. It seemed like a messy haircut but it seemed to fit her. I don’t remember much now of what she looked like but I remember just staring at her and thinking how beautiful she is. Maybe she saw me staring and I went back to what I was doing or she never looked back at me and I just stopped staring. But then I lost control to my dream and a next scene came. It showed what our house looked like outside. There was a balcony that I was in and we were both outside because there was something going on. Our house at first seemed like it was floating- and maybe it was floating. But I remember seeing a thin wooden line that connects the bottom of our house to the grounds that was covered in snow. And maybe that was what was keeping the house standing, or it was a rope and our house was indeed floating and the rope was keeping the house from floating away. And just beside our house were a few other houses (I remember seeing 3 but there could be more) that were also having something below them like ours did. Me and (my friend? Lover? Our relationship was weird. We were friends but it seemed like we were in love with each other but didn’t said anything yet) friend- went to the balcony to see what was happening on the ground below us. And it seemed like our neighbors were doing the same too. It seemed like people- adults or kids?? It was foggy and there were dressed in something that made me not be able to see what they were. But they were bothering us. And annoying us because I remember feeling annoyed. But it seemed that it was common to have them come and annoy us because we were just whatever about it along with the neighbors. I think me and my friend went back inside- till a next scene came. I don’t know if me and my friend went out or we were just inside our house, but someone came. We didn’t knew who this person was and I had forgot how we found this new person, but they were a stranger to us and we didn’t trust them. And they seemed like they didn’t trust us too but they said they needed something/help? I forgot what it was, but the three of us went out to find what the stranger needed. Me and my friend had our guard up the whole time. We reached to a place where houses were never on the ground but were either floating or had something to let it stand. But I couldn’t know what it was. I guess when I was in the dream, I knew what everything was so I never questioned it. But since I obviously don’t know this world now that I’m awake, I’m unfamiliar with it. But me, my friend and this stranger went to this house in this town? City? It seemed urban like. And the door opened. An old man came in view, I don’t remember what the old man looked like now but I seemed to be familiar with him in my dream. Me and my friend were behind the stranger who was in front of the old man. We didn’t say anything till the old man spoke. He said “What are you doing here?” He asked the stranger. “I know who those two are-“ he nodded to me and my friend. (Remember I said before the scene where it’s after we escaped the place and I said there maybe was something that happened after that and then the scene of me and my friends in our built house came later on? That’s when I think something did happened when the old man said that) “but who are you?” The old man finally asked suspiciously at the stranger. But then I unfortunately woke up- It seemed that either I forgot what happened after what the old man said- or nothing didn’t happen afterwards because me waking up interrupted that.

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