Dream interpretation about Crying, Woman, Bedroom, Castle, Children, House, Bathroom, Door, Bathtub
I was in a huge castle with Adam. There was an older woman there telling me that her daughter is going to marry Adam. I got upset, so i decided to flip a coin to see who will marry him. The coin landed on heads which represented her. Adam and the daughter went for a walk outside and I watched them leave while i cried. I went back inside the castle and saw another woman there. The castle changed to a familiar small house. The woman looked tired so I offered to show her to the bedroom. Once we got there, everything was slightly different than how it normally looks. After she laid down, I went out to the hallway. Instead of the bathroom being there, there was a small chair. I sat in the chair and I got overwhelmed with emotion. I decided to go into the other bedroom. The bedroom i went in changed to the castle again, but this time everyone was replaced with cardboard cutouts. I saw my cousin and tried to talk to him but I couldn't. I went into the castle and saw a big room for children to play in. I kept walking and found a door. When I opened it, there were only bathtubs in the room. Someone was taking a bath and when they saw me, they jumped out at me
Dream date:
26 Feb 2025
Emotional tone:
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