Dream interpretation about Wedding, High School
I went to a high school reunion didn't really recognize anyone and then it was the next day and I went to a wedding and I was the third best man in this dude's wedding but the wedding got cooled off because the priest wasn't there and the husband had to do a speech about it the dad was pretty pissed off because he paid for it and I kind of knew some people there and then I recognized some people from school so I started talking to them and then I noticed that there was skydiving happening so I decided to go for a skydive and I decided to do it while I was asleep so me and the instructor hopped on the plane and I fell asleep and I jumped down and did the skydive but then I was skydiving on my own so I managed to pull the parachute and it took me a little while to land and I folded up the parachute and then I carried it all the way back to the skydiving place and there was no one in the room so I sat around and waited in the room and then I seen the instructor over the other side so I got out and started walking to the instructor
Dream date:
26 Feb 2025
Emotional tone:
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