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23 Nov 2024



Do I had a dream where I was some weird monsters slave and I was handed off to another monster that lives in the underwaters and it told me to breathe into something I forgot what it was. It was dark underwater and it told me to follow it so I did. The monster could speak to me telepathically and it said if I don't breathe through the device, it's my problem that I'll die. I felt helpless. But anyways then the dream jumps to me being in a supermarket. I'm just doing my own thing when some boy starts talking to me. He's like being mean and stuff. I confidently tell him and his friends to follow me and I'll show them around which foods I can eat because I'm allergic to artificial preservatives. I try to run away but the boy catches up to me. In this dream the atmosphere is grey. So I tell them to leave me alone and a guard catches us and says, "I'm gonna need some IDs" so I tell them, "well it's in my bag which that guy over there has" because when I was running I guess it slipped. So the guard let's me take my id but then I get transported to another dream. Now I'm in a shopping mall that looks like a castle and I see a little kid trying to help his mum. The little kid uses the wrong toothpick and breaks the window while trying to clean it. The mom is slightly agitated and I'm surprised she didn't yell at him. So I decide to help, I asked her if she needs any help and she said that if I could replace the glass with the glass from a photo frame she would be greatful. She also told me that the shop hasn't been doing well when it came to selling things. So that's what I do, it doesn't fit perfectly, there's little gaps but I fix it. I also get side tracked and go into a store to look at clothes. Then I go out and come in again. I decided to also help her clean a spillage that was on the floor, black goo. So yeah I try get in and I only find a side door which I see another person use and it doesn't work, I decide to open the door myself and it worked. It likes me to the top of the castle where there were lots of kids. I hoped over many medium sized walls to get to her little store quickly and clean the goo, when a teacher told everyone to calm down and stay still. I decided to crouch because I was afraid of getting caught jumping over the walls. Dream ends there

23 Nov 2024

Making Out


I was somewhere at a party with my husband in a big house. We were wearing either costume or played in a different time, or my dream was in a different time. And we were watching something from some sort of a balcony, a bit unseen by other people, and we started making out and I really felt strongly I want to have sex with him. So we tried to find a place in the house to have sex and we got interrupted. We had to leave for some reason. The next thing I know is that I have an audience or some sort of a visitation with the king. And I don't know how it happened, but it's very clear that the king wants to have sex with me, so I'm having sex with him, but I'm in the lead, so I'm still very aroused. So I want to have sex and I sit on him and I sit on top of his very sensual, very wild. And from that day on I become the favorite person to have sex with a king. And I see my life unfolding at court and I absolutely love it. I'm someone very important. I have a lot of girlfriends and we're having a lot of fun. And I don't know what happened with my husband.




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23 Nov 2024

Roller coaster


Had a weird dream so it starts off with me and becca going some where then I get on a Rollercoaster with My oneblood sign by myself on Rollercoaster having anxiety I'm gonna fall off after ride go to meet up with becca then a mutual friend tells me we need to rush over to sunrise and university hospital mind you we are far away from that because beccas friend is having a baby and I'm confused on which one anyway as we are packing becca is doing her nails I get mad at her and tell her she can do it in the car let's go. Then my dream transports me to a publix and I'm locking up my bike then I noticed oldys bike first I panic then I see good ass lock in my hand to lock his bike to it. Then panic again oh god what if I see him. So I hide my bike in bushes without locking it up and walk away so I'm out of sight so a few minutes go by and teens see my bike and they steal it so I panic for a second if I should blow my cover and get seen by oldy or get my bike I chose to get my bike then I say hey you stole my bike and I look down it isn't even my bike Then I'm transported to leader and I'm seeing tickela chase after a meral blue frenchie she yells don't just stand there help us so I barely touch the frenchie and we catch him and bring him inside so you are working at the animal hospital as a vet tech and I'm in the room talking to ex co workers I guess I worked there to at one point so they tell me this story of how this girl who was helping restrain her big dog got her hand whole hand bit off and I just stood there not helping her then I get transported back in time where I see her stub healing Now she has a hand almost like real one. Then thoughts go to I wanna come back and I can't because I just left on Halloween because bag was getting to heavy to carry back and forth as I was homeless and I wanted to make amends. I know I'm not supposed to be there in the back. any way I see your fine ass holding a animal down then I leave all the while dogeing Renee ex boss I get to my car I'm like thank God they never met daisy they don't know I'm here. Then I wake up

23 Nov 2024

Break up


Had a dream we were working at sawgrass mall togter we tried to go in it was closed we separate and go our different ways but still a couple then I walk into this place and it looks like a restaurant but poles on the table and out of the corner of my eye your at the table with a girl dancing on pole looking miserable you see me and have this look like really this bitch is following me but when I walked in I thought it was a restaurant any way I leave because it can't be you I must be seeing things so I walk out and through windows it confirms it as you are in your oneblood tshirt and have red oneblood ID around your neck and I walk away crying really hurt that that boundary was broken and I trusted you with my heart and then I knew what I had to do and break up with you then I wake up It wasn't real enough that I woke up crying So consciously I knew it wasn't real and that would never happen Dreams are hopes and fears I guess that's a fear but not a rational one' as I didn't wake up crying

23 Nov 2024

Abandoned home


I was following my dad around in an empty abandoned warehouse, stocked with one old pallet of expired off brand Apple Jack's cereal. We walked past the pallet and my dad remarked how it was an awful brand. I thought to myself that I used to love this as a kid, and I felt bad that it was left there all alone so I tried to eat a handful of it but it was super stale and not exactly chewable. So I spit that out and ran to catch up with my dad. The area felt very narrow and short even though it looked like a very open space, and it was kind of dark with no overhead lights, just outside light coming in from the small windows on the top of the walls. We turned a corner and there were more shelves but stacked with food this time. There were also a group of people that had made camp in the middle of an isle. There were lanterns and blankets and a couch. They looked somewhat like old friends I had back in middle school. I ran to them and we made videos on our phones having fun and goofing around. Then we started an outfit contest. Someone came around the corner, whom I guess was a teacher, and came to judge our outfits. She remarked that mine looked like I nearly prepared for it, even though I had no idea that this was going to happen until a few seconds ago. I felt sheepish as everyone turned to me as I felt like I overdid it, even though it wasn't my fault. Even though I was the only person the teacher commented on, I still only got 5th place. Then she said to choose another outfit. I didn't have another one but I saw someone else's dress on a pedestal and took it. I didn't realize I didn't have any other clothes on underneath as I put on the dress, which was lace see-through. I felt embarrassed again as my nipples weren't quite covered so I put my arms over them and hid in the back. Some people would stare in my direction at my chest, but I would just look forward like I didn't notice them. I did win somehow though. Finally we got to change back into our normal clothes. But then the warehouse turned into an actual house. The teacher said "and here's your prize!" as I saw my dogs run into the house. One dog has passed away in real life, and the other is old now, but both looked really young and energetic. Another came in, which was my mom's new dog. And then followed a few other dogs that I hadn't recognized. The teacher said they were all mine but again I didn't recognize the others that came through. I didn't mind though, as I absolutely love dogs. So I let them all jump on me and run around and I was so happy to see them happy.

23 Nov 2024



A person coming over from another time line from future and there's doubles of everything and I got to kill them as they are trying to kill me I hand 2 people a knife me I have scissorseven rats werre double and could talk Then we celebrate cause we won Then someone throws up I clean it but then I'm transported back to your hose and I'm going off why I'm more manly than you and how people are wimpscause they worry about germs and we are in car going to Dr's office and I'm like if everyone is worried about germs they should wear gloves anything you touch has germs or overly clean it Then I get transported to a dream where my feet are better and I touch them and are shocked Also in between dreams I get put into a mall with no shirt and I'm like what ever wh cares but also anxious at the same time Then I'm in a classroom at with the imaginary Larry from impractical jokers and we're chatting having a blast relating and your i relize your there in background watching it kinda disgusted so I do my mental test of imagining him touching me and I get sick so I'm good But you also know i used to want them to be my husband's all of them so your still pissed like im going to cheat on you But now there's a kid that can't talk but can talk very lowly but then has a voice box thing to speak and he's looking at me hitting on me with his eyes Then we have this exercise where a needle with acid has to go in my foot teacher leaves won't hit right spot so I take it out and hit it on right spot acid goes everywhere and I start cleaning table with alchohol before teacher gets back but he sees it then gets mad Then I get transported to my 1st apartment where there's this old folder I open it up and have been feeling anxious to do so and I see papers of my siblings and there name is Michelle as well and I'm overjoyed with i have a sibling then i wake up

22 Nov 2024



I heard that there was a meteorite that was in our highest atmosphere. It was really close that we could see it in our skys like another moon but 10x larger. I went up to it flying some how. I was able do see a speradic myriad of colore, red, purples, Oranges. All this outside and around the meteorite. And below me I saw our atmosphere storming with lightning and rain, I began to go in the storm knowing that it was storming because of the gravity from the meteorite. As I was going back through the atmosphere I could see a myriad of blues and white as well. I see lightning and rain cola calibrating. As I fly through the storm feeling happy and connected I finally end up back on the ground. I found my self in a village in a forest and I can tell that it feels like I am in an era where not very many humans exist, where everything is over grown reclaimed by nature. And I looked twords the deepest parts of the forest I found a cub bear, but it's diet was of diamond ore. The village I was in had creats full of this and the bear would come by to eat it and then run away. This was the first of me seeing it and I was curious. So I followed it. It led me to where it's home was, and I saw the cubs mother, she looked at me and began to roar and grale at me. I had taken some diamond ore with me and I began to feed the mother. She got close enough to wre I could pet her, when I pet her I was a little scared but I ended up loveing her as a close friend.

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