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24 Nov 2024



I was at a big party with other adults, but I was there with my daughter, and I felt like everyone was drinking, and somehow I wondered if it was okay that my daughter could have an alcoholic drink, but she was only her current age which is 11, and I wrestled with the decision and didn’t know if it was right and wondered if I should let her because it was a special occasion. I had poured her some kind of apple pie flavored alcohol and was looking to people to tell me what was right in this situation, as if a complete stranger could make that kind of parental, personal decision for me.

24 Nov 2024



in my dream last night me and my two brothers stole a 15 million dollar book. I don’t remember how but after we stole the book from the old family only me and alden my brother made it out. the old people were fighting back spraying us with a hose trying to catch up. i end up locking all of them in a room. As we were leaving we kept making wrong turns into the neighborhood because i didn’t know where we were. Once we made it to the highway there was an announcement on the radio that they were looking for a silver volvo which is what I was driving. So me and my brother alden decided the best thing was to go get a rental car. we easily got a rental car and started to drive around the city looking for my younger brother elliot. somehow we found our parents and our mom started driving. she kept asking where elliot was but didn’t expect an answer it was odd. eventually we got a text from him saying he was on a bus. we found the bus he was on but he didn’t get off the first stop so we had to follow the bus farther. finally he got off and into the car. then that night we went to sleep somewhere but i woke up and in the bed next to me my first kiss and his bestfriend were in the bed. once everyone was awake we went to breakfast where we sat next to someone on a canadian hockey team who my brother elliot knew. he was telling us about how his sponsorship allowed him early access to books. then once we were done we went to return the car, my mom parked parallel on a hill. a kid was parking in front of her and tapped her front and it somehow pushed us down the hill and we went flying down. i was yelling at my mom to use the emergency break but she kept saying no we were going to ride it out. then when we finally come to a stop my mom drives back up and parks behind the kid this time she starts to talk to him and i get out to take a picture of the sunrise because it so weird it’s like all yellow hew over the water. as i’m taking the picture my ring falls off onto the ground and so i start looking everywhere. eventually everyone leaves and it’s just me looking for the ring. but then my brother alden comes back and finds the ring. then this is the first time i realize we are in new york my mom says let’s go to times square before we leave on a plane. and that’s the last thing i remember




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24 Nov 2024

Building (Action)


Cold mountain like place flew out and entered this big building with a bus stop entrance. Once inside I started looking around and the building on the inside was like downtown or a mall and there was so many people out even though it was 1:30am I was thinking that I needed to tell mom about all this traffic as I flew past shops. some of the things I saw was someone feeling a lady up, multiple bars and restaurants, bookstores, hair salon, assistant for something, and even those vibrating chairs, there was also a few vender stalls as well. But eventually somehow I found mom and I started to convince her to leave with me. It was hailing outside the building so I was trying to get her to wear my jacket because it’s cold, she put on something else I think a tie that was given to her by a doorman before we waited under the outside overhead, it was still cold though and the hail still got to us slightly. There was a bunch of other people as well and we were all waiting till I saw a taxi coming down our right and someone asked me “have you ever called a taxi?” The taxi stopped and the driver quickly got out before entering another car with all the people that was waiting. I saw another car coming in the distance as we were left there but I decided to just take the car that was abandoned instead. So I got in with mom and started driving, as I was driving the road I was fiddling with my buckle trying to put it on while following the black car the taxi driver got in, it’s really hard though and I literally jumped 3 lanes just so I could turn as well after it, my subconscious told me not to follow it but I didn’t listen. We drove through this short tunnel and when we did I saw that the by road spiraled down. I quickly turned around to find that the tunnel shrank trapping us to our doom I started panicking saying it’s just a dream and trying to wake up. I blacked out and thought I was awake when I opened my eyes again but instead I just climbed out of the trap and was there on my hands and knees I saw the doorman and mom by the entrance again, I was panicking trying to wake up again the doorman said “isn’t she your friend?” Talking about mom and I packed saying “Yes, but I’m real she’s not!” And then I woke up.

24 Nov 2024

Running away


had a dream i was on a train/ the district & circle line to be exact and i was with a friend. we were talking and sitting when a random man stabbed me with a corkscrew that opens a bottle of wine, he was tournamenting, he stabbed me on my right breast, blood was coming out. i ran out of the train with him following me running to the police in the station telling them he stabbed me, by the time i started flying, roaming the streets of london trying to find out who or why i got stabbed, i was then in court and a woman turned into a Bumble Bee, it was a milky white but instead of black & yellow stripes, the top part was a brown, the type of brown they used in Winnie The Pooh. She was out to get me, as i hid under the table someone said to me “take it personally”. i was so chaotic i started flying again, running around - the lady who turned into the Bee was the actor who was in Mamma Mia, my favourite character and then in the dream she turned into a bee which scared me.

24 Nov 2024

White dress


I came to this large white room with a few square concrete pillars of a building, after walking pass many other rooms. It looked more like they didn't build any room in this area, so it was like a huge room instead. I turned around as I sensed someone behind me. It was a boy in white shirt, tucked in black pants. He had a set of dj with him, and he started to play his music. The music was so good I started dancing, shaking and kicking around although my dances were terrible. I even wanted to try popping and locking because I remember about this style. So I did try it and embarrassed myself. He tossed the set to me, and started dancing as well. It was so fun, with two people, in a huge echoing white room. It felt lonely. We didn't say a single word, we only danced and the only noises were the music and our jumps. His face barely had any emotion. It felt like he was also lonely, so much that he is used to having no expression. But i knew that he was having the best time, and I did as well. Now I was walking through the corridor of multiple buildings of the school. The sky was undefinable, it seemed dark but it wasn't night nor day, there was no specific weather. I can only see clearly first part of the building, and the corridor is dark when I look straight forward and everything will only reveal if I walk near them. Each building belongs to each nationality and they teach in their own language. Of course I have no idea what they were saying. I was passing through another classroom, and noticed the male teacher was frustrated with a male middle-school student and trying to be strict with him (similar to what happened to my situation). So I knocked on their blackboard three times, but it didn't make a loud sound and barelt no one noticed. I tried again but it was the same. So I turned to a desk, and slapped on it. Now I got everyone's attention. I had no idea what they were speaking, but through their body languages and context, It felt like the teacher was making the student speak then speak over him to overwhelm his student by his higher position. So I used my body language and my own language to signal them to let him talk, they somewhat resisted at first, but the student finally said something. I didn't understand, but it didn't matter, what mattered was that he spoke up. So I made a thumb up then left, hearing the students' laughter and it made my day.

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