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25 Nov 2024



I was at a hair salon and I saw a teenager start to yell at a grown woman and the things she was saying was super out of line. So instead of being a bystander, I walk up to confront her. Before I could do so, she stormed out. The other girl, who was being yelled at, followed her. I followed them both out to a minivan. The mom of the teen was in the front seat, and before she could take off, I grabbed onto the car right outside of the driver's side door, and told the mother what happened. She said that the teen was a teenager and even though she could scold them, she can't control them, so why bother. I said "well at least try to take control of the situation as what they did was not ok in any way, shape, or form. Even if they won't listen, at least try and do something just to make it look like you're taking control of the situation for every one else's sake." The mom looked mad but looked like she knew I was right. She wouldn't admit it or do anything while the teen was still yelling and causing chaos, so I stood my ground. The original lady being yelled at, took to the other side of the car hanging on the front passenger door in solidarity. The minivan was filled with kids, ranging all ages, even into adulthood. The teen finally got into the car, and the mom drove off, with us two hanging into the car. It was a peaceful drive but I refused to leave until she admitted her wrongdoings and scolded the teen. As she did, we both hopped off and went out separate ways. I went to work at my 'old' job (it seemed my current one in the dream) and a grocery store. I and others were locked out of the store as it got dark out. I was upset that we had to go through the back way as we parked in the front. I said to others that I remember doing something incorrectly and now we're locked out so it's been a great day so far. They laughed, and we went inside. I forgot to fix the thing I've done incorrectly, and the next day as well. So I panicked and told a supervisor. Then I woke up

25 Nov 2024

Being chased by murderer
Abandoned home


I dreamt about staying in an unfamiliar house with my grandma and niece. I went into this room and the closet was open in the room but I think was in there to get something but before I could something felt so wrong in that room I ran out and back to the couch and felt like something was chasing me the whole way. Then I kept hearing this whining noise and at first I thought it was whatever was chasing me but it turned out to be someone in the other room so I went in there and my grandma and niece were in there. I said hi to my niece and she got up and hugged me and my grandma told my niece to go back to bed but I got my niece and comforted her and my grandma got up and left the room. My niece was still crying a little bit so I cuddled her and played with her to cheer her up.




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25 Nov 2024



I was grieving the loss of my grandmother and I hopped on a stranger's boat to go get things as my grandpa was moving out and needed to sort out her stuff. I was heavily crying and was overwhelmed with sadness. The location we went to seemed to be a cliff wall with trinkets strung upon it and indents in the cliff, like shelves, housing pictures and books. There was a map of the world that didn't pertain to her but I remembered a fond memory of her teaching me about the map, and I cried again. I had to stand on the edge of the boat in order to grab said things. Each thing I touched I remembered a memory of it and why it was there and I kept uncontrollably crying while the stranger sat on the chair unmoving and unsupportive. I kept apologizing to them as it must've been an inconvenience to pick me up but there was no answer. Finally my grandpa appeared on the other side of the cliff and helped me up so we can go through the rest of her stuff. I thanked the stranger as they left. Then the dream turned into a wobbly mess. As I was descending the hill, it turned into a jungle gym. People had powers of bubblegum string coming out of their hands, and if used carefully, can be used to make terrain, such as a spiral 'staircase' (without stairs). I was on top of another hill, and there were two girls. One had pink sparkly makeup and the other had light yellow sparkly makeup, both of which matched, just different colors. I was speaking to someone off-screen, like a movie. I said "watch, they'll try to push you down the stairs. But you can counter by grabbing them and they'll tumble down with you." And that's exactly what happened. The yellow makeup girl giggled as she tried to forcefully push me but I grabbed her arm as we both tumbled down. At the bottom, she was furious, but I explained that this is the consequence of her action. She tried to get even but I said that I'm not looking for trouble and insisted she went back up the stairs to her friend. After a few moments of contemplating, she did just that. Then I went down some more complicated stairs, with gaps in them, to the bottom of the jungle gym. I was having fun the whole way, as if I've done this before. Then the area turned into a water slide for a bit going down another hill. As descending the water hill, there was a string of extension cords people were holding above the water, as to not get them wet. I followed the line of cords and it led back to my grandpa. Walking out of the water, I became extremely sad again. It was like I was reliving my grandma passing over and over again. I met up with my dad and aunt, and were about to go through her stuff once again, but I just couldn't stop crying. My vision was blurry and I was trying to hold the tears back but I couldn't. My grandpa came over to hug me, then I woke up. I awoke crying as well.

25 Nov 2024



I dreamt that I used a big bed pan to poop in, and did this in front of a man I was romantically connected with. We were laying in bed together. (I don't know the man in real life). It seemed that we were both nonchalant about it. I was also looking forward to having sex with him, but then people started coming in to the room. But the room turns out to be a ballroom style space filled with chairs and beds with mattresses. The people that came in went straight to where I and the man was laying on, they looked at our mattress, and said, something like, yup, I knew it. There are better beds in here. While they were doing that, I remember wondering if I wiped myself, or if I wiped myself clean enough. I remember being disappointed of not having sex with the man. Then I remember going to the communal bathroom to try and clean my bedpan.

25 Nov 2024



OK, so apparently this thing kind of sucks and I’ve tried to record this a couple times but it’s whatever so my first dream \ was me and my brother and my cousin Quinn and I think we were playing outside at my parents house. There was a cage of deer like a good bit of them and for some reason, my brother like let these deer out and I was like what are you doing? We can’t let the deer out they’re gonna get lost and like Dad‘s gonna be mad or whatever but it was OK apparently because these deer were like free roam like free roam chickens or something unfortunately, my alarm had gone off and woke up. I had another dream in this time. I was with some friends and it was about a very naughty horse and we had taken this horse to be killed because we were all like yeah fuck this horse this horse is shit man, so we take it to this like pond area and there’s a lot of like bad guys and just like adults that just looked a little shady at this place and we were all kids in my dream but we’re taking this horse here I’ve had stream before this night or previous night I don’t quite remember but the reoccurring thing is that we send a horse into this pond and it just slowly gets like devoured or eaten by whatever’s in there this time I think I remember like at first it was like some rabid dogs that were going after it and it was a very long process too like this was not an easy death, but me and my friends just like you know over the period of time where the horse was slowly going farther and farther into the water and getting more and more like the devoured we were having second thoughts, and the further out got the more like we had to tell ourselves that you know it’s like we’re doing this together and this is what we’re supposed to be doing despite all of us feeling regret and fear and just upset but we like told ourselves that we would keep this a secret and that you know that we’re not doing the wrong thing. This horse was really bad, and deserve this or whatever but yeah, after that, I woke up

25 Nov 2024



Last night, my dream was all over the place. In one part, I was at work and somebody got in trouble for stealing, or somebody was stealing, trying to rob the place. And I did not help them. I let them get caught. In the next part, I think we were trying to go out and dance. My friends and I were trying to go celebrate, but they kept taking a long time, being ready to go celebrate. So in the meantime, while they were playing cards or whatever they were doing, I decided to start dancing anyway, since the music was already on. I decided to dance with a young lady and her sister and her mom. They were just hanging out in the neighborhood and they were Indian and they looked really cute. They had on Indian clothes and they were very pretty and colorful and tribal looking. I decided to learn their dance so I made friends with them. I also was looking for some pink glasses or something special to put on my face, like some shades or something to spruce up my outfit while I was waiting for my friends to get ready to party. Then I remember something about an old school friend of mine named Sheryl, who I ran into. She was on a date with someone. And when she saw me, she was upset. She didn't like seeing me. She was angry at me and said every time she sees me, I say something I shouldn't say. Then, a famous star in real life, who I don't know, but in the dream, who is a friend of mine, was at home in his house. I went to his apartment. He lives in a very upscale apartment complex, where I also own an apartment, which I can't really afford. I can't afford to put furniture in, I can't afford to really set up nicely, but I'm already paying for, and I don't really want this nice apartment. But I own it, and I'm already paying for it. Anyway, I went to go see him, and he was smoking crack cocaine. He offered me some, and I smoked it too. And then he walked me back to another one of my places. He walked me home. I owned several residences, and on the way of him walking me back, we passed the police and some track marks and footprints of aliens who were out the previous night, looking for certain people and causing problems. I managed to get around them the previous night. Even though I knew about them, I managed to get around them, but still, we saw the tracks that they left behind, which were weird tracks with like skin cells or something left on top of the ground. I also dreamt that the upscale apartment was giving me problems. The staff there was giving me problems because I wasn't really spending time in the apartment or because I wasn't buying furniture for the apartment or because I wasn't really taking ownership of the apartment, not spending enough time there because I didn't really want the place but I had already bought the place and I already was responsible for the place. I was already paying for the place. I was already responsible for it but I owned another space that wasn't so expensive, that wasn't so high class and it was the place that I was used to being in. So I spent most of my time in the other place but this new expensive space, they kept bothering me about because I wasn't paying enough or wasn't doing enough for. ************************************* Just for Clarity's Sake… I am a recovering addict in real life and I have not had any alcohol or marijuana or crack cocaine in almost 24 years. On March 1st of 2025, I will be 24 years clean. I haven't even smoked a cigarette in 10 years. There is a lot of shame and guilt and fear and suicidal tendencies and homelessness in my real life connected to drugs and alcohol. So, in this dream, to not only smoke crack openly, which is my favorite drug, but also when he said, that's enough, for me not to want more, for me not to sneak or try to steal for me not to make plans to purchase more later, for me not to get upset, for me not to feel shame or guilt, or for me not to want to commit suicide. No bad feelings. Just, okay! I put the pipe down. I let him finish doing his little smoke. And then I asked him, well, can you at least walk me home? Like as if I had just participated in a bag of potato chips. I was shocked at myself once I woke up. But in the dream he walked me home and I didn't think anything about it. Now THAT is HUGE, and significantly different from my real life because I am deathly afraid of drugs. I've never had a dream like that before. Also, When I go to sleep, it seems like there are 10 other dimensions that I have Homes in, histories in, families in, friends in, and a life in. Where I am comfortable, where people love me, and where life is just super. And then, when I wake up, here, everything's exactly the same every single day. Also, all of my dreams are always in color.

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