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25 Nov 2024



I was grieving the loss of my grandmother and I hopped on a stranger's boat to go get things as my grandpa was moving out and needed to sort out her stuff. I was heavily crying and was overwhelmed with sadness. The location we went to seemed to be a cliff wall with trinkets strung upon it and indents in the cliff, like shelves, housing pictures and books. There was a map of the world that didn't pertain to her but I remembered a fond memory of her teaching me about the map, and I cried again. I had to stand on the edge of the boat in order to grab said things. Each thing I touched I remembered a memory of it and why it was there and I kept uncontrollably crying while the stranger sat on the chair unmoving and unsupportive. I kept apologizing to them as it must've been an inconvenience to pick me up but there was no answer. Finally my grandpa appeared on the other side of the cliff and helped me up so we can go through the rest of her stuff. I thanked the stranger as they left. Then the dream turned into a wobbly mess. As I was descending the hill, it turned into a jungle gym. People had powers of bubblegum string coming out of their hands, and if used carefully, can be used to make terrain, such as a spiral 'staircase' (without stairs). I was on top of another hill, and there were two girls. One had pink sparkly makeup and the other had light yellow sparkly makeup, both of which matched, just different colors. I was speaking to someone off-screen, like a movie. I said "watch, they'll try to push you down the stairs. But you can counter by grabbing them and they'll tumble down with you." And that's exactly what happened. The yellow makeup girl giggled as she tried to forcefully push me but I grabbed her arm as we both tumbled down. At the bottom, she was furious, but I explained that this is the consequence of her action. She tried to get even but I said that I'm not looking for trouble and insisted she went back up the stairs to her friend. After a few moments of contemplating, she did just that. Then I went down some more complicated stairs, with gaps in them, to the bottom of the jungle gym. I was having fun the whole way, as if I've done this before. Then the area turned into a water slide for a bit going down another hill. As descending the water hill, there was a string of extension cords people were holding above the water, as to not get them wet. I followed the line of cords and it led back to my grandpa. Walking out of the water, I became extremely sad again. It was like I was reliving my grandma passing over and over again. I met up with my dad and aunt, and were about to go through her stuff once again, but I just couldn't stop crying. My vision was blurry and I was trying to hold the tears back but I couldn't. My grandpa came over to hug me, then I woke up. I awoke crying as well.




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25 Nov 2024



I dreamt that I used a big bed pan to poop in, and did this in front of a man I was romantically connected with. We were laying in bed together. (I don't know the man in real life). It seemed that we were both nonchalant about it. I was also looking forward to having sex with him, but then people started coming in to the room. But the room turns out to be a ballroom style space filled with chairs and beds with mattresses. The people that came in went straight to where I and the man was laying on, they looked at our mattress, and said, something like, yup, I knew it. There are better beds in here. While they were doing that, I remember wondering if I wiped myself, or if I wiped myself clean enough. I remember being disappointed of not having sex with the man. Then I remember going to the communal bathroom to try and clean my bedpan.

25 Nov 2024



OK, so apparently this thing kind of sucks and I’ve tried to record this a couple times but it’s whatever so my first dream \ was me and my brother and my cousin Quinn and I think we were playing outside at my parents house. There was a cage of deer like a good bit of them and for some reason, my brother like let these deer out and I was like what are you doing? We can’t let the deer out they’re gonna get lost and like Dad‘s gonna be mad or whatever but it was OK apparently because these deer were like free roam like free roam chickens or something unfortunately, my alarm had gone off and woke up. I had another dream in this time. I was with some friends and it was about a very naughty horse and we had taken this horse to be killed because we were all like yeah fuck this horse this horse is shit man, so we take it to this like pond area and there’s a lot of like bad guys and just like adults that just looked a little shady at this place and we were all kids in my dream but we’re taking this horse here I’ve had stream before this night or previous night I don’t quite remember but the reoccurring thing is that we send a horse into this pond and it just slowly gets like devoured or eaten by whatever’s in there this time I think I remember like at first it was like some rabid dogs that were going after it and it was a very long process too like this was not an easy death, but me and my friends just like you know over the period of time where the horse was slowly going farther and farther into the water and getting more and more like the devoured we were having second thoughts, and the further out got the more like we had to tell ourselves that you know it’s like we’re doing this together and this is what we’re supposed to be doing despite all of us feeling regret and fear and just upset but we like told ourselves that we would keep this a secret and that you know that we’re not doing the wrong thing. This horse was really bad, and deserve this or whatever but yeah, after that, I woke up

25 Nov 2024



Last night, my dream was all over the place. In one part, I was at work and somebody got in trouble for stealing, or somebody was stealing, trying to rob the place. And I did not help them. I let them get caught. In the next part, I think we were trying to go out and dance. My friends and I were trying to go celebrate, but they kept taking a long time, being ready to go celebrate. So in the meantime, while they were playing cards or whatever they were doing, I decided to start dancing anyway, since the music was already on. I decided to dance with a young lady and her sister and her mom. They were just hanging out in the neighborhood and they were Indian and they looked really cute. They had on Indian clothes and they were very pretty and colorful and tribal looking. I decided to learn their dance so I made friends with them. I also was looking for some pink glasses or something special to put on my face, like some shades or something to spruce up my outfit while I was waiting for my friends to get ready to party. Then I remember something about an old school friend of mine named Sheryl, who I ran into. She was on a date with someone. And when she saw me, she was upset. She didn't like seeing me. She was angry at me and said every time she sees me, I say something I shouldn't say. Then, a famous star in real life, who I don't know, but in the dream, who is a friend of mine, was at home in his house. I went to his apartment. He lives in a very upscale apartment complex, where I also own an apartment, which I can't really afford. I can't afford to put furniture in, I can't afford to really set up nicely, but I'm already paying for, and I don't really want this nice apartment. But I own it, and I'm already paying for it. Anyway, I went to go see him, and he was smoking crack cocaine. He offered me some, and I smoked it too. And then he walked me back to another one of my places. He walked me home. I owned several residences, and on the way of him walking me back, we passed the police and some track marks and footprints of aliens who were out the previous night, looking for certain people and causing problems. I managed to get around them the previous night. Even though I knew about them, I managed to get around them, but still, we saw the tracks that they left behind, which were weird tracks with like skin cells or something left on top of the ground. I also dreamt that the upscale apartment was giving me problems. The staff there was giving me problems because I wasn't really spending time in the apartment or because I wasn't buying furniture for the apartment or because I wasn't really taking ownership of the apartment, not spending enough time there because I didn't really want the place but I had already bought the place and I already was responsible for the place. I was already paying for the place. I was already responsible for it but I owned another space that wasn't so expensive, that wasn't so high class and it was the place that I was used to being in. So I spent most of my time in the other place but this new expensive space, they kept bothering me about because I wasn't paying enough or wasn't doing enough for. ************************************* Just for Clarity's Sake… I am a recovering addict in real life and I have not had any alcohol or marijuana or crack cocaine in almost 24 years. On March 1st of 2025, I will be 24 years clean. I haven't even smoked a cigarette in 10 years. There is a lot of shame and guilt and fear and suicidal tendencies and homelessness in my real life connected to drugs and alcohol. So, in this dream, to not only smoke crack openly, which is my favorite drug, but also when he said, that's enough, for me not to want more, for me not to sneak or try to steal for me not to make plans to purchase more later, for me not to get upset, for me not to feel shame or guilt, or for me not to want to commit suicide. No bad feelings. Just, okay! I put the pipe down. I let him finish doing his little smoke. And then I asked him, well, can you at least walk me home? Like as if I had just participated in a bag of potato chips. I was shocked at myself once I woke up. But in the dream he walked me home and I didn't think anything about it. Now THAT is HUGE, and significantly different from my real life because I am deathly afraid of drugs. I've never had a dream like that before. Also, When I go to sleep, it seems like there are 10 other dimensions that I have Homes in, histories in, families in, friends in, and a life in. Where I am comfortable, where people love me, and where life is just super. And then, when I wake up, here, everything's exactly the same every single day. Also, all of my dreams are always in color.

25 Nov 2024



A team of astronauts were attempting a physical landing on the planet Venus. Most of the planet in view was at night. They were to land in the daylight side of the planet. I know logically this is impossible. The heat, pressure, and gases make the surface inhospitable to life. The crew lands at a large tower structure. It is a smooth monolith with a large rectangular doorway. Two members leave the craft to begin their mission. The others fly north east along the shadow line of nighttime several miles. The remainder of the team start inspecting structures and vehicles long abandoned. All of these structures appear man made. Several miles into the vast rocky nighttime desert a craft, covered in dust has three landing gears. When it breaks free from the crust of the planet there is a large crack and dust cloud that comes from the landing gears. Indicating it had been stationary for several years. As it hovers, aside from the landing gears the craft is saucer shaped. All of a sudden it accelerates at great speed low to the ground towards the larger team inspecting the buildings. The team immediately see on radar the craft approaching. They have minimal time to hide before it arrives. Once it arrives it paints the entire landscape in a red light. This red light is scanning for them. When this red light touches anything it removes all detail visually except the outline of things. Hidden behind large rocks or in small aluminum buildings the the team has no recourse but to continue to hide from this all encompassing red light. They cannot tell where it is coming from or how to evade it. They instruct their ship's ai to message back home and the two others at the monolith what is happening. The final message from this crew is "do not come". I am now one of the two members at the monolith. Our devices indicate beings on foot are coming towards us. We have no choice but to enter the monolith. In this structure you still feel outside. There is sky above you and a large rectangular mountain. There we find a device embedded on the mountain. It has small gear shifter device that has two options. "Type 1 and Type 2" below it are the words "Venus". You can switch between type 1 and type to and then press a green button to begin whatever sequence. Below this is a screen. The screen has a metal casing and is 3 inches deep. Two feet wide, 3 feet tall. We debate if activating this device will notify whatever is already here. The other person states, this is a device to communicate directly and physically to the gods. That we can ask them for anything once activated. The dream ends.

25 Nov 2024



My dream started out where I was in a large building which was my work. A large factory, with all sorts of industrial machinery. I was told that we had to move into a smaller room in the facility. Over a weekend two guys from work came in and moved all the machines into this much smaller denser room. I came in on Monday and scoffed because nobody had asked me to assist in moving the machines as it would have been good training for me to know. I started doing my daily rounds checking on all the machines and talking to the operators. The operator spoke to me and some of them told me how they really liked the change of scenery, even though the room that we were in was extremely dark and decrepit. It was a low ceiling, it was very small, but all the machines fit. I started walking around over to this room with two big iron doors and when I entered inside the room the middle of the room had a large metal table and on the far right side of the room there was a another large iron door and a man pushes open the iron door and he's got a gas mask on and he's got chemical suit on and he tells me that I've just I have just came into contact with a very violent psychoactive gas and that psychoactive gas causes violent hallucinations and death and it was covering my entire body and I just inhaled it. So I started running around the entire facility freaking out, people screaming at me because I'm getting all this gas that's stuck all over my clothes and my body all over the facility and I'm feeling this sense of it's too late for me, it's too late, it's over and the general manager runs up to me and he says he says to me that he has pills I can take to make it all go away. So I grabbed the pills from his hands and they were two little tiny white tablets and these little white pills I start to go to put them in my mouth to eat them but before I do I ask do I just eat them and he laughed at me, he chuckles at me and he says no you don't eat them you put them in your stomach and that's when my vision and my headspace got really weird and he said to me he said you put them in your stomach and I said how and I started feeling my stomach and everything felt really strange and he said you have to cut open your stomach you have to make an abrasion in your stomach so you can get to your stomach and put the pills in your stomach so I decided that I was going to take the scapula from his hand but I started freaking out because I wasn't going to cut open my stomach but I kept trying to like hold the knife away even though I was holding it and I couldn't make the decision if I was going to cut open my stomach or if I was going to not do it or I couldn't decide maybe if I was just hallucinating this whole scenario and I'm just holding a knife up to myself and people are trying to keep me from stabbing myself to death maybe this is what they were talking about I didn't know who to trust and my brain and my mind and my soul became filled with anxiety and fear that I was couldn't make the right decision and I didn't know what was going on was I going to die because of my inaction or was I going to kill myself by accident because I thought that's what needed to happen for me to be safe the managers face got wierd and he kept repeating to me "you're going to die" over and over again. I didn't know but I got up and I ran and I saw creatures all creatures the matter of fiction running around trying to get me and I'm beating them back and I'm punching them and trying to kill them and I run back through this thick fog again and thick fog made me hallucinate even worse where I was seeing weird visions of creatures and demonic entities and then I awoke

25 Nov 2024

My crush


i had three scenes tonight. one scene i couldn’t remember. the second scene is in my old school where i am attached to a really tall guy and showing public display of affection. always gazing at him and higging him and i can’t see his face most of the time cause he is too tall. i have to look up. some how a guy i know from real life his name is Massine shows up which I have a crush on him but he is with another girl who he seems not into but she is also short. he staring at us so I make sure that everything I do is to tease him and make him jealous. I have another scene and this one is a recurring dream that’s why I someohow knew my way around the elements cause I have been there before. its a game also in my old school and you have to win valuable items mainly rare fashion pieces through mind games. some of the games, i was good at and some I couldn’t figure it out so I with searching for the item anyways. I had my sister as my partner in one of the scenes and she said out loud show me what you got and what you stole and I got so pissed cause there was other people around and she sould be careful. & it happened again, my unconscious/subconcious self remembered that I didn’t tell her in real life that we should use codes hence its unfair that she would do it here. I have a scene where one of the games where to look at someones body and based on what you see it will decide what level are you to win this game. its blank but you should see some shadows and you color them to have a final image. each person can probably see only one image and mostly will be the common one but I could see multiple i could see half zig zag abd half empty. i could see full black. i could see full black with shapes like a square flower and a triangle. the more i focus the more I see it and its flickering. i call the judge and try to explain but he ignores me and leave. another scene where I go to a room i know from my previous recurrent dream that they put unnoticed items there for people as they say (if they know, they know.) and I collect them all they were mainly Chanel items. another scene it was about who has the bigges citygirl balenciaga bag and I am digging in the floor to find one hidden somewhere but I couldn’t find it.

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