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28 Jul 2024



I don't remember much aside from walking toward something or someone. I was more than likely walking toward Corey. I spoke to him briefly late last night...




DreamApp: Journal & Dictionary

DreamApp provides an answer for what you saw in your dreams immediately after you wake up.

28 Jul 2024

High School


I was back in high school. School let out and I went looking for my partner to see if he wanted to drive me home like usual. When I found him, he wasnā€™t in HIS car, but MINE. (I didnā€™t have a car in high school, and still donā€™t) Two of his friends were in my car with him, all crowded up in the back seat. I was fine with it, we were all mutual friends anyway. When I got in the drivers seat, I didnā€™t have my keys. There was a figure in the passenger front seat, but I didnā€™t recognize them or really see them, they were like a shadow. The guys in the back seat didnā€™t even see them or realize that someone was there. (I think it mightā€™ve been a guardian spirit.) The shadow person started my car for me and even helped me drive since Iā€™ve never really drove before. I remember doing a few racing stunts here and there because I knew that it would impress them since they were car guys. I was still kind of nervous about getting pulled over for speeding, but overall I was relaxed and laughing with them.

28 Jul 2024

Abandoned home


I was in a house that looked familiar to my current parentā€™s house but also didnā€™t. At some point in the dream I got into a conflict with my sister Jenny. I felt like she wasnā€™t listening to me and always overtalking me, I think other people in the family felt the same. I think we eventually resolved it. I then also got into a conflict with a co-worker of mine who was in the house and seemingly she felt like a friend in the dream. Earlier in the dream I was looking for nail polish remover to remove the nail polish on my toes. She told me I can go to her specialist or doctor and they have a way to airflow it off. I was hesitant but she told me it would be fine so I went along with it. Later in the dream she was hungry and I wanted food too. She asked me to pick up food. I told her sure. I was searching for clothes to change to. I went around the house where all my family and some friends were in. Then when I got back to the room where she was in she became increasingly angry and frustrated with me. I was worried I did something wrong. She told me she expected me to go and get the food and that thereā€™s been times she bought food for me and she expected the same. I was telling her Iā€™m gonna go we didnā€™t set a time for it. I was feeling pressured and hurt worried I did something wrong. I was still looking for the nail polish remover and she told me forget about that. I asked her did she reach out to the specialist she mentioned to me she got increasingly annoyed and told me this is not something she can handle today but she made it seem like itā€™s something she can arrange quickly. I was frustrated because I couldā€™ve went and got nail polish remover. She was making me feeling bad for wanting to take care of a need for myself before getting her food. I wasnā€™t even really hungry. The whole conflict felt like I was talking to my abusive ex but it was happening with a co-worker who in my waking life would never speak to me that way. At some point I went to another part of the house and went to my eldest sisterā€™s room, Melory, and I was just crying and telling her I feel like Iā€™m the problem. Iā€™m doing something wrong. I was self-blaming myself. My sister comforted me and helped me to start reframing. I went back to my co-worker and was able to stand my ground. She was annoyed but not as belligerent. Later on the dream I enjoyed the company of my family and friends. Having good conversations and hanging out. I remember seeing my dad enjoying himself. It was a good time and better atmosphere to be in.

28 Jul 2024



I had a car, a pink one, despite not having a driverā€™s licence. But I still drove from my house to the city anyway. Itā€™s late at night, Iā€™ve been busy in the city but now want to drive back home again. I want to drive with the car, and notice that my bicycle was in the car. I took my bicycle and start to drive a few meters before remembering that I wanted to drive with the my car so I got back and as I place the bicycle back I suddenly forgot again and started to drive with the bicycle again. This repeated a few times before I got tired of it and just kept driving with my bicycle. It was kinda scary cause usually i only use the bicycle around my hometown but in the city I got confused by the traffic ect. Itā€™s already deep at night and I was surprised when I looked at the clock that it showed me that it was already 4am I drove through a nicer part of the city with cafĆ©s that were still open and made the streets glow warmer. I also saw a old gardening building and groups of people but i didnā€™t want to be confronted with them since its late at night. I suddenly drove past a doll-store and stayed still. They had a window and in front of it a display of different dolls and doll clothes. A woman came to the window and asked me if I was interested as I looked over the collection and i said yes. She invited me into the store and asked me what I was looking for. I remembered a small doll made out of fabric and wool-hair which I had as a kid. They had very similar dolls but my eyes catched some wooden dolls instead. They had the same size and were pretty cute. I asked the woman a lot of questions about the dolls, Iā€™m usually too shy to ask many questions. And as I asked for outfits and person, a guy who couldnā€™t speak my language, came and showed me the two outfits I could choose off. Since I had a hard time with deciding he made a made a game of luck out of it by throwing our phones first in the air and saw how they landed before throwing two of the same dolls with outfit up and saw how they landed. I didnā€™t understand fully how he came to the conclusion but decided fore the other one. I didnā€™t have enough money to pay for them so I asked it the shop as a card so I would find them again and they gave me a postcard with the name of the shop on it.

28 Jul 2024



I went to a forest with some people I knew and some strangers and my dad and step mom who I don't see anymore. I don't know if I went with anyone or by myself and they were all just there. We had to do a blindfolded walk holding hands through deep, murky blue water, guided by Stu from Coronation Street. I lost my blindfold or something so I was the only one that could see and I kept looking at the leader a bit scared. After the walking around bit he got us to submerge ourselves in the water and open our eyes to look at something but I can't remember what. I think it was an old book with swirly blue things on it or something? Then he got us to sit down and write stuff on whiteboards. Me and someone else needed the loo but we waited to go later on instead (we'd probably have to go in the forest) I did it then he came to check how I was getting on and we were chatting and getting along (he we was a nice comforting man, like his character) then he tried to rub a bit off my whiteboard but rubbed more than he meant to off. I couldn't remember what I'd written and then one of us (I think him) rubbed the whole thing off. He was asking me what I was thinking for the answers now instead of trying to remember the old ones, but I always freeze when people ask me questions so I couldn't think of anything

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