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16 Oct 2024
i had a dream about getting a new silver ring in a size smaller so it could fit my ring finger on my right hand. i was really happy with the one i picked out. later on in the dream i took it off and i realized it was weirdly inside out. so i tried to reverse it back. and again weirdly it was like paper and when i fixed it it was back to normal
In the dream I was talking with Corey and in the game he had changed from his usual tall handsome Au'ra man to a miqo'te. He changed to a cat boy. He was saying how his friends were referring to him as their princess. He was laughing about it but I was upset. I woke up in a panic. Woke up from the dream and ran to check lodestone to see if his character changed and thank God it's still the same Au'ra.
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First I was working in a haunted house dressed in a pink Frankenstein outfit. My boss at the haunted house was a clown and he told me to just try my best. After working at the haunted house people clapped for me and wanted my autograph. I then went home where I wanted to watch TV but a stranger was watching something. He told me to just watch with him so I did. Then I saw a guinea pig that was light brown running around. I saved it and named it Mr. Peanut and then watched him run around and be a guinea pig
I dreamed I was in a quiet, full parking lot. It was late at night. I was trying to get out. It was in a middle of a forest, a cabin. A streetlight was on my left when I was getting out, but somewhat stuck. I was searching for something. The dream shifted into meeting different people. I was looking for love and I held on to someone, I think my current ex. Despite that there are people out there, I still chose to wait and believe in love. I felt hopeful, despite people leaving around me, because I felt my journey was leading me to somewhere where I need to go.
I was in the gas station getting some food. But I knew I didn't have enough in my checking account so i was try ing to add money into it. I was having a hard time looking for the transfer option on the app. I was frastrated and confused why this was happening when this is the easiest thing to do. i was moving my uncles truck where it was parked in the yard. There was no reason for me do this. And i was not supposed to be doing it. The. i felt bad and soent a lot time time parking it back the way he had it. But couldnt get the angle right.
I had a dream of a fire at a friendโs house so l went in the house to see if my friend was ok an the , to see the damage but there was just smoke on it he walls
Me and my long distance boyfriend were at my old childhood home and me and my mom's bedrooms were aligned the same way and when he went to the toilet and came back he went into the wrong room and when I checked on them they were cuddling together, but not in a sexual way, I also wasn't jealous or anything. I was surprised, sure, but I honestly found it kind of adorable that they're bonding like that
Last night I dreamt I was travelling by horse drawn carriage through old Austria. I felt tired but excited .
I was inside pubg game , I was playing solo , I went to a location apartments and there were so many people were fighting , because of that I got scared of dying , so decided to run away , after running away from that location ( apartments ) I arrived at a forest mountain South-East of School , and there I fire some bullets , after that I felt self-reliance and feel someone is saying " you should always depend on yourself and you should be happy that you got your back ( support ) "
I was walking around my house in the dark when out of nowhere a massive blow up dinosaur started deflating in a door way which terrified me. I was awoken by my husband who said I was screaming.
I had a dream I ran into James. He looked concerned but I hugged him cause I was excited to see him. He asked y I was hugging him so tight and he hugged me back he had his shirt off and was sweaty I could tell he was running from something or someone I asked him what happen he asked for my phone cause he needed to talk to go someone. And for some reason my phone was really big and it opened all the way up and we struggled getting it open but we finally did and he made a call then he told me what happened he said that someone windows got bussed open someone start shooting so he start shooting back ..then suddenly we heard police sirens and a lot Of cars pull up he ran to the back me and everyone sat on the ground in fear and I called out to my kids to come sit next to me the police made everyone in the room do DNA mouth swabs then suddenly I heard James voice come from the back and said here I am(the guy that came out back was lighter And didnโt look like James (which I thought was weird ) ..James looked at me as he was walking pass in hand cuffs and said hurry up and that he needed his phone (which I didnโt know I had ) I reached in my pocket and it was a small black phone I threw it to him โฆ at that moment my ex husband whom was sitting next to me looked at me with a smirk on his face because he finally got to see who this person โJamesโ was and we started arguing I walked away from him . Then the dream switched these girls was being really rude and mean to me for some reason we were at a skating rink but me and one of the girls eventually started fighting and she told her friend to go get her sock (which I know it had something hard in it to fight) so I ran and when I ran out the door the scene switched to a school setting just like it did in my previous dream once I ran out the door . I ran up to a teacher and told her what was going on and she stopped it .. after that chaos I remember standing next to a couple of females one being James baby mother. I remember the whole time anxiously awaiting to look at my phone to see if James had left a note or something for me to read in there I faintly remember seeing something but I donโt really remember ever getting to it before I woke up
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