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17 Oct 2024
White color and the word gentleman’s perfection
Just had a fly go at my face today...and been lingering around again. Now the past nights dream symbolism I can't forget are... 2-3 nights ago: A helicopter/flight, a building resembling a parking lot, several cartoonish bombs exploding a building (this building seemed something I was protecting but no longer did due to a betrayal), security cameras that followed me around.. Cancer pops up in dream conversation... not in a zodiac manner but in a healthy manner and I'm always having it. 1 night ago: a dead lion laying in the front yard of a grandparent's aunt's house. The one house in residing in temporarily. I emerge the skull-like eyes staring at me empty...flies and decay... I'm concerned.
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16 Oct 2024
Im with my girlfriend, shes asleep curled up on a pad i ask here if shes cold. She grunts. Im with a small group ,, one of the guys slides down a ramp hits a car injure to his left leg. He says it hurts and its his knee. It looks swollen
I dreamt about a white cat that had a collar on with the number 25 on it
I was out on the beach and driving for a surf and then I had a shingle road so I hopped on the bike and started biking and this dude Robbie was in front of me and was slowly biking and I was trying to bike around him and he was blocking my way and he was having fun. I was having fun and then I outmaneuvered him and got around him and I got to the beach and looked at the surf and it wasn't great so I turned around and biked back to the car and drove back home and there were people there and Lisa was running a bath and she also had this seat warmer running from the bath so I jumped on the seat warmer and it was quite warm not hot and I was like oh it's so warm it's not hot and it was wetting my butt and legs so I decided to jump in the bath and it was quite warm and not hot as well and then I got out and went to the kitchen where we were talking about psychics and they were talking about spirit guides so I paid them to talk to my spirit guide for me. I can't remember what we were talking about.
i had a dream where i went to school with most pppl from high school and then i was with my parents and then aliens came down and killed my parents and i was running and found my sister and we ran together and finally fought our way out and found crystal and rachel and other ppl in a ship headed for another planet. we landed on the other planet and found it was taken over 30 years ago and then my dream ended. since there was no fighting
me and my brother and some friends were at this family camping grounds we go to every summer. Except this time we were in a cabin instead of tents. I went into someone else’s cabin because I heard someone crying. It was a new born baby wrapped in a blanket crying in the floor. I picked her up and soothed her. I found the parents by the beach and scolded them as politely as I could with the baby cradled in my arms. They seemed to brush me off and take their baby back. I felt empty afterwards and woke up shortly after
I had multiple dreams where I was around multiple exs. The first one I was screaming, crying, and pushing him away in a small bedroom. In the second dream, I was avoiding a second ex but we were in the same room and kept making eye contact. In the third dream, I saw my second ex again but he was talking to me and trying to be friends. We were at a friend's birthday party in a dim room with a lot of candles.
I tell my enemy how u feel about them bullying me and they say if we can gave a private talk in the bathroom and then she drowns me in the toilet bowl
i was in a middle of a some type of war. i hear shootings and stuff. i remember seeing someone got shot from across the building and it kinda turns into like a video game point of view. he got shot in the head and a few seconds later he was revived and i remember i got chills in my waking life. the person who got shot, his friend said “you have one more left for tomorrow just incase you get shot again”
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