Dream Meanings – page 186

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23 Nov 2024

Abandoned home


I was following my dad around in an empty abandoned warehouse, stocked with one old pallet of expired off brand Apple Jack's cereal. We walked past the pallet and my dad remarked how it was an awful brand. I thought to myself that I used to love this as a kid, and I felt bad that it was left there all alone so I tried to eat a handful of it but it was super stale and not exactly chewable. So I spit that out and ran to catch up with my dad. The area felt very narrow and short even though it looked like a very open space, and it was kind of dark with no overhead lights, just outside light coming in from the small windows on the top of the walls. We turned a corner and there were more shelves but stacked with food this time. There were also a group of people that had made camp in the middle of an isle. There were lanterns and blankets and a couch. They looked somewhat like old friends I had back in middle school. I ran to them and we made videos on our phones having fun and goofing around. Then we started an outfit contest. Someone came around the corner, whom I guess was a teacher, and came to judge our outfits. She remarked that mine looked like I nearly prepared for it, even though I had no idea that this was going to happen until a few seconds ago. I felt sheepish as everyone turned to me as I felt like I overdid it, even though it wasn't my fault. Even though I was the only person the teacher commented on, I still only got 5th place. Then she said to choose another outfit. I didn't have another one but I saw someone else's dress on a pedestal and took it. I didn't realize I didn't have any other clothes on underneath as I put on the dress, which was lace see-through. I felt embarrassed again as my nipples weren't quite covered so I put my arms over them and hid in the back. Some people would stare in my direction at my chest, but I would just look forward like I didn't notice them. I did win somehow though. Finally we got to change back into our normal clothes. But then the warehouse turned into an actual house. The teacher said "and here's your prize!" as I saw my dogs run into the house. One dog has passed away in real life, and the other is old now, but both looked really young and energetic. Another came in, which was my mom's new dog. And then followed a few other dogs that I hadn't recognized. The teacher said they were all mine but again I didn't recognize the others that came through. I didn't mind though, as I absolutely love dogs. So I let them all jump on me and run around and I was so happy to see them happy.

23 Nov 2024



A person coming over from another time line from future and there's doubles of everything and I got to kill them as they are trying to kill me I hand 2 people a knife me I have scissorseven rats werre double and could talk Then we celebrate cause we won Then someone throws up I clean it but then I'm transported back to your hose and I'm going off why I'm more manly than you and how people are wimpscause they worry about germs and we are in car going to Dr's office and I'm like if everyone is worried about germs they should wear gloves anything you touch has germs or overly clean it Then I get transported to a dream where my feet are better and I touch them and are shocked Also in between dreams I get put into a mall with no shirt and I'm like what ever wh cares but also anxious at the same time Then I'm in a classroom at with the imaginary Larry from impractical jokers and we're chatting having a blast relating and your i relize your there in background watching it kinda disgusted so I do my mental test of imagining him touching me and I get sick so I'm good But you also know i used to want them to be my husband's all of them so your still pissed like im going to cheat on you But now there's a kid that can't talk but can talk very lowly but then has a voice box thing to speak and he's looking at me hitting on me with his eyes Then we have this exercise where a needle with acid has to go in my foot teacher leaves won't hit right spot so I take it out and hit it on right spot acid goes everywhere and I start cleaning table with alchohol before teacher gets back but he sees it then gets mad Then I get transported to my 1st apartment where there's this old folder I open it up and have been feeling anxious to do so and I see papers of my siblings and there name is Michelle as well and I'm overjoyed with i have a sibling then i wake up




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22 Nov 2024



I heard that there was a meteorite that was in our highest atmosphere. It was really close that we could see it in our skys like another moon but 10x larger. I went up to it flying some how. I was able do see a speradic myriad of colore, red, purples, Oranges. All this outside and around the meteorite. And below me I saw our atmosphere storming with lightning and rain, I began to go in the storm knowing that it was storming because of the gravity from the meteorite. As I was going back through the atmosphere I could see a myriad of blues and white as well. I see lightning and rain cola calibrating. As I fly through the storm feeling happy and connected I finally end up back on the ground. I found my self in a village in a forest and I can tell that it feels like I am in an era where not very many humans exist, where everything is over grown reclaimed by nature. And I looked twords the deepest parts of the forest I found a cub bear, but it's diet was of diamond ore. The village I was in had creats full of this and the bear would come by to eat it and then run away. This was the first of me seeing it and I was curious. So I followed it. It led me to where it's home was, and I saw the cubs mother, she looked at me and began to roar and grale at me. I had taken some diamond ore with me and I began to feed the mother. She got close enough to wre I could pet her, when I pet her I was a little scared but I ended up loveing her as a close friend.

22 Nov 2024



I had a dream that this guy who says he's in love with me in real life was choosing another woman over me. He brought up some sort of technology that was like a computer only it analyzed data where I would have to draw a heart on its screen over and over again. I kept changing the words to worse and worse stuff, messing up the chances for him to be with this other woman. Before this happened this other woman hole punched my cats collar and added rivets to it, both flat ones and spiked rivets. The only words I read on the computer like device was something where it said I was jealous and I already knew I was over this other woman. Kyle (the guy who says he's in love with me, but constantly talks sex in real life) was furious that I changed the outcome in my favor because I put me and his nasty secrets out there for this other woman to see before she started to walk away. However, in the end they seemed to disappear together, making me think they got together anyways at the end of the dream.

22 Nov 2024

Angry at Dad
Boyfriend Cheating


I had a dream that as I walking to work with my friend. And I left later from my shift that my car was tampered with. I locked it with my car alarm but I can tell someone took my other alarm from my car. I was trying to figure who took it and why because I needed it. I didn’t want to worry about someone gaining access to my car while I would lock it to them go behind me and unlock when I’m not around. I figured it was some guy since I have a dash camera in my car that can record. The guy called me and was angry with me and telling me subliminally that it was him who did it and I was like why. He said because he didn’t like how I would blow him off because I was not interested so this the only way he could get my attention and get get me to do what he wanted. Throughout different moments in my dream I seen my girl friend messing around with this other girl so I left them behind to finish their business. When she’d let me use her phone really quick she would worry and complain that I would click on the wrong thing because she want her boyfriend seeing anything. Overall we both left that job with and attitude and dignity since they were looking for any reason the fire us anyways.

22 Nov 2024



I was staying over at a friends house. It was a large gathering of family and friends and we were celebrating. At one point i needed some medicine for a headache. My mom was there and I asked her for some and she came some Excedrin. I took some and went on enjoying the party. Later in the evening I noticed a little girl next to the pill bottle and it was open, I asked her if she took some of those pills and she said yes. I panicked.. immediately thinking it’s my fault because I was the one who asked for the medicine. I asked her how many she ate- she said three. And then she also told me she gave some to her baby brother and the dog. I immediately alerted my mom and then we started alert everyone. The mother of children was asleep and we had to wake her to tell her what happened. I remember thinking we need to go to the hospital right now but the mother didn’t want to that. She just wanted to ride it out. As we all were there we were anxious. We knew the children were at high risk and as the night grew they became more sick and started coughing. The baby was going through some serious metamorphosis and at one point the baby’s head fell off and then an adult was like nope- and they grabbed the baby’s head and slammed it back on the body and the baby was okay. The dog was doing okay and so was the little girl but they were struggling. I couldn’t find my friend and I finally got a hold of her and told what happened. At one point we realized everyone was going to be okay. Taylor swift showed up and thanked my sister, who is a nurse, for saving the baby. I tried asking her something and she went behind a door immediately. When I was trying to leave the party to go home. I was in the parking lot and a group of mostly men who looked like they were in a gang found me and asked for money for their troubles. I gave it to them. Another group of men did the same.

22 Nov 2024



I was someplace with a bunch of people trying to get work done and it was very hard to find a place to work although I did get some done and felt like it was enough for the moment. We all Had to wait for a plane to take us to Cedar Rapids and people were doing various things to pass the time. My sister Lee was in the back making off color jokes that a different group of men interpreted as gross so that was off putting to our group and we didn’t like them. The pilot walked by and was very short and looked sketchy. We still had to wait. I couldn’t find a place to go to the bathroom. The open ones were plugged and there was one that was communal but it was filled with naked old women in the showers and very hot. One woman said every time the toilet flushed the heat came on. Then a series of tornadoes came and I realized I was going to be picked up but I was on a big piece of roof and it just spun me around kind of high and I splashed down into a lake and a first responder was right there handing me a beer. I wondered if everyone else was ok. I felt fine

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