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22 Nov 2024

Being Late


I dreamed about a guy I like and we were hanging out and then I was supposed to leave, but somehow I overstayed and I don’t know if I was sleeping in my car or what it was, but he expected me to already be gone. I remember waking up in the dark and carefully walking down the road, hoping that he didn’t see that I was still there and had fallen asleep, because I really didn’t know what was going on with him, and I always felt like he was hiding something and I didn’t feel comfortable being seen by him. so here I was sneaking away, but walking in the dark down the road away from his house, and then suddenly I was in someone else’s house, and I don’t remember if I knew him, but I was sitting on the couch with nothing around me but either a towel or a blanket and I was talking to this guy and I don’t think anything untoward happened … and suddenly his wife or girlfriend walked into the room and probably didn’t believe that nothing had happened, and so I was hugely uncomfortable and scared and embarrassed, and I tried to tell her nothing happened and I hurried to another room to get dressed so I could leave. But obviously as anyone would, I could tell that she was really angry at me and thought I was the scum of the earth basically. I felt so uncomfortable and unwanted in both situations and I just wanted to get out of there. This is related to something that happened yesterday where a guy I really like, but who seems to always have red flags and be unavailable, didn’t have more time to spend with me on our date and seems to always be in a hurry and there are a lot of trust issues with him.

22 Nov 2024



The first part of my dream I was sitting in front of a community of White Gorillas who were previous humans that converted to being white gorillas and lived in the jungle by the beach. The second dream I had was stumbling upon a spiritual center that seemed to be a Buddhist temple. A nice lady found me outside and told me there will be a lecture happening soon and that I should attend. Do so she gave me a comfortable white furry blanket and sat me down. I sat and waited as lots of Indian kids and some Buddhist monks came filled in the room. Unfortunately the lecture didn’t last long because one of the Indian kids started yelling and scared all the other kids who all ended up crying and screaming and running out of the lecture hall. The Buddhist monks were the only ones who kept their composure. The third part of my dream I introduced myself to some local tour guides to ask what the logistics would be for me and my friend group to go tubing down this river and if we’d have enough time to do it today or if we should wait to do it tomorrow. Based off what the tour guide told me, I decided tomorrow morning would be best. I liked how I was the one in the friend group who was trusted to make this decision The last dream I had was me paragliding over the beach. I was really good at it and would gliding really fast. It was so cool to look over the beach and see how impressed people were of my capabilities




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22 Nov 2024



Last night I dreamt that my older sister, (who is also my mommy sister) and my favorite sister, she told me that if I played a particular gambling game with our cousin, (who we both don't really care for and only tolerate). If I played this game with him, she would rescind her offer of support and money and she would want her money back. This is the second time that I've had this particular dream. But this time when she said it, I said, are you serious? And she said, yes. So I said, fine, then you can take back your credit cards and any and all money you've ever given me because I'm not going to be controlled by anybody. And I got up from the couch in my house and went into my bedroom in my purse, took out my wallet and started looking for any and all credit cards, money, or anything else she ever gave me so I could give it back to her. But I was hurt and the hurt in my dream woke me up before I could actually give it to her.

22 Nov 2024



The last thing I thought of before falling asleep last night was my faithful dog Syd, who I had to euthanize at the beginning of the year. In my dream, he looked youthful and healthy. We saw each other and he bounced over to me, wagging his tail. I sat on the ground and he came and laid his head and front paws in my lap. I was so happy to see him again and I wanted to cherish this moment forever, so I took out my phone and snapped a photo. Upon looking at the photo, I shrieked and threw my phone away from me because to my horror, I saw that he was in an advanced stated of decomp and mummification in the photo, and I immediately realized that I was dreaming and that that’s what he must look like in his little coffin right now. I looked back at this dream reincarnation of him in my lap, and now this version of him looked like the photo. I cried and tried to bring the memory of him back. Slowly, the life in him returned and he appeared healthy again. He looked up at me with his wise, soulful eyes and I wanted to know that he was okay, but instead all I could think of was how badly he always wanted to be with me, and I couldn’t help but feel like I had let him down by not making that his reality while he was here. I am filled with sadness and regret at the way I rushed his last day. I will forever wish I had spent the previous night with him and slept beside him on the floor. I wish I hadn’t medicated him on his last day, despite my good intentions.

21 Nov 2024



I was at this massive resort/festival. With some crocodiles in some parts of the water. There were so many people and dogs. It was also a big big festival. I had lost my friends but found others. My friend cosmo was there and we nearly got together and she told me “I would get with you but I can’t do 2 days a week and you’re leaving soon”. We nearly fucked. Then there was also this women I met and she was like trying clothes in and styling them for her husband like sexy clothes and I had to help her. All of these guys tried to get in and watch but I got rid of them. Then I think we had sex but her husband left her. Then I saw Tynan my ex, he had got bit by a croc and it turned into a scar. Something like the universe told me to go into a specific hotel room. The door was open. The universe said “he needs help”. I walked in and Tynan was laying there next to a guy. I said I’m sorry and held his hand. He seemed happy to see me. We kissed and fucked and then we went for a swim. He had all of my clothes on and we just jumped in. Then to get out of the deep water, we had to fly up in the vast wind to the hotel room window. He did it first and did it perfect and then I did it and remembered I had done it before with him. I knew how to do it. We got there and we talked and he told me he wants to be with me and that it can’t end there. There was two other guys trying to get with me too that I had been with before. My friend Eliana who used to be Tynan’s friend said stop remember Tynan’s manipulating. I looked up at Tynan’s face and he had a smirk.

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