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Dream Meanings – page 187

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11 Oct 2024

Waking up


I was in a school reunion, and I was having fun. This one girl made a project or smtng and wanted to show me it, so we left the room where everyone was at and went down the hallway to one of the classes. The class didn't have many desks and looked very untidy but clean. She showed me a movie of some sorts and I'm all impressed. I even eat gummy bears which I'm not suppose to eat. Then I realize she dissapeared and another guy that was there also dissapeared, so I go back to the room where everyone else was but I find that the door is patched and there's a wall there, I look around the room and I see that I'm in my kitchen. I start going berserk. I say something along the lines of "I lost those years forever", I was sad I couldn't go back to highschool and be a teenager, since I'm not shy anymore. I start breaking stuff in my kitchen and then I fall to the floor on my knees. Then I wake up inside my dream and check if the damage done was real or not. It wasn't real so then I actually wake up.

11 Oct 2024

Abandoned home


I was in a huge cottage with a bunch of people I didn't know and my dad, and there were people my age and they were all playing some weird game or something where you have to do something which I don't remember anymore, but I just know that I kept on climbing out windows and stuff and I kept running away from others because I got extremely angry and depressed every time I was in the bigger group... There was only one guy which was always running after me and trying to calm me down, he was so sweet... I found him really nice, but he kept spending time with others too, and it made me feel like he doesnt like me as much as I liked him... And then there was someone else, who I saw going for a shower, and I went to bring him something he forgot, and I had to be naked too, because I had to go in the water to reach him, and after I brought it to him, he told me I'm beautiful, which made me feel really flustered... And then I played a weird version of hide and seek with my teacher? where he was seeking with his eyes closed... But he always found me anyways I'm bad at hiding I suppose... But I was hiding throughout the village, not only in buildings...




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11 Oct 2024



I was in a grocery shop and then I went outside with my family and we went on a hike... And we went along a river... And we came to a spot where there was a bunny in the woods... And it was looking at us... And then there was another bunny in a bear trap... So I helped it... And they lead us to their nest... Where were tiny bunnies and we were camping there with them, because I was afraid that they'd get hunted by something or someone since one of them was still injured from the trap... And then we kinda suddenly appeared at my grandma's house... And we kept them inside the house... But suddenly we were protecting little birds instead of bunnies? My brain prob forgot what it was supposed to be already and just thought of something else but... THE DREAM WAS SO ANXIOUS because I KEPT WORRYING ABOUT THEIR SAFETY because sometimes just one of the tiny bunnies/birds got lost and I had to go find it and bring it back to the nest...

11 Oct 2024

Abandoned home


so I'm in a castle there's lightning it also looks like a school built in with the castle so it's like Hogwarts like one of those old classic like gothic-y type settings it's giving dark academia and I am hiding okay scratch that before that I am an angel of sorts apparently and I have a boy with me and I'm hiding him and myself from the student committee members or like the school prefect or the teacher whoever it is that like basically like regulate stuff in the school And in front of school because(it’s built on some steep hill or mountain edge) there is a valley or like a steep slope it kind of looks like the one from Sekiro the game(Set in Medieval Japan, warring period; fantasy-action) And I'm basically camouflaging myself and the boy, covering him with my wings or whatever and basically camouflaging my whole self and just like my surroundings as the grass on the mound, like the shifting scapes at the bottom of the valley. Because everything around me is basically just flora and fauna. And one of them who came down to search basically like pokes where I am(me) with a staff or whatever out of suspicion, but I don't react and they, yeah, go away with a pompous ‘hmph’. So this scene kind of changes tonight abruptly(we’re still at the same place though), and I basically like fly the boy back to his dorm sector in the castle. It’s raining, I think. Yeah it is also like thundering and stuff; it's a whole ass storm, yeah, but it's raining, it's nice. Like the castle, like the silhouette of it it looks like it's kind of faintly glowing blue, pale blue? I don't know, maybe it's the lightning doing the tricks on my eyes. and now it's like 2 in the morning like 2 22 a.m. or whatever angel numbers and there's like a sound of some kind of an instrument that wakes everyone up. yeah and it's still raining, it's kind of stormy. And I'm in like this room right, when(I suppose I'm back to being human somewhat) there's like a guy's voice announcing that like some “The Angel (whatever-their-name-is) is here; sing the hymn, bring your petitions everyone” and like everyone is gathering to like the room that I was sleeping in. Apparently I was like sleeping in like a communal lounge or whatever but it does look like a solitary room so I don't know. Kind of stony, kind of medieval, kind of looks cold. The kind that you would see in like folkloristic illustrations of a castle where there's like knights and like princesses and stuff, you know what I mean? And like the angel is here? everyone is gathered, like everyone is in a line or whatever to, like, basically get their petitions heard, And like the angel? Oh my god, they look so like ethereal. Loke they're blue pale like glowing apparition of some kind of like a tall figure; there's like faintly like a silhouette of some wings behind it it's beautiful. And like when it’s my turn, I ask them how I can get good at magic and astrology. They ask me where my north node and my south node is. My north node is in the 9th, my south node in the 3rd. He tells me to go ask Haiaiel, another angel. When I tell him that I have my moon and mercury in my 9th house. And because I have my Jupiter in the 3rd house and in the sign of Libra. And because it's retrograde, he tells me to basically let go of my need for control. And to sort of basically depart from what I think is a dogmatic way of thinking. Even if I might think that I am an unconventional person on a conscious level. There still is that level of perfectionism and dogmatism and this fixation with control. He tells me to look to my 5th house and my 7th house, the houses that are like 2 apart from each other measuring from 3rd and the 9th house. I ask him what if I had my Pluto in my 5th house. He basically tells me to not be afraid, be courageous about taking an unconventional path when it comes to your creativity, that is your magic, arts, and whatever inspires you to live in your life. He also tells me to like pay attention to the way I use my creativity as like this source of subconscious and unconscious power, a means for control in my life, an upheaval, to accept that okay there are some extreme sides to me but to not be afraid of it because being afraid of it and repressing it only makes it come out in a more maligned way. When I tell him that I have my Neptune in my 7th house as well as my Chiron, the asteroid. He tells me to tap into it basically. Use the imagination that you have and you use to romanticize, glamorize, and idealize your interpersonal relationships and your limerence into your creative activities. And that includes magic. magic is all about subconscious beliefs and all that the efficacy of it at least is. so the fantasy component, the depth, use it. The moon and mercury in my ninth house as well as my north node basically tells me to follow what your inner guidance, your intellect and my intuition tells you to do. Like sure your foundations could be built on the like the traditional approach that, you know, your Jupiter facilitates in your learning it, but to define what really works You you, you have to do it yourself. you have to take the initiatives. You have to try and fail you have to be courageous; have not like any sort of fixed way of thinking without carefully evaluating it. And even then do question alway. Hone in on the clarity your inner intellect and voice provides. Practice trusting your intuition. Practice discernment between you know what is conscious and subconscious. Also he just like basically really really just pushes me to like seek Haiaiel’s guidance. And after that I basically thank him and go away, and he moves on with answering everyone else's petitions and questions and prayers, yeah. And I watch from the bed.

10 Oct 2024



I was at a store shopping and my mom was there but I was at this little display table trying to pick out the perfect tiny pumpkin for her as a little Halloween gift cause we both like Halloween a lot and some guy came and was like "here I'll get you the perfect one" and it was actually a small chunk of corn on a cob and then he walked away and I kept looking and eventually found this little tiny jack-o-lantern and I found my mom on a bench with her ex husband cause they were still together in the dream and she didn't want to move cause she felt sick cause she was pregnant (like early on when you get morning sickness but the bump hasn't quite formed yet) and I gave her the lil pumpkin and she loved it and then I was sitting in the back seat on the drive home with my dad and thinking about what kind of brother I would be and how far of an age gap me and my sibling would have and then we had to swerve to dodge a car wreck and we stopped cause there was a lady on the ground and her face had a huge cut on the cheek (sorta like the slit mouth woman legend) but when we got out to help her she insisted that we come down to her level instead of helping standing up and we got the idea that something was off so we went back to the car and the lady got up and pulled the wound off her face cause it was fake and she was trying to scam us into something sketchy and then we ended up somewhere with some other family members and one of them was fighting with his dad cause he always said he'd only have one drink and it was never just one and eventually it got bad enough he punched his dad in the face and went inside and to the attic to find his mom and then someone needed our help getting thier birds cause they were a bird vet or something and the birds couldn't survive on their own cause the hurricane was coming and as we were in this attic trying to find the birds I had the realization that it could hit our house if it was getting so close and I asked my dad in these exact words "is the hurricane gonna destroy our house" and he just said "yes" and I hugged him (in real life we are in a state the doesn't get hurricanes if anything we get tornadoes and they usually dont get too bad) and eventually when we did get back to the house I was trying to figure out what to bring while evacuating and I grabbed all the Christmas presents I made and some clothes and a few of my valuable items that I'm sentimental about, and then I found my cat and grabbed him while my grandma got her dog and I told my dad to grab the other cat and he got her and the little box got put in the car last and then we left.

10 Oct 2024



I was at a hotel for my bridal shower. At first, it was just me and my parents there. My mom called the front desk to make a reservation for dinner at the hotel’s restaurant. We got down there and I ordered first. I ordered pasta. Slowly people began showing up. At first it was people I knew coming in. But more and more people started to flood in. We were in a big conference room type of deal. I was very stressed out. Servers kept coming to the table, bringing other people food or appetizers, which was making me angry and upset because this was my bridal shower and I ordered first. There was nothing one waitress who came and asked me something that I couldn’t understand at first because it was like she didn’t know English. But she repeated herself and said “do you accept validations?” as in compliments. She complimented me in someway, but I was too stressed to even care, so I just said okay. I remember going around the room and the long tables and not knowing anyone and it was just getting crazy in there. It was like I was lost. I tried to go speak to the manager but I didn’t feel safe. It felt like she was going to try to kill me, so I brought someone with me. The manager was dismissive and didn’t care what I was saying. I also didn’t know who I was marrying. I assumed it was my girlfriend, but it wasn’t clear at all. Everyone was ignoring me and it was a mess. I woke up from the dream because I was trying to kick someone in the dream and then I kicked in real life. I fell back asleep and it was like the same dream started over, except I got the “behind the scenes” version. It was kinda the same, but then I was at some movie theater concession and there was no one there except the employees. One of them started to give me oral sex and then he called the other worker over so she could do it as well. I felt like I was being assaulted. I called my girlfriend’s cousin and told her in Spanish what was happening so she could come save me. I remember waking up again from trying to kick.

10 Oct 2024



It seemed like I was in a different dimension or something. I felt like I was in a little boys body of different ethnicity but me and my mom (who was also different from my real life mother) were at my real life grandmother’s house. Living there I assume. She put some food for herself in the microwave and told me to tell her when it was done. She in the meantime was doing something in her room. Some people came to the front door and I think I new them so I let them in. But there was also a couple of figures I wasn’t familiar with at the side door. My mother in this dream was in the den and after remembering about the figures at the side door, I ran to her and pointed in the direction of the side door. She and the people I were familiar with started walking towards the side door but it seemed like the man and his colleagues waiting there had let themselves in. I don’t remember what happened in between but my mother ended up on the floor to the den and the man who let himself in was aggressive towards my mother. He then looked at me and said something like “I know a couple who would love you.” Something along those lines. He was trying to take me away from my mother so I held onto her for dear life. But then to goad me to go with him to protect her, he stuck a knife through her right eye and I saw nothing but the socket for a couple of seconds before her eyeball returned to place while she screamed in pain. Not wanting her to go through any more pain, I extended my hand out to the aggressive man who took it and started to drag me with him. Then I was stomach first on a table and thats where the dream ended.

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