Dream interpretation about Darkness, Train, House, Skating, Woods, Furniture, Festival
I had a dream where I went to go visit a friend who lives in Florida but in this dream it was kind of like dystopian or futuristic instead of like flying to Florida or whatever it was I was waiting for a train like a monorail type thing to come and pick everybody up but we had a specific deadline on some things and the train was never on time even the train that had gone before was never on time and so it was really stressful and then eventually the train came but it was like a double-decker train there were two levels and then with his mother and his father and they had three separate bedrooms but the house was really dark no lights were on really and in his room in particular the TV was at a strange angle compared to the bed and there was like this one long what looked like a light bulb type thing that was behind the TV and the TV was really a big and bulky TV and the house was old and had a bunch of like really old furniture but there was this light that was behind the TV that was like basically it looked like a small column type thing and turns out it was like a heat lamp and I remember asking him why do you have a heat lamp back here it's so hot I could feel my body warm up and he said he's always cold and then it was like I had to go because I could only spend a small amount of time over there because I had some other place I had to get to and then I don't know or remember how I got to this other place but this other place was like a really interesting like flat bed area of like rocks and dirt or something and people were roller skating through all of this and somehow also it was like a festival or something and there was a thing where people were pushing random chairs or couches or sofas on this surface that looked like dirt but somehow was smooth enough for people to skate on and push furniture on without any resistance and I remember I was pushing this like long three person white couch with a person who I used to be friends with back in high school and haven't seen or talked to in almost a decade and we were going around turns and everything and I remember specifically taking the turns a bit too wide because they had barriers around the roller skating area made with like long branches and wood and trees and most of the turns were like because there were so many people it was hard to take the turns around the rink like perfectly people would be going out of bounds all the time even while pushing their chairs or couches and I remember at one point we had come around and took a turn too wide and then we got stuck halfway into some woods and I remember her specifically saying oh well maybe I think people end up over here because they have to pee and there's nowhere for them to go to the bathroom and I was like maybe and then eventually went back out onto the rink but I decided to leave the couch and then I went around some turns and was just kind of free skating forwards and backwards but still taking turns a bit too wide for some reason and it was very freeing then I woke up
Dream date:
24 Feb 2025
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