9 Nov 2023
Thank you. I had a dream that the plane was crashing and before that plane was crashing there was a man that was on the road and when he was on the road it was like a car coming towards some chaos and then he got out and managed to get missed by it just by a sec like just by a little bit and it was crazy and his face got hit and it was a little bit deformed but he just barely missed death and he seemed to be okay just like he broke his nose or something and then another car came by and some things fell on his legs. And then after the things fell on his legs, we were trying to call the ambulance. And I was like, damn man, it's like destiny's after you, and you just keep missing it by a little bit. And when I said that, people started yelling that a plane is crashing. And then we saw a plane above that was heading for a crash, and then it crashed a bit away in the forest. And then directly in that moment, there was a huge explosion. And from the explosion, there was right away coming some things like a piece of paper that was on fire from the sky, and it fell to my hair, and I had to remove it so it doesn't burn me. Then people yelled to cover ears to not get hit by the sound aftwr wave. I saw it coming and I ran to find a place inside but didn’t make to find one in time so I covered my ears and sat there in fetal position. I then realized that my dog Czarek who is dead in real life but appeared in my dream and was sad and looked at me scared. I grabbed and hugged him and covered his ears instead. When the Sound wave came it was crazy. I heard nothing but a peeping in my ears. Czarek liked my face to make me feel okay but I was terrified. I then looked around to see if there is anywhere to hide and saw some people in a car. Grabbed czarek and started running that way. I then woke up feeling terrified and like the dream meant something. It was crazy.. the silance of the chaos.