Dream Meanings – page 1625

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27 Nov 2023



I had history class and we were talking about exaggerated stories and how stories change over the years. There was this historical figure that had a long legend about how he was born before earth, walked among dinosaurs, but was also a founding father. We discussed if he was a real person or not. I had a long debate with the teacher about it until I had to stay after class and get a pass to my next class which took him a while to get. So while I was waiting for him to get me the pass, his second period class started. I quickly realized my old school's classmates were in his 2nd period class. It freaked me out a bit, but I stayed. They greeted me, including my ex. My ex even asked if I was OK and I said yeah, I was just staying after class because I wanted to talk to the teacher ab the subject I liked. Then he sayed, ok bye, I love you and I said it back even though I don't like my ex.




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27 Nov 2023



I had a dream about my ex breaking up with his wife and wanting to come and be with me. Then the dream shifted to where it was a real, real bad storm and four of us was inside of a hotel room and one of the ladies that was in the room with me decided she was going to go out on the balcony and try to address the tree and as she was addressing the tree it fell over but she fell down onto another tree which allowed her to not fall completely and then she climbed onto that balcony and basically was saved but the tree fell over. Some of the main points I remember is the storm because it was really, really heavy, trees falling over, a raspberry tea that I seemed to like for some reason. The light inside of the hotel, it was bright and then like two bulbs went out and only one was lit so the room became like real dim. Also, with my ex, he like said that his wife had followed us a couple times and we didn't know or whatever, but they were supposed to be splitting up, but he had wanted to try to trick her to make her think that me and him wasn't still seeing each other or around each other.

27 Nov 2023

My crush


I was in a nice apartment with white / off white walls and mainly brown and white furniture. The building complex itself was like a pale yellow with white trim / decoration. I was going about my business when I look out the window at an identical building and see Ben (my crush, a ballet dancer with a skinny but fit body, white skin, brown fluffy hair, blue eyes, handsome face) and another woman (dark skin, dark curly hair almost in an afro, brown eyes?, very pretty) in their own apartment through their window. The dream kind of cuts around so it's just me looking at him through the window on different days. I think I was also hearing his voice in the dream kind of narrating like he was reading aloud the messages he was sending me in the dream / explaining what he was doing. There was also one point in the dream where i was outside on the ground floor / courtyard area of the apartment complex and I was kinda sneaking around to maybe try and run into Ben so I could talk to him alone, but I never saw him. On one of our last "meetings" in the dream, he tells me how pretty i looked all dressed up the other day, and that they both really enjoyed seeing me through the window. The dream cuts one last time to the inside of my apartment where me and Ben are sitting on the floor of my living room against the wall. I think our hands might have brushed together at one point but I mainly remember just seeing him so close and looking into his eyes.

27 Nov 2023



I had a dream that I was some sort of cosmos scientist born on earth who was preparing for my very first mission in space. The dream was taking place in the future with humanity having much more advanced technology. The purpose of my and some others mission was to try out the new transportation system, that was a yellow cart on tracks connecting to a far away planet. While we were traveling in the cart all excited to visit the new planet, we started hearing strange noises. It was dark in the tunnel we were in but the cart had windows so I could see someone or something run and jump around the cart. Suddenly it ripped open the back of the cart and murdered the person sitting closest to it. A blood bath started. I don't remember how I got back to earth, but I was the only person from that trip who survived. I was back on a underground station with my male partner whom I loved very much when someone strtaed shooting. Through my somehow new gained super senses and vision I could see through the thick cement walls and I could see the human-bodybuilding-monstrosity only shooting at people who were running away. So in that moment I got an idea and told my partner to please follow my lead. I pretended to be dead on the corner of the floor and he did as well by laying on me face to face. The creature passed us by and continued to shoot those running. And then it got quiet. The creature stopped near us and started looking in our direction. It went up to us, took my partner by his hair and shot him in the face. Then it left. I remember waiting and then rolling my partner on the side, he was still breathing. He spit out the bullet and a lot of blood and looked into my eyes with an accusing look. I didn't know what he wanted to tell me but then he passed away. The next moment I remember I found myself back on the surface, finding myself among some of my old classmates and teachers, they were trying to escape as the chaos erupted. Everyone were screams, fire and smoke. People were running left and right. Another creature appeared and started killing people, this time with its own bare hands. I tried protecting the people but the only person I managed to save was myself. So I started running into the direction of my parents house. Hoping I would get to them before the creatures did. While getting there I was discovering my new powers. My senses were so much stronger, I could even float a few meters off the ground. As I got to our house I was thankful to find my parents still alive. We ran into a nearby sort of ship container/bunker among other people to survive. As we got there I realised that I could make myself and the people of my choosing invisible. Invisible to both humans and the creatures. However there was one person who could still see us. A pregnant woman (in the dream she was the American actress Lily Rabe) who was known for having a bad reputation in town because she claimed to see spirits and such. But she could see us. One of my female coworkers who was a soldier at the space company I was working for looked into my direction and just shook her head as in saying "no I cannot see you, I don't know why she can". In that moment a bunch of people including the creature barged into the container. I wanted to protect everyone so badly I discovered a new power: I could create a force shield around me and the people I wanted to protect. Whereas the creature started shooting laser beams out of its hands. And then I woke up.

27 Nov 2023



In my dream i walked into a jail to go to a meeting with the heads of the Jail, for that i had to go through a thin tunnel downwards in the back of the jail that was filled with water, when i got to there i was hesitating i stood in the entrance tunnel shortly before the water, a girl came up to me and told me "you should hold onto the rope" and i asked her "how long will i be under water" while i put one hand on the rope, she responded "about 29 seconds and you should use both hands" the tunnel was to thin to swim down so i looked at her and said "i would rather not" she smiled and i got back out of the tunnel. When i walked out of the room that the tunnel was in, one of the inmates pointed a gun at me, he said "I'll let you leave if you can answer me two questions. How many rounts are in your sniper riffel?" I answered "None" the inmates closed in on me and i continued "because i don't have a sniper riffel" and they backed off again. Then there was a small time skip. Zombies were running towards the jail and I closed the entrance door and locked it from the inside, and let down a gate from the top for Extra protection. When I looked around there were a lot less inmates then before. And the entrance halls floor had a lot of black fungus over it. When i walked back and stepped on the fungus it glowed orange and hurt. So i started stepping around it towards two people cornered by the fungus and helped them get out of the entrance hall. Then i saw a different point of few of a one year old and a 3 year old crawling through things, the 3 year old said to the one year old "careful don't make sounds if they hear you it becomes dangerous" then the 3 year old accidentally made something fall over and a older toddler grabbed him and pulled him out while the one year old backed up to not be seen. Then i woke up and went back to sleep after going back to sleep this part repeated: When i walked out of the room that the tunnel was in, one of the inmates pointed a gun at me, he said "I'll let you leave if you can answer me two questions. How many rounts are in your sniper riffel?" I answered "None" the inmates closed in on me and i continued "because i don't have a sniper riffel" and they backed off again.

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