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Dream Meanings – page 1576

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22 Nov 2023



I had a dream today that I was enrolled in a school that was devided into 2 buildings, 2 teams, 2 everything. And the two groups of students were both absolute mortal enemies to the point where they were ready to pull some dangerous and illegal stunts to defeat one another. Now I myself was on the yellow team but for some reason I understood myself very well with both the yellow and the blue team. We also had like actual dorms where we would stay day and night and the guys from the blue team had a secret tunnel between the two buildings and one of them actually trusted me enough to show it to me, but he made me promise to not tell anyone ever about it. The school even had regular soccer games where the two teams would play together and I would always watch my friends from both the yellow and blue team. I hated the fact that those two were such enemies because I genuinely liked both and was trying to find a way to change things. I was very interested in the guys from both team yellow and blue but if they knew I liked them both they would've probably killed each other. As I was following one of them through the secret tunnel and got out on the other side of the school for the first time, I woke up.




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22 Nov 2023



I got into trading/selling spider venom with a special friend.. The person doing the trade would get bitten by the spider and when got to buyer you have vials of blood taken and then antidote, then item traded or money ,,, Our group was the most popular and by end we had 1000"s of members. But one day something went wrong and my bestfriend wasnt given the antidote the took all and filmed her death, it was awful i died inside we changed the way we did things as my bestfriend told me to take her place with everything and she knew that me and her boyfriend were in love! She gave us her blessing as we loved her and were always loyal to her. And never hurt her by getting together in anyway.. We shared few kisses but nothing else,. Now we had to find the peeps who took our bestfriend away, she did nothing we did nothing never ripped anyone off never hurt our spiders that we would breed too. It took years to get out plan in place, as we wanted them all even the one recording!! Our plan was perfect we all got to our places (but we never had venom to trade we had to be 100% clear for our plan to work.. We carried 5 spiders each group (10 killers in all as this video was made for a tv show illegal tv show) Each group let the spiders out and let them bite the killers we waited for al the venom to start its magic, then locked all windows, doors, they were trapped so we left and let nature do its magic.. We went back 24hrs later called our spiders rang police went home! The papers were covered on what happened the news podcasts every one, the police said they were looking into the crime, 5 years later we were married, still doing what we were doing but went into a shop we did all legit (well most of it). We miss our bestfriend so much her father sent us a letter Thank you for what you did, revenge is sweet especially when you know the crime was out of love! (MY DAUGHTER YOUR BESTFRIEND WILL REST IN HAPPINESS AND YOUR NEVER BE CAUGHT.) Congratulations on your wedding my girl would be happy for you.

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