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29 Dec 2023



A ball of blackness was rolling down the hallway. This ball contained nothing and everything. It was scary. I felt like it was trying to suck me in. I felt like it was emptiness and inside of it were like little minions wrapped up together and they were laughing.

29 Dec 2023



I can't remember all of the details, but I know that is involved my ex-boyfriends, some of which have raped me in the past, but the dream wasn't about them, yet just seeing them brought back those negative feelings. It was a weird scenario where they were Ron Stoppable from the show Kim Possible and I was Kim, but every time I interacted it was a different partner but I knew that they were that character. Then when it got to my current partner he was very sad kept giving me random things I flipped through a book and it had a lot of love letters but I didn't read I just know they were addressed to me. We made up and then we were in a big country house where somebody was getting married but there was no bride or groom just a lot of people in formal wear and we were expected to be the same. There was a cherry blossom tree and it was very nice. Then I dreamt that I was doing my normal job, which is working in a special needs school, but I was working with children I'd never seen before and girls, where my school is a boys-only school. I was the only person that noticed a very small girl trying to leave. Her name was very long and sounded a bit like hyperbole. Anyway, I was the only person who saw her trying to leave, so I went after her. She started running towards a very, very busy road. I followed, I was very stressed trying to dodge and duck. I didn't get hit and neither did she, but we got to the other side which was full of flowers. I, doing my job, tried to get her. She of course resisted and ran away back into the road, this time she got hit and run over, especially on her legs, there was a lot of screaming and I was very distraught because that was not what I wanted to happen. She then started blaming me, saying I was the reason that she got run over, but she wouldn't have got run over if she was in a safe place to begin with. There was a lot of guilt at the end of the dream.




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29 Dec 2023



We are actually going to go into the haven on our spy bet. Been through this before, have to get me to call. Police as nurses behind us at the stoplight. Playing spy poker. Being in the back of the van and having to bet to gamble on the driver taking pictures. If I thought he was going to get the shot. Grab my hand and dance with a middle aged Asian man. Laughing so hard at some white boys high laughter asking dumb questions and fill of acne. All smoking roaches. We got out of the van and I was vulnerable, I think because someone had vomited all over my clothes. I left the vomit instead of cleaning it because I needed to prove it was there later. There was a fat boy who offered to give me his over-layer of clothing, underneath he had red latex pants that I cheered him on for wearing. Me and Reed were driving from an apartment complex over beautiful hills into a stairwell where he was doing acid with litzy, Abby, and before then two girls one bottle online. We were trying to get out of this auditorium through the stair well. Two drunk girls were sweating and stumbling and tripping and crawling up so many stairs until they got to this stuck place full of candy. It was familiar, I knew they couldn’t go any further. We placed Ken doll house on the colorful sand, we were looking for my Guinea pig onion up there. I mean meatball, but we called him onion. Seated at a table, Prof Yuen got upset With reed. I don’t know why, but she pushed all of my M&Ms off the table and I told her they were Chinese currency yuan. We were in a huge auditorium because they were giving two speeches. The transition from the water slides. The fat boy and curly’s little sister. Her older brother preached Jesus. There was a lucid moment where I was walking with three other people, I told the boy of color to my right that we couldn’t tell the two others they were dreaming because then I would wake up.

28 Dec 2023



There was an Apple phone update my son and I did. It messed up our phones and crossed our info up. He had all my shouldn’t be seen photos and I had his as well. I was very confused. I dreamt my stepdad was in the house in my dads chair at my childhood home. I looked out the living room window and there were 2 cars outside and clothes were all over the road. Mostly black in color. I went outside and people were arguing but I don’t know what they were saying. There were 3 cars and I assumed 2 were in an accident but I don’t really know. People were angry. Someone may have had a pool noodle. I woke up with that word in my mind. Everyone then drove away except one group of people who had garden furniture and one man began to lift it and the people as if he was going to carry it all (including the people). I went back in the house which was my childhood home and my mom was on the phone with my friend Janine talking about the Apple phone update and her x husband. (My mom has passed) I sat on the couch put my hand between the cushions and pulled out a spoon and something else that I forgot now it may have been a fork. I started to tell Janine who was on speaker about the mess the update made on me and my sons phone. Somewhere along the line before the phone call my son and I figured out that his phone had all my stuff in it my phone had all his. Like things were transferred incorrectly. We had to turn off our phones then turn them in again for the info to go to the correct phones. Mine turned into an iron man figure and his turned into a Spider-Man figure. 🤦🏽‍♀️ I told Janine that if her and her x do the update this could happen and it would case her x a lot of frustration and anger and to be careful. I was about to pick up the phone and take her off speaker to talk to her privately but that’s when I woke up. I also dreamt about making a bed in a bedroom with plum colored sheets and a fluffy comforter and fluffy big pillows

28 Dec 2023



I was at some sort of camp or conference and I was younger like in my 20s. There was a guy there who I thought was pretty cute and I was talking with him but then somehow we had a misunderstanding and an argument and I was really sad. I cried to my friends because I was so unhappy about this. Then, later in the dream, he and I apologized and were laughing about the argument and then we were a couple. At one point we went back to my room and were sitting on a porch talking when all of a sudden my parents came home which was weird in the dream because they didn't actually live there at least not at first. So it was kind of awkward, but I introduced the guy to my parents. Then I had to say goodbye to the guy because camp was over and I had a long drive through the mountains.

28 Dec 2023



I was inside of this scary, ominous, house. I couldn't see anyone or anything but there was something, or someone, watching me. I'm in a furnished atick. I'm laying in a big bed. There's an old man to my left, and his son who's in his early 40's to my right. The house is still creepy, but for whatever reason I feel comfortable with them. I turn while laying in bed to talk to the son, and the older man stabs me in the back of my neck with a freezing cold needle. I ask him why he did that, he tells me that I'm sick, and he did it to make me feel better. The dream changes. It's the early 1900's. I'm in some European country in a communist society. I live with my mother (a pretend mother, not my mom in real life) and apparently I'm a lesbian. I get to my house and theres a woman there who stayed the night. I'm very poor. Since it was a communist society, the government would drop off the supplies you're allowed for the day. I had to hide the fact that the woman was in my house. I had 2 adorable kittens. The supply delivery man knocks on the door with 2 brown paper bags, and it turns out it's just kitten food. The kittens are mean as hell, and they start scratching, biting and attacking me for their food. I tell the woman I wasn't dropped off any groceries, but that I have a little food upstairs. All I have is 2 pieces of toast, an English muffin, butter, and milk. I toast and butter the 2 slices of bread and English muffin, put them on the table, then she starts eating them. She obviously didn't stop to think that food was for both of us. She then says something about finances, to which I respond to her by letting her know that what she's talking about applies to my boyfriend. I told her my boyfriend would be here soon, and not to say anything to him about the finances. Then I wake up.

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