Dream interpretation about Killing, Enemy, Exam, Friends, Following, Secret, School, Game, Group, Tunnel, House, Reason, Guy, Point, Side, Yellow, Dorm, Soccer
I had a dream today that I was enrolled in a school that was devided into 2 buildings, 2 teams, 2 everything. And the two groups of students were both absolute mortal enemies to the point where they were ready to pull some dangerous and illegal stunts to defeat one another. Now I myself was on the yellow team but for some reason I understood myself very well with both the yellow and the blue team. We also had like actual dorms where we would stay day and night and the guys from the blue team had a secret tunnel between the two buildings and one of them actually trusted me enough to show it to me, but he made me promise to not tell anyone ever about it. The school even had regular soccer games where the two teams would play together and I would always watch my friends from both the yellow and blue team. I hated the fact that those two were such enemies because I genuinely liked both and was trying to find a way to change things. I was very interested in the guys from both team yellow and blue but if they knew I liked them both they would've probably killed each other. As I was following one of them through the secret tunnel and got out on the other side of the school for the first time, I woke up.
Dream date:
22 Nov 2023
Emotional tone:
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