Dream interpretation about Died, Blood, Falling, Leaving, Friend, Moving, Eye, Reason, Forest, Looking, Snow, Walking, Ask, Staring
I was walking in a snowy forest looking for my friend. He kept texting me over snapchat but it felt off and weird, like it wasn't him. He would very specifically ask for my location and be weird about it. Night falls and I still haven't found him so I went under some branches and found myself in a very mini-clearing with an exit that was too dark to see in but was definitely walkable. I sit there waiting while my phone slowly dies. I tell "my friend" about the clearing and he says DO NOT MOVE but I end up leaving for some reason. I come back and there's a lit campfire, blood everywhere, and writing in the snow saying "HERE". I look into that dark exit from before and see eyes staring back at me, then I wake up.
Dream date:
22 Nov 2023
Emotional tone:
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