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22 Nov 2023
Jag såg en bebis sätta i halsen men föräldrarna reagerade inte. Bebisen öppnade bara munnen större och större. Långsamt började den se mer och mer ut som en krokodil, och ju längre den inte fick luft så blev den vitare och vitare. Efter en liten stund hade den ett stort krokodilgap och då reagerade föräldrarna och slog den i ryggen. Då sjönk hela ansiktet ihop igen och blev hängigt och slappt. Sedan vaknade jag.
So my dream had two parts I can't remember if it was two separate dreams or if it was one whole dream. The "first part" of my dream I was in my house with my sisters one year old I'm pretty sure I was babysitting her and Ayla (my sisters baby) kept on triping and falling down as she was trying to walk around the house and at one point she fell and hit her head really bad and then she started crying but like a silent cry and her face turned purple and I cradled her like a baby and held her but the weird thing is that this was almost normal and I was completely fine with all of it. Ok now for the "second part" of my dream or second dream. So me and some of my friends (I can't remember who) were in target buying stuff for ether Thanksgiving or Christmas and my friends cept on trying to steal stuff when we were checking out but I kept on stopping them and that's all I can remember from that little dream
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Ho sognato di andare in un ospedale per operarmi (cosa successa realmente da poco) ma non si capiva bene dove andare, poi l'ospedale è diventato un mix con un centro commerciale e sono finito anche dentro un camerino. C'era con me mia mamma che a tratti si sostituiva con la mia compagna. Salendo infine su questo ospedale strano ho trovato l'ingresso del reparto di chirurgia ma un medico è venuta a dirmi che l'intervento era saltato per via di esplosioni avvenute in giornata
I had a dream I got to adopt four puppies for free. One of them I didn’t like and went to go get rid of it but a cat attacked it. I also saw my old best friend. I miss her
Ho sognato di essere nel giardino di casa mia e di guardare il panorama che ho da lì insieme a mia madre e mia nonna mentre mio padre è mio nonno erano in casa. Il cielo è nuvoloso ma silenzioso. Provo una sensazione strana, tipo preoccupazione, e a un certo punto dalle nuvole compare un grande aereo di linea che precipita con i motori in fiamme, seguito poi da altri aerei in caduta.
Reoccurring dream. I met the girl my boyfriend was dating and I felt that she was better than me. I felt that she suited him better.
J'étais dans un lieux comme le grand canyon ou le désert. J'étais assise avec 2 personnes. Un homme et une femme. On se cachait, nous étions au bout une falaise de sable. La fille s'énerve sur moi pour que je bouche les trous de sable car elle a peur des scorpions. Je me retourne et je trouve une patte sous le sable. C'était un cheval ou un dromadaire. Il était triste. Et pleins de personnes arrivent en courant sur lui. Il me regarde avec des yeux triste . Plus loin, à droite, je vois un autre animal.
Ho sognato che la mia ragazza aveva tre occhi ed era attorniata da tanta gente. Poi si trasformava in un pesce d'oro e si nascondeva sotto il tavolo e io la mettevo in una boccia
I have a reoccurring dream about a house. It is always changing and getting bigger. The basement is empty. Just a little girl crying. The 1st floor is a combination of houses that I've actually lived in. I don't feel safe. The 2nd floor and the attic have beautiful creative rooms. The bathtub has tiny black fish in it but I feel safe and calm in the tub. Sometimes I see outside. It's always snowing. I usually wakeup after running from an unseen monster
That I was given a second chance at being a mom and I had all three of my kids and I was so happy and excited and so thankful. I have them all my attention and never felt burdened at all. But I woke up super sad because it wasn't real 😫
My mother is out of town this month. In my dream she was here but telling me that she was going to be gone next month and would not be here for christmas. In the dream i felt overwhelmed and anxious.
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