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DreamApp provides an answer for what you saw in your dreams immediately after you wake up.

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31 Dec 2023



I had a dream that I went to a theater show and I was being accused of not purchasing my seat to be at the show and my family was at the show in the audience. When I showed the personnel that worked there my ticket, they said they didn't find my ticket and when I looked through my phone to show them my ticket, I had showed up to the show on the wrong day. The date of the show that I was scheduled to be on was March 31st. 3 months after the date i was at the show. While looking through my phone for my ticket, I accidentally showed them a picture of myself nude and they were very upset and accused me of showing them nude photos.




DreamApp: Journal & Dictionary

DreamApp provides an answer for what you saw in your dreams immediately after you wake up.

31 Dec 2023



I came too i could see way more than usual and alex and me where in like the tunels i guess or the hallways of this place, where ever we where i asked him," please tell me where we are?" He doesnt reapond but we continued to mess around but apparently there was a hole i couldnt tell it was a hole because a chair was sucked into it and i still didnt have the best vision. I guess alex was getting sucked into it and he said," hey babe help me" so i went to grab him as he was falling but its like he went right through me. But he landed on his legs somehow on the ground outside, it was very bright but it lookedlike concrete. it was a pretty far fall i thought mhm thats definitely not a humam thing to do. But as i wayches him get farther the guy driving started going really fast, to the point of i didnt think they were going back for him so i started to climb out the damn side. Im guessing the driver didnt like that so he turned around finally

31 Dec 2023



I was in a house, I don't know where I was, but it I felt like Europe. I was in a house with, my partner and her male friend. She had a kid. He was a toddler, I loved him. We had a fight. She said I was inadequate and that I wasn't a good partner, that I never listened to her, that I didn't take interest in her and her hobbies. That we barely talked and didn't really have anything in common anymore. So, they broke up with me and kicked me out. I had an airplane ticket. I had to leave at 6 p.m. to go back to the U.S. I was five minutes from the airport. After what happened, they packed me up a bag and a suitcase and we were at the airport. We didn't drive there. Well, we did, but we were just there all of a sudden. I said, no, I'm going to pack up my things. I'm not going to leave here yet. All of my stuff is still in that room. So, we went back. While I was there, I really needed to use the restroom, so I spent three hours stuck in the bathroom with constipation. My grandparents were there, in that city, I was going to call my grandpa to ask if I could store my stuff at his house. In real life, my granpa is dead.

31 Dec 2023



I had a dream that I was closing roll up doors. But once I got them going the chains were pulling me up before letting me back down. I was scared that I was going to get sucked up into the chain roll but it was also kind of fun. I had to open a roll up door again because there was one I hadn't noticed that was open but closed from the outside because it was behind stuff inside. When I was done I went into a supply closet to put away keys and my ex was in there brooding or something. Apparently in this dream I had a key to his place he was telling me not to go over there because he had company of the female variety but in a way it's like he wanted me to go over there. I felt like he was trying to get a rise out of me but I was just said okay but he didn't ask for his key back. Somehow I ended up on a drivable couch with him and someone else and I'm hanging on for dear life because he is speeding in this driveable couch and there's no seat belts because it's a couch. And that's all I can remember because my melatonin dreams are nonsense.

31 Dec 2023



I went on another cousin trip with Luis and it was like an air bnb where everyone had their own room but we shared the backyard And I had luna ans I was working with her At first it was like a sex party with random people and we were having sex but it stopped And then we had a bunch of people in the sala and it was now my family And we were talking abt how Luna isn't good with other dogs and we need to expose her more and do real training before letting her loose with other dogs But there's other dogs on the trip and we accidentally don't take turns right and luna ends up being in the backyard with another dog and they don't fight but luna is very aggressive And after it turns out that we are in mexico where we are going to the plaza for a party later And I know there's going to be a disaster but we still go And my boyfriend and I make a sign saying the time and place we are leaving so everyone else can see it And we go to the plaza but it starts getting weird real quick There's an announcement that tells us to go home and seek shelter Instead there's this like 3 story house that's not a house but is very very small and we all need to find things to survive with and leave And we end up hearing another announcement that says there's going to be 4 shakes of the little tower we are in and they're each getting more difficult The first one simply holding on is enough but even then we are sliding The next we need to go into a room so that even if we slide we don't fall out but the walls start breaking off The 3rd we end up finding things to tie ourselves down and sitting inside little closets during this round my brother calls me and tells me he fell into the water and tells me to survive and he'll meet me in the building So I come down and try to find him but people are stealing our shit And we overhear another man talking while they are running from something and hiding saying they saw a large black blob and if it sees you it will kills you And I am looking through windows to see if it shows up but I don't see anything Then the wall crashes in and there's 3 zombies coming at my friend but I run to the back room to try to fight them off And then they all come at me so I use my gun to kill them They are all on top of me and at first I'm hitting them with the blunt end but since that doesn't work I hit them with rhe pointy end and it works I look at my leg and in blood there's writing It says that I'm taking too long

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